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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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Pa to nije izbegavanje škakljive teme. On kaže da bi pozatvarao ono za šta nema para da se finansira, i onda da primer kako bi ublažio posledice toga u periodu neposredno nakon prekida funkcije do ustanovljavanja novih odnosa u određenoj oblasti - sečom troškova na drugoj strani. Prosto, on bi to sve batalio i šta onda ima da objašnjava hipotetička pitanja "a ako bi ovo, a ako bi ono". Sad, to što neće biti izabran, to je neka druga priča.

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In perhaps the strongest sign yet that Democratic gains in the 2008 election have been wiped out — and aren't likely to return any time soon — a Quinnipiac Poll released Thursday shows President Barack Obama tied with Republicans Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.Obama won the swing state with 53 percent of the vote in 2008, but he is now in a statistical tie with the top-tier GOP candidates.Most troubling for Obama is his approval rating among independent — over 60 percent disapprove of his job performance, up from 54 percent at the end of June. Romney would capture 44 percent of the independent vote, compared to Obama's 35 percent if the election were held today. Perry would tie Obama with 40 percent.Obama would handily defeat Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin in head-to-head matchups.Just 9 percent of Republicans, 85 percent of Democrats and 34 percent of Independents believe Obama deserves to be reelected.
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Wednesday, 14 September 2011US tells Europe to act quickly on euro crisis
Barack Obama delivered some sobering words to Europe this week, saying the world economy will remain weak and destabilised unless EU leaders take action to stem the Euro crisis. It's not the first time the US has expressed frustration with what they say is a slow and inadequate European response to the situation, but the president's words were the most stark to date.
...Few would disagree with the president on these sentiments, but it might be hard to take from a country which almost deliberately drove itself to default because of its broken political system.
[...]Into the abyss has stepped China. Following Obama's comments, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao told the World Economic Forum meeting in Dalian that China would consider 'bailing out' its biggest trading partner, but only if EU countries first "put their own houses in order."
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WASHINGTON — Another 2.6 million people slipped into poverty in the United States last year, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and the number of Americans living below the official poverty line, 46.2 million people, was the highest number in the 52 years the bureau has been publishing figures on it.And in new signs of distress among the middle class, median household incomes fell last year to levels last seen in 1996.
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James Carville on GOP presidential debates:"As I watch the Republican debates, I realize that we are on the brink of a crazy person running our nation. I sit in front of the television and shudder at the thought of one of these creationism-loving, global-warming-denying, immigration-bashing, Social-Security-cutting, clean-air-hating, mortality-fascinated, Wall-Street-protecting Republicans running my country."

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In the book, McGinniss writes that Palin had a one-night stand in 1987 with future NBA basketball player Glen Rice nine months before she married her husband Todd. He quotes a friend who said Palin "had a fetish for black guys for a while." :wub:

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James Carville on GOP presidential debates:"As I watch the Republican debates, I realize that we are on the brink of a crazy person running our nation. I sit in front of the television and shudder at the thought of one of these creationism-loving, global-warming-denying, immigration-bashing, Social-Security-cutting, clean-air-hating, mortality-fascinated, Wall-Street-protecting Republicans running my country."
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James Carville on GOP presidential debates:"As I watch the Republican debates, I realize that we are on the brink of a crazy person running our nation. I sit in front of the television and shudder at the thought of one of these creationism-loving, global-warming-denying, immigration-bashing, Social-Security-cutting, clean-air-hating, mortality-fascinated, Wall-Street-protecting Republicans running my country."
Wall-Street-protecting Democrats running my country."
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Некоћ давно, на овом истом Форуму Обами нису даване никакве шансе у сусрету са Бабетином. Потпуно се иста грешка прави и данас, призива се Мита из Бостона, као прихватљивији него Рики или Мишел. Ошишаће их слонови идуће године, без икаквих проблема.

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Некоћ давно, на овом истом Форуму Обами нису даване никакве шансе у сусрету са Бабетином. Потпуно се иста грешка прави и данас, призива се Мита из Бостона, као прихватљивији него Рики или Мишел. Ошишаће их слонови идуће године, без икаквих проблема.
i meni se cini da ce da padne samaranje surlom.edit: i to onom mapeltropovom.011411-mapplethorpe-04.jpg Edited by kim_philby
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Odgledah sinoćnu Fox-Google debatu iz Orlanda. Mislim da je Rik Peri već bivši. On više ne može da dobije nominaciju.
A i Ginekolog™ dobi konkurenciju u vidu 1 Gary Johnsona. Michele bese slaba i neubedljiva. Huntsman je jedini rekao nesto pametno, a Santorum se ozbiljno nametnuo™ kao najveci fasista od svih njih. Najbolje je kako kad pocne da se prica o imigraciji ili vojnom budzetu ili nekim novim (ili starim) vojnim poduhvatima, cela ta "big government bad, small government good" filozofija odjednom nestane, puf, ostase samo dugmici ;) Herman Cain je odvalio ubedljivo najbljutaviju stvar cele veceri sa onom personalnom pricom kako je pobedio 1 rak, a inace ga ne bi pod Obamacare™. For fuck's sake, covek je milioner moze da kupi sebi privatnu bolnicu, gde ce on da se nagoni sa nekim likom iz HMO ili PPO oko toga kakvu terapiju zasluzuje i koliko % treba da pokrije on, a koliko oni. Publika ovog puta nije hejlovala™ niciju smrt, ali su zato izvizdali vojnika koji se btw javio iz neke kasarne iz iRaqa i koji se outovao kao gay. Nema sta, patriotizam do jaja.
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