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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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Gabrielle update:
Doctors told a news conference on Friday that Ms Giffords was speaking in full sentences, such as "I'm tired and want to go to bed"."I'm very happy to report that she's making leaps and bounds in terms of neurological recovery," Dr Dong Kim said.Dr Kim said that while Ms Giffords did not remember the shooting, she had been told about the event both by her husband and by medical staff."She's very upbeat, focused on getting better. She hasn't shown us depression and she's just been very forward looking and even with the speech she's not showing much frustration," Dr Kim added.
Zasad izgleda sve kao da joj je Bog pomogao personalnom intervencijom. A Demokratica je. Uncanny.
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Šta mislite da li će ovaj fijasko američke spoljne politike koji je doveo to toga da Gadafi nastavi da se smeška imati uticaj na Obamin reizbor?

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Šta mislite da li će ovaj fijasko američke spoljne politike koji je doveo to toga da Gadafi nastavi da se smeška imati uticaj na Obamin reizbor?
Republikanci će 2012 protiv njega koristiti sve što im bude na šveckom stolu.Recimo, primjer - sad ga pritišću (ucjenjuju ustvari) da pošalje na ratifikaciju neke ugovore o slobodnoj trgovini (npr., s Južnom Korejom) koje je ispregovarala Busheva administracija. Ti ugovori će malo pripomoći da on ojadi svoju izbornu bazu, a malo i da oporavak poprati bar još malecko manji porast zaposlenosti. Neće biti jako zapaženo, ali od bits and pieces slaže se slika. Onda će ga 2012 pitati Where the *FuCk* are the jobs, Hussein?, pouzdajući se u glupi narod koji po starom pravilu neće povezivati cause & effects, ni mikro ni makroskopski.
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Šta mislite da li će ovaj fijasko američke spoljne politike koji je doveo to toga da Gadafi nastavi da se smeška imati uticaj na Obamin reizbor?
Nece. Mislim, Roger je u pravu kad kaze da ce Republikanci da ga napadnu zbog toga (isto kao sto bi ga da je intervenisao napadali sto je intervenisao), ali spoljna politika in general nece biti tako veliki faktor u izborima 2012. Fokus™ ce biti na ekonomiji, deficitu, velicini i efikasnosti drzavnog aparata, i slicnim stvarima uglavnom ekonomske prirode. Naravno, nije iskljuceno da ce desnokrilni mamojebi™ iskopati neki wedge issue za slucaj da im se pooll™ brojevi ne svidjaju u datom trenutku.
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Понекад заиста стичем утисак да последње две администрације имају посебан дар да изаберу функционере са чудним презименима. Почев од Бушовог Чертофа (Ђаволов), изређали су се и Кашкари (cash carry) као специјални помоћник секретару ризнице Полсену, Пиштољ (John S. Pistole) на месту шефа управе за безбедност саобраћаја (тј аеродромских кербера)...Овај сад треба да замени неког на месту шефа спољног саветодавног одбора за привреду, човек из Џенерал Илектрика (фирме која је пројектовала НЕ за Фукушиму)... Ја Отопљен - Џефри Имелт.Ил' имају дара, ил' се опако зајебавају.

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Survey: Obama's approval rating at all-time low 42 percentNadam se da ce Obama nesto uraditi jer GOP ima degenerike za kandidate a sa ovako losim rejtingom cak i oni ce pobediti. Jedna zanimljivost vezana za Libiju:
The poll also gave Obama negative ratings on the military action in Libya. Overall, voters oppose the nation's involvement in Libya — 47 percent to 41 percent — and a full 58 percent said Obama has not clearly articulated the goal of U.S. involvement.
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Velike demografske promene u US koje mogu uticati na izbore 2012.Latinosi i Azijati u naletu:US transforming into majority minority nation faster than expected

"Last week’s release of national totals from the 2010 census showed that the minority share of the population increased over the past decade in every state, reaching levels higher than demographers anticipated almost everywhere, and in the nation as a whole. If President Obama and Democrats can convert that growth into new voters in 2012, they can get a critical boost in many of the most hotly contested states and also seriously compete for some highly diverse states such as Arizona and Georgia that until now have been reliably red.""The change over the past decade was especially dramatic among young people. In the new census, 46.5 percent of people under 18 were minority, a dramatic jump from 39.1 percent in 2000. As recently as last summer, demographers projected that minorities would make up a majority of the under-18 population sometime after 2020. At the current rate of growth, however, nonwhites will comprise a majority of children in the United States by 2015. And because of the explosive minority growth in the youth population—the people who will form families and become parents in the coming years—the nonwhite share of the overall population is likely to grow even faster over the next decade, says Brookings Institution demographer William Frey.""Not only the depth but also the breadth of the minority expansion turned heads. From 2000 through 2010, the minority share of the population increased in every state. Four states are now majority minority: Hawaii, New Mexico, California, and Texas. In eight other states, minorities make up from 40 to 50 percent of the population. In 2000, minorities were 40 percent or more of the population in just four states.""Hispanics are the driving engine of this growth. On the national level, Latinos now represent one in six Americans, or nearly 50.5 million in all. That’s up from one in eight, about 35.3 million, in 2000. The Hispanic share of the population increased over the past decade in every state, with dramatic gains recorded not only in Arizona, California, Florida, and Texas but also in Connecticut, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, and Rhode Island. Latinos accounted for a majority of the population growth in 18 states, at least 40 percent of the growth in seven more, and at least 30 percent in five others. In sum, Hispanics fueled about a third or more of the population growth in 30 states.""Even though minorities haven’t maximized their potential impact in the electorate, the sheer weight of the underlying population change has been irresistible. Since 1992, exit polls have found that the percentage of nonwhite voters in presidential elections has more than doubled, from 12 percent when Bill Clinton first won the White House to 26 percent in 2008. Obama got four-fifths of that nonwhite vote, which helps explain how he won the largest share of the popular vote of any Democratic presidential nominee since Lyndon Johnson while winning only 43 percent of whites’ votes.""If the minority share of the vote increases in 2012 by the same rate it has grown in presidential elections since 1992, it will rise to about 28 percent nationally. By itself, that could substantially alter the political playing field from 2010, when the minority vote share sagged to just 22 percent. It means that if Obama can maintain, or even come close to, the four-fifths share of minority votes that he won in 2008, he could win a majority of the national popular vote with even less than the 43 percent of whites he attracted last time."
edit: greska kod ubacivanja linka Edited by Bjesovi
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