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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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Meni ovaj "sexual harassment" Cain-a zaista lici na politicku namestaljku.U pitanju izgleda jeste bullying, kakvih verovatno ima na hiljade na radnom mestu i koji je tada pravnp razresen. Nista spektakularno.

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tek mi se sad upalila lampica - perry i nigger uopste ne trce za predsednika, oni se samo dobro zajebavaju
To isto vazi i za Newta, Ginekologa™, Michele, i Santoruma. Samo oni nisu toga svesni <_<
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To isto vazi i za Newta, Ginekologa™, Michele, i Santoruma. Samo oni nisu toga svesni <_<
znaci ostali su samo dosadnjakovici - romni&hancman, obzirom da su predsednicki izbori 1 popularity contest /sa ovom dvojicom nikako ne bih pio pivo ili smokabowl; sa perijem&nigerom bi quite a few+hit coupla strip joints/mada i popularnost je precenjena/videti pod bush jr 00/, potrebni su nam veoma nepopularni dweebovi
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Ma i Huntsman spada u tu grupu, samo sto je on dosadnjakovic™ pa ne ume da se opusti i dobro zajebava kao ovi ostali. Sta da se radi, GOP primary je zavrsen pre nego sto je i poceo. Mitt's the shit, that's it.

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"There's a pair of testicles somewhere between the Capital Building and the White House that fell off the president after Election Day," said Davis, an Air Force colonel who spent two years as the chief prosecutor of Guantanamo military commissions, during an interview at his Washington, DC, office over the summer and in email correspondence over the past several months. "He got his butt kicked. Not just with Guantanamo but with national security in general. I'm sure there are a few areas here and there where there have been 'change,' but to me it seems like a third Bush term when it comes to national security."...Davis resigned in protest as Guantanamo's chief prosecutor in October 2007, because he said Bush administration officials politicized the high-profile military commissions cases of alleged 9/11 conspirators and al-Qaeda members he was gearing up to prosecute. Turning his back on military commissions ended his military career. He was denied a meritorious service award because he was told he served dishonorably by speaking out about the tribunals.

http://www.salon.com/2011/11/13/gop_and_tp_on_obamas_foreign_policy_successes/singletonCBS’ SCOTT PELLEY: Governor Romney, recently President Obama ordered the death of an American citizen who was suspected of terrorist activity overseas. Is it appropriate for the American president on the president’s say-so alone to order the death of an American citizen suspected of terrorism?MITT ROMNEY: Absolutely. In this case, this is an individual who had aligned himself with a– with a group that had declared (CHEERING) war on the United States of America....SCOTT PELLEY: Speaker Gingrich, if I could just ask you the same question, as President of the United States, would you sign that death warrant for an American citizen overseas who you believe is a terrorist suspect?NEWT GINGRICH: Well, he’s not a terrorist suspect. He’s a person who was found guilty under review of actively seeking the death of Americans.SCOTT PELLEY: Not– not found guilty by a court, sir.NEWT GINGRICH: He was found guilty by a panel that looked at it and reported to the president.SCOTT PELLEY: Well, that’s ex-judicial. That’s– it’s not–NEWT GINGRICH: Let me– let me– let me tell you a story– let me just tell you this.SCOTT PELLEY: –the rule of law.NEWT GINGRICH: It is the rule of law. (APPLAUSE) That is explicitly false. It is the rule of law.SCOTT PELLEY: No.NEWT GINGRICH: If you engage in war against the United States, you are an enemy combatant. You have none of the civil liberties of the United States. (APPLAUSE) You cannot go to court.

Edited by Gandalf
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"There's a pair of testicles somewhere between the Capital Building and the White House that fell off the president after Election Day," said Davis, an Air Force colonel who spent two years as the chief prosecutor of Guantanamo military commissions, during an interview at his Washington, DC, office over the summer and in email correspondence over the past several months. "He got his butt kicked. Not just with Guantanamo but with national security in general. I'm sure there are a few areas here and there where there have been 'change,' but to me it seems like a third Bush term when it comes to national security."...Davis resigned in protest as Guantanamo's chief prosecutor in October 2007, because he said Bush administration officials politicized the high-profile military commissions cases of alleged 9/11 conspirators and al-Qaeda members he was gearing up to prosecute. Turning his back on military commissions ended his military career. He was denied a meritorious service award because he was told he served dishonorably by speaking out about the tribunals.

http://www.salon.com/2011/11/13/gop_and_tp_on_obamas_foreign_policy_successes/singletonCBS’ SCOTT PELLEY: Governor Romney, recently President Obama ordered the death of an American citizen who was suspected of terrorist activity overseas. Is it appropriate for the American president on the president’s say-so alone to order the death of an American citizen suspected of terrorism?MITT ROMNEY: Absolutely. In this case, this is an individual who had aligned himself with a– with a group that had declared (CHEERING) war on the United States of America....SCOTT PELLEY: Speaker Gingrich, if I could just ask you the same question, as President of the United States, would you sign that death warrant for an American citizen overseas who you believe is a terrorist suspect?NEWT GINGRICH: Well, he’s not a terrorist suspect. He’s a person who was found guilty under review of actively seeking the death of Americans.SCOTT PELLEY: Not– not found guilty by a court, sir.NEWT GINGRICH: He was found guilty by a panel that looked at it and reported to the president.SCOTT PELLEY: Well, that’s ex-judicial. That’s– it’s not–NEWT GINGRICH: Let me– let me– let me tell you a story– let me just tell you this.SCOTT PELLEY: –the rule of law.NEWT GINGRICH: It is the rule of law. (APPLAUSE) That is explicitly false. It is the rule of law.SCOTT PELLEY: No.NEWT GINGRICH: If you engage in war against the United States, you are an enemy combatant. You have none of the civil liberties of the United States. (APPLAUSE) You cannot go to court.

Ovo je strasno. Sta li bi Linkoln i Jefferson mislili o ovom.Interesantno je da je Al Gore u svojoj knjizi "The asault of reason" pre nekoliko godina zestoko kritikovao upravo ovo kriveci Busovu administraciju. Na zalost, izgleda da su promene nastupile u celom drustvu. Ovakvu histeriju i paranoju nisu imali ni oni koji su vodili velike i prave ratove.
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NEWT GINGRICH: If you engage in war against the United States, you are an enemy combatant. You have none of the civil liberties of the United States. (APPLAUSE) You cannot go to court.
Ovo prakticno (i donekle izvuceno iz contexta) znaci: Fuck the Geneva Convention!
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Ovo prakticno (i donekle izvuceno iz contexta) znaci: Fuck the Geneva Convention!
Upravo tako, vracamo se na srednjovekovne metode mucenja.Istina, neki nikad nisu ni odmakli od istih ali kad se zemlja koja je bila nosilac pozitivnih promena vraca nazad, to je zabrinjavajuce.
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