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Pogledaj samo ovaj izlišni post iznad, i posle svega, i posle Smešnih citata o filmu, i svega, toliko je dosadno da jednim citatom pokriješ ovoliko replika, dosadno...Naprosto, dosadno...Zato ljudi gledaju baš određene reditelje da bi posle mogli pisati o tome... Meze za smaračke teze, to se traži...

e28764ca7e09ff0f31_54m6iv0ao.pngPaul Schrader! Bret Easton Ellis! Lindsay Lohan! James Deen! Embracing the new economics of the digital age, a veteran writer-director goes DIY to create a vision of modernity’s moral emptiness
Bret has this post-Empire idea. He believes that American artists are now in their post-Empire period. Like the Brits were in the previous century. So we’re making art out of the remains of our empire. The junk that’s left over. And this idea of a film that was crowd-funded, cast online, with one actor from celebrity culture, one actor from adult-film culture, a writer and director who have gotten beaten up in the past—felt like a post-Empire thing. And then everything I was afraid of with Lindsay and James started to become a positive. I was afraid we wouldn’t be taken seriously and people would think it’s a joke. My son and my daughter didn’t want me to do it. This just shows you how conservative young kids are. Because they thought it would be embarrassing and a disaster. The number-one fact of the new low-budget cinema is that it is no longer impossible to get your film financed, but it is impossible to get anybody to see it. Because there are 10,000 people doing the same thing you’re doing, right now. And which one of those 10,000 films is anybody going to see? Fifteen thousand films get submitted to Sundance, 100 or so get shown, eight get picked up, and two make money. Those are the economics. But Bret and I have some cachet. We were in with four different sub-groups of interested people: people who are interested in me, people who are interested in Bret, people who are interested in Lindsay, and people who are interested in James. Lindsay has four million [Twitter] followers, and James has half a million. Bret has 250,000.

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