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ja imam mali problem, pravljenje rimejkova je pouzdani znak da više nemaju o čemu da pišu, pa ajd da vidimo šta je valjalo pa da ga malo preuredimo.

još neki genijalac da se seti true romance

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Da, to i mene nervira. To cak ne uspe ni kad je isti reditelj i scenarista, kao npr. za 13 Tzameti i 13. Nebo i zemlja kada je kvalitet u pitanju. 


ja imam mali problem, pravljenje rimejkova je pouzdani znak da više nemaju o čemu da pišu, pa ajd da vidimo šta je valjalo pa da ga malo preuredimo.

još neki genijalac da se seti true romance

To je tako oduvek. Naravno kad se pravi tona filmova godisnje, da je vrlo malo originalnosti. Ali opet pitam, na koji nacin rimejk steti originalu, pa da se smatra svetogrdjem?
Edited by Jimmy Kowalski
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da, 13 je pravi primer


snimanje filma je "emotivni" proces, energija™ svih prisutnih članova ekipe se prenosi na te 24 sličice svake sekunde. ko je bio ikada na setu, zna o čemu pričam

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ja imam mali problem, pravljenje rimejkova je pouzdani znak da više nemaju o čemu da pišu, pa ajd da vidimo šta je valjalo pa da ga malo preuredimo.

još neki genijalac da se seti true romance


Setiće se, pre ili kasnije, budi siguran u to. :(

Ali bilo je dosta uspešnih rimejkova koji su snimani decenijama kasnije - Invasion of Body Snatchers, Cat People, Postman Always Rings Twice, prvo mi padoše na pamet.


Inače, nemaju o čemu da pišu poodavno, mogućnosti smišljanja novih zapleta nisu bezgranične, naročito u industriji, zločin, ljubav, prevara.... motivi su isti i teško se menjaju.

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Scarface, The Thing, Cape Fear, The Departed, True Grit su sve dobri filmovi..


U pozoristu kada prave nove verzije starih komada to zovu "novo citanje". Meni je to potpuno ok.. 




Da dodam jos nesto. Meni je mnogo gore, kada zbog uspeha nekog (dobrog) filma na silu naprave nastavak. I po pravilu zaseru. 

Edited by Jimmy Kowalski
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Dajte neke filmske likove (hm, likuše :puke: ) koje su imale scene sa što šarenijim nakitom, ogrlicama, perlama i slično.

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Cine Gear Expo: 'Hateful Eight' 70mm Test Footage Dazzles quentin_tarantino_in_lyon_-_h_-_2013.jpg Getty Images
Quentin Tarantino "really wants to get people back into theaters."

Test footage from Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight — photographed by two-time Oscar winner Robert Richardson — received enthusiastic applause when it was projected in 70mm anamorphic film for a full house at the Paramount Theater on Saturday at Cine Gear Expo, which is being held on the Paramount lot.

"He really wants to get people back into theaters. You’re not going to get this [at home]. He did something really great to bring that [experience] back," Panavision's vp of optical engineering Dan Sasaki said of Tarantino, a vocal film proponent. "Quentin wanted an epic Western, something that hasn’t been seen in forever, that would really wow people. [When he saw this test,] he started bouncing in his seat."

The test footage included actor close-ups, as well as interiors and a range of exteriors at different times of day and with varying lighting conditions.

While not confirmed by Panavision during the session, word on the street is that plans are underway to equip roughly 50 U.S. theaters to show the movie in 70mm film. Work is also being done to find the most precise way to create a digital version for digital cinema release.

Currently in post, Hateful Eight was lensed on 65mm negative and is believed to be the first production since 1966's Khartoum to use Ultra Panavision 70 anamorphic lenses. Sasaki related that Richardson came to Panavision looking for something different, and when he saw the look created by these lenses, he said, "This is it."

This led to an enormous effort at Panavision, which reworked 19 of these classic lenses for the production in just a few months. (Incidentally, these lenses are expected to next be used for Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One by cinematographer Greig Fraser.)

Since Tarantino and Richardson wanted long takes in Hateful Eight, Panavision also developed a 2,000-ft. magazine for the film cameras. Kodak, the film supplier, and Fotokem, the lab, were also involved in this effort.

The Hateful Eight was shot on location in Telluride, Colo., as well as on stage at Red Studios.




Ultra Panavision 70 "The Hateful 8" 1.25x anamorphic squeeze = extremely wide aspect ratio of 2.76:1

Edited by Jimmy Kowalski
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To bre!




Tarantino was handed the two statuettes by composer Ennio Morricone. Both artists revealed that they met in Rome yesterday and Morricone has agreed to compose music for a Tarantino movie, most probably Tarantino’s upcoming “The Hateful Eight,” for which the Weinstein Company has set a Christmas Day launch in the U.S.




Edited by Jimmy Kowalski
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