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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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moracemo da ih preseljavamo u liberiju ko pre 200 godina. btw, fenomenalna knjiga :wub: the house at sugar beach od helene cooper=>gde god da ih preselis uvek prave sranja :D

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Glen™ je izgleda prodro u srce svih zavjera, i powerz det bi odlučiše da ga maknu sa vašeg dnevnog rasporeda sad.gif

NEW YORK -- Fox News and Mercury Radio Arts, Glenn Beck's production company, are proud to announce that they will work together to develop and produce a variety of television projects for air on the Fox News Channel (FNC) as well as content for other platforms including Fox News' digital properties. Glenn intends to transition off of his daily program, the third highest rated in all of cable news, later this year.Roger Ailes, chairman and CEO of Fox News said, "Glenn Beck is a powerful communicator, a creative entrepreneur and a true success by anybody's standards. I look forward to continuing to work with him."Glenn Beck said, "I truly believe that America owes a lot to Roger Ailes and Fox News. I cannot repay Roger for the lessons I've learned and will continue to learn from him and I look forward to starting this new phase of our partnership."Read more: http://www.foxnews.c...t#ixzz1Imbe3Des
Edited by Roger Sanchez
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El' cemo opet imati 1 Busha za USA prezidenta? :D
Било је занимљиво кад су га ономадрж бирали за губернатора... нека маса, и сви носе натписе где пише JEB! JEB! JEB!
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Ja bih ipak sacekao da vidim koga ce to GOP da nominira.

Those numbers suggest that a lot of the voters who fueled Hillary Clinton's primary victory in the state and then sucked it up and voted for Obama in the general election the last time around haven't been real thrilled with what they've seen from him so far and could split their tickets next year- if the Republicans put up someone who's seen as a reasonable alternative.Obama is basically tied in the state with Mitt Romney, who he trails 43-42, Mike Huckabee, who he leads 45-44, and Rick Santorum, who he leads 45-43. What has to be concerning for Obama beyond those topline numbers is that the Republicans poll competitively with him despite the fact that they themselves are not well liked. Huckabee's net favorability is a -6 spread at 37/43, and Romney and Santorum are both at -10 spreads at 31/41 and 37/47 respectively. The fact that they tie Obama without being all that appealing makes you wonder how much trouble the President will be in here if the party's nomination process actually does result in a strong candidate.Of course the Republicans could bail Obama out- if either Newt Gingrich or Sarah Palin ended up as their party nominee. If their GOP peers are slightly unpopular Gingrich and Palin are positively reviled by voters in the state- Gingrich's favorability is 25/54 and he trails Obama 47-39 while Palin's favorability is 33/61 and she trails Obama 50-39. Obama's looking at a landslide in Pennsylvania and everywhere else for that matter if one of those folks were to somehow snag the nomination

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