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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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Vise se slazem sa Schmelingom nego s Andurilom. :o Andurile, 1 libertarijansko citanje (sasvim na liniji Schmelingovog sarkazma).
Komentariasao sam nekonzistentnost levicarskih stavova koji sa jedne strane hoce mir a sa druge strane big government. To jednostavno ne ide jedno sa drugim. Neka velika drzava ce bez obzira na ideologiju uvek teziti pre ili kasnije i ratovima pa je zato i jedino resenje njeno drasticno smanjenje.
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Pa i to vazi u istoj meri. Obe partije su gotovo u potpunosti podrzavale povecanje drzavnog aparata. Mozda je jedino Klinton tu bio izuzetak ali i to vise zbog taktickih razloga nego zato sto je zaista ideoloski tezio smanjenju. Izmedju sadasnje Obamine i Busove politike u praksi gotovo da nema velike razlike. Distinkcija je jedino u nastupu, retorici i u tome koja interesna grupa ce dobiti veci deo kolaca.

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Pa i to vazi u istoj meri. Obe partije su gotovo u potpunosti podrzavale povecanje drzavnog aparata. Mozda je jedino Klinton tu bio izuzetak ali i to vise zbog taktickih razloga nego zato sto je zaista ideoloski tezio smanjenju. Izmedju sadasnje Obamine i Busove politike u praksi gotovo da nema velike razlike. Distinkcija je jedino u nastupu, retorici i u tome koja interesna grupa ce dobiti veci deo kolaca.
:Hail: Ovo vam je ono srBovsko-antiglobalisticko-prvosrpsko "ma nema bre tu nikakve razlike, Demokrate i Republikanci su isti qrac, nema veze ko pobedi na izborima sve ce biti isto" prevedeno na fin i demokratski jezik Druge Srbije.
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TBone ti je odgovorio najbolje moguce.Inace, WTF, u onom sto je meni (kao neamerikancu) najbitnije, R i D jesu identicni. A to je volja za vojno prisustvo u 150 zemalja sveta.Nemoj molim te sa bacakanjem tog "srBskog" okolo, mnogo podseca na tamo i 1 gorostasnog forumasa kome je to profesionalna deformacija postala.Kad si vec tu, navedi kako je poslednja pobeda Demokrata doprinela miru u svetu.'Ajd, ne zayebaji.
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Meni je samo zanimljivo to da u ovim diskusijama o Americi i njenoj politici, bilo to ovde™ ili tamo™, jedna strana cesto voli da prica o tome "kako su generalno GOP i DEM isti, kako tu nema razlike osim nekih povrsnih kozmetickih stvari, etc.." i za to uvek bude od druge strane nagradjena epitetima tipa "teoreticar zavere", "paranoid", "anti-amerikanac". A sad mi je malo zabavno da vidim i neke sa te druge strane da proturaju takvo misljenje :D

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... "anti-amerikanac". A sad mi je malo zabavno da vidim i neke sa te druge strane da proturaju takvo misljenje :D
Tacno je tako. Po pitanju USA intervencionizma smo se na istoj strani nasli npr. Schmeling i ja, ali samo kad je to u pitanju. Da smo tamo svi bismo bili oznaceni SrBovima, ali ovaj forum je ipak malo manje binaran.Nismo mi bas istomisljenici cak ni po tom pitanju... verujem da ima opravdanih intervencija (protiv Hitlera), intervencija koje su mozda u nekoj formi bile opravdane*, ali su sjebane losom izvedbom (Avganistan) i intervencija koje su, hm, zlocinacke (Vietnam, a bogme i Irak).Takodje ne sumnjam da medju Demokratama (posebno grass roots, tj. obicnim ljudima) ima mnogo vise miroljubivih karaktera, medjutim "support our troops" logika je malo previse jaka i za njih.___* Mada ih je, u krajnjoj liniji, potrebnim ucinio sam intervencionizam kao takav... tako da, vrtimo se u krugu.
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najbolja fora kad US oslobodi neku zemlju onda se posle prave video igrice sa tim likovima i emisije/citulje na history kanalu o tome kako smo ih oslobodili, da se buduca pokoljenja marinaca napajaju pozitivnom energijom.nekad i pre nego sto su oslobodjeni, sto bi trebalo da im posluzi kao 1 clue sta ce da im se desi u buducnosti

