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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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:D Појавио се први спот апрувд бај Барак Обама. Најбољи је у маркетингу: да је и председник као што је промотер, Америка и свет би били много боље место за живот.

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Најбољи је у маркетингу: да је и председник као што је промотер, Америка и свет би били много боље место за живот.
Nemoj da ste takvi, posebno ne u ovom trenutku.
... this isn't just the right call, it's the brave call. The knock on Barack Obama from many quarters has been that he's too conciliatory. But here, in the face of a naked threat from Big Oil to exact 'huge political consequences' he's stood up strong ...
Bravo za BO.
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Obama Averages 44% Approval in 3rd YearAveraged 43% job approval in most recent quarter in officeby Jeffrey M. JonesPRINCETON, NJ -- President Barack Obama averaged 44% job approval for his third full year in office, which ended Jan. 19. His third-year average is down slightly from his second-year average of 47% and much lower than his first-year average of 57%.
8mrsc49itucsq5790iz_9w.gifMora da popravi ekonomiju ako hoce da pobedi.Nego, meni je zanimljivije sledece:
Conservatives Remain the Largest Ideological Group in U.S.Overall, the nation has grown more polarized over the past decadeby Lydia SaadPRINCETON, NJ -- Political ideology in the U.S. held steady in 2011, with 40% of Americans continuing to describe their views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal. This marks the third straight year that conservatives have outnumbered moderates, after more than a decade in which moderates mainly tied or outnumbered conservatives.
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NC za sad najvise pomenuta drzava u SOTU - CLT dva puta, Raleigh jednom, NC kao drzava jednom :Hail: #battlegroundstateImmigration Reform - znam da je to samo lip service, ali izrazi lica GOP nacosa su priceless :Hail:

It is time to stop rewarding businesses that ship jobs overseas, and start rewarding companies that create jobs right here in America
"Join me in a national commitment to train two million Americans with skills that will lead directly to a job."
The moderators are giving Obama an awful long time to talk, this totally isn't fair to Santorum.
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Kako ne voljeti Barryja? Znamo da je duboko u sebi fašističkoj kravetini htio opaliti šamar, ali jebg, nije smio, Prezdent je.

Brewer defends finger pointing at Obama By Adele Hampton - 01/26/12 11:04 AM ET 120125_jan_obama_ap_3281.jpgRepublican Gov. Jan Brewer said she was "breathless" after a verbal scuffle with President Obama on Wednesday. “I was trying to be very gracious to [Obama] and he just reacted in just a very negative manor of which took me back – kind of left me breathless to tell you the truth,” Brewer said on Fox Wednesday night. Brewer was at the Phoenix airport to greet Obama after he landing in her state but the two ended up exchanging heated words on the tarmac about the governor's book. According to Brewe's account, she handed the president a hand-written letter expressing her willingness to talk about Arizona’s economic progress and border security. But, instead, she said Obama confronted her about how he didn’t like how was portrayed in her book, ‘Scorpions for Breakfast.’ “I had written a hand-written note to him to deliver, welcoming him to Arizona and to thank him for being here and gave him the letter and he immediately took umbrage if you will with the book that I wrote ‘Scorpions for Breakfast’ and was somewhat disgruntled,” Brewer said. Photographers also captured a picture of Brewer pointing her finger at Obama's chest — a photo that has become a rallying cry for opponents of the president who are looking for a conservative politician to take him on. The White House claims Obama said nothing that warranted the finger pointing. “The governor handed the president a letter and said she was inviting him to meet with her,” the administration said in a statement. “The president said he’d be glad to meet with her again, but did note that after their last meeting, a cordial discussion in the Oval Office, the governor inaccurately described the meeting in her book. The president looks forward to continuing taking steps to help Arizona’s economy grow.” Obama appeared to walk away from Brewer in the middle of their conversation, according to the White House pool report. “I said I was sorry he felt that way but I didn’t get my sentence finished,” Brewer said. “Anyway, we’re glad he’s here. I’ll regroup.”
Edited by Roger Sanchez
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kao da joj smrdi iz usta pa se ovaj sklanjainteresantno kako je AZ postala 1 avangarda mrznje, rasizma i antikomunizma (kime, this is your cue to jump in :P)u poslednje vreme. kolko sam primetio cela drzava je nestabilna jer se matorim belcima ne svidja da placaju poreze koji se onda delom trose na meksikansku decu u skolama. they don't like the scenery anymore :D

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