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Posted (edited)

Priče Vojinova o domaćoj produkciji ne treba uzimati za ozbiljno, to je valjda jasno posle Montevidea.


Inače, taj film me toliko odbija da ne verujem da ću ga ikada gledati, mada moram nerado da  priznam da sam se par puta nasmejao dok sam gledao trejler kad sam pre neki dan bio u bioskopu.

Edited by kobni zelaya
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Posted (edited)

Da li je neko gledao tog Malog Budoa?

Koliko vidim iz trejlera, to je tek još jedan film sa sprdnjom na račun časnih Crnogoraca?


Vojnov se ubi s hajpom na tviterou.

I ide mu, čini se.

on je poslednjih godina odlična referenca šta treba izbegavati.


najveće petljanje koje se sećam je bilo odbranom nastavaka matrixa. vojnov je tu video bibliju.

Edited by Ravanelli

pa mita je pisao malog buda.



Sent from Bender's iPad using Tapatalk

Posted (edited)

Pa da, sve je čak i mnogo gluplje nego što izgleda.


edip - inače, reditelj je



Nephew of famous writer Matija Beckovic.



Edited by kobni zelaya

Priče Vojinova o domaćoj produkciji ne treba uzimati za ozbiljno, to je valjda jasno posle Mi nismo andjela 2




U pravu si, nego me progoni njegovo višečasovno sedenje kod Jugoslava na Studiju B i eksplicitno šlihtanje Bjeli.


Sudeći po tviterou, ovo je kanda glavna fora u filmu:


"Kako je Božo?


- Još je na aparatima.


A dobija li?"




ponovo radi bioskop




Quentin Tarantino’s New Beverly Cinema Reveals Schedule Ahead of Re-Opening



After closing down in late August for a month-long remodeling, Los Angeles’ New Beverly Cinema, which is owned by Quentin Tarantino, is nearly ready to re-open on Oct. 1 with an eclectic schedule focusing on tributes, rarities and some of the filmmaker’s titles.

Screening on Oct. 1 and 2 are two movies by the late Paul Mazursky, “Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice” and “Blume in Love.” The following week “Pulp Fiction” will play for six nights with “The Professional,” both of which are 20 years old this month.

All movies will be shown in 35mm  in line with Tarantino’s new policy to preserve the moviegoing experience, and the theater has upgraded the sound system and installed a 16mm projector. The New Beverly had recently purchased a digital projector, leading to Tarantino’s decision to take over programming from the longtime programmer Michael Torgan, whose family had run the theater for decades.

Many of the prints are rare copies from Tarantino’s own collection. Among the other titles screening in October are a Robin Williams double feature of “The Best of Times” and “Moscow on the Hudson,” a Bruce Lee night, a Sam Peckinpah duo and a George C. Scott double feature. On Halloween night, the theater presents an all-night marathon hosted by Eli Roth with three of Roth’s films and three other scarers.

Tickets remain $8 for a double feature.


Posle može i da propituje na osnovu obavezne literature, koju je zadao. Još jedan cirkus: There's a sucker born every minute...


Quentin Tarantino on the New Beverly: “If People Come, Fine. If They Don't, Fuck Them.”




joj kako ga volem  :D  :D


Ma nece propasti, ima jevreje za prijatelje.. :D


in other news



The Big Lebowski pinball table, it's real and it's spectacular



New details about The Big Lebowski pinball machine has been a long time coming — so long that the weaker-willed among pinball enthusiasts might have started to wonder if this promised officially licensed pin was ever going to happen.

But earlier this week, Dutch Pinball put all of those concerns to rest with a launch party for the game at Cafe Lebowski in the Netherlands, showing off not one, but two prototypes. And what beauties they are.


Everything from the bowling lane lower playfield to the faux life-sized White Russian mounted next to the launcher is meticulously crafted. This is a game created by artists with a love of pinball and not a little adoration of Jeff Bridges' Dude.

There's plenty to see on the playfield too. There's the bumpers modelled after the bra Julianne Moore wears in one of The Dude's fantasy scenes, there's the tiny modeled garage with working door and, my personal favorite: a rug center shot.

"The rug is a moveable barrier which move backwards to reveal more of the rug as the shot is repeatedly hit," reports Pinball News. "Unrolling the rug really pulls the room together and starts one of the modes featured below."




Check out all of the pinball's details over on the official site where you can also order the $8,500 table for a Q2 2015 release.

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