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Forgetting Sarah PalinLove Sarah Palin or hate her, you can't ignore her - or can you? A Washington Post journalist calls for a Palin-free month * o o Share1063 o Reddit o Buzz up * Comments (251)Newsweek Sarah Palin Sarah Palin and the media: enough is enough? Photograph: APIt's journalism at its most post-modern: a writer for the Washington Post, concerned at the number of articles he has written about Sarah Palin, writes another article explaining how he's going to have a month-long moratorium from writing articles about Sarah Palin.Dana Milbank, a politics columnist for the Washington Post, announced on Friday that he was declaring February to be a Sarah Palin-free zone. After admitting "I can no longer hide the truth. I have a Sarah Palin problem," Milbank writes: I hereby pledge that, beginning on Feb 1, 2011, I will not mention Sarah Palin - in print, online or on television - for one month. Furthermore, I call on others in the news media to join me in this pledge of a Palin-free February. With enough support, I believe we may even be able to extend the moratorium beyond one month, but we are up against a powerful compulsion, and we must take this struggle day by day. Pointing out that the Huffington Post managed to mention Palin in 19 separate articles in a single day last week, Milbank even set up an automated Twitter generator for those joining his self-censorship crusade.Bravely disregarding the dangers of self-parody, CNN leaped into the fray: "Has the media grown tired of the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee? We asked Ari Melber, a correspondent for The Nation, and Steve Kornacki of Salon.com."Milbank was inspired by, yes, another article about how Sarah Palin gets too much coverage, by Ross Douthat in the New York Times. Douthat, a conservative columnist, wrote that Palin and the media were in a toxic, needy relationship: It's a grim spectacle on both sides, and last week's pointless [blood libel] controversy was a particularly low point. So let me play the relationship counselor. To the media: Cover Sarah Palin if you want, but stop acting as if she's the most important conservative politician in America. Stop pretending that she has a plausible path to the presidency in 2012. (She doesn't.) Stop suggesting that she's the front-runner for the Republican nomination. (She isn't.) And every time you're tempted to parse her tweets for some secret code or crucial dog whistle, stop and think, this woman has fewer Twitter followers than Ben Stiller, and then go write about something else instead.After Milbank's declaration, it wasn't long before another journalist wrote an article asking: "Will the media follow columnist's call for Palin moratorium?"And Slate's David Weigel, who has been complaining about the Palin-obsessed media longer than most, explains why: "Palin = traffic. Traffic = ads. Ads = paying salaries. Thus, Palin is covered."The New York Times's blogger Nate Silver also explained the huge interest in Palin: people feel more strongly about the former Alaska governor than any other politician in America, including Barack Obama and George Bush.Indeed, on the front page of Friday's New York Times is Sarah Palin's face and a new poll showing that 19% of voters have a favourable opinion and 57% an unfavourable opinion, more combined (76%) than for President Obama (74%).The Guardian is no better than any other branches of media in its Palintology. I wrote a brief, innocuous piece on Palin mixing up North and South Korea and it got shared a whopping 34,000 times on Facebook (when a typical article is doing well to get 1,000 Facebook shares). Palin has been tagged 1,100 times in Guardian articles, and probably mentioned in many more, all since 2008. (Joe Biden, in contrast, has been tagged just 250 times.)So when will it end? Palin of course is a contender for the 2012 Republican nomination and isn't going to fade away anytime soon. But so long as editors and readers are excited by her every tweet and Facebook video, Sarah Palin will be in the "most read" lists for a while yet.
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"This Is Our Generation's Sputnik Moment"In tonight's State Of The Union address, President Obama will call on the members of his divided Congress to lay down their political arms for the moment and greet what he'll call "our generation's Sputnik moment."
Сада их је тотално збунио.
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Pa uopće nije zbunio bilo kojeg obrazovanijeg stanovnika Beltwaylanda.Nego, zar nitko nije primjetio kakva je nukjularna bomba detonirala u Chicagu? biggrin.gifRahm izbačen s ballota, jel..

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Pa uopće nije zbunio bilo kojeg obrazovanijeg stanovnika Beltwaylanda.
nisam siguran da clanovi Kongresa spadaju u iole obrazovane.tek jedan friski primer... protiv su smanjivanja budzeta za odbranu, a kratili bi USAID. budalama niko nije nacrtao cemu sluzi USAID.http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/01/20/165_house_republicans_endorse_defunding_usaidThe Republican Study Committee (RSC), a loose conglomeration of 165 self-identified conservative GOP House members, unveiled their plan Thursday that they argue could save $2.5 trillion in federal spending over ten years. The proposal is centered around legislation that would slash or eliminate federal funding for USAID, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the U.S. Trade Development Agency, the Woodrow Wilson Center, the USDA Sugar Program, economic assistance to Egypt, and many other programs.edit: prosto nisam mogao da verujem da bi kratili "economic assistance to Egypt". ne znaju sta je to u stvari. naravno, takvo sto bih ja toplo pozdravio. :D Edited by Gandalf
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Sarah Palin Circle-R wants a trademark on her nameCory Doctorow at 9:01 AM Sunday, Feb 6, 2011 Some details on Sarah Palin's crazed attempt to register a trademark in her name; apart from making stupid errors in her application, there's the curious business that she considers "running for election" to be the same as using her name in commerce. Also, turns out Bristol Palin also wants a trademark on her name, for "motivational speaking services in the field of life choices." On November 29, the application was rejected for two reasons. First, the examiner pointed out, the fact that your name appears in a news article or on your Facebook page is not evidence that you are "providing a website" featuring political information. Second, Palin did not sign the application. The examiner pointed out that if a mark is the name of a particular living individual, it can't be registered unless that individual has signed or there is some other record of consent. (The examiner cited cases involving "Little Debbie," who is in fact a real person, and "Prince Charles," who arguably is too.) Because Palin hadn't signed, the application could not be granted. It seems like signing your name is not something you would forget when your name is what you're trying to trademark, but she's a busy woman.
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