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Treba da uploadujem. Bice, polako..
е па баки, сада те вади само ексклузиван футиџ Edited by 3opge
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Is it exclusive enough for ya?taxidrivermartygun_zpsfa7e3eeb.jpegNo.Well, I don’t care if it isn’t.chinatowngoofyjack_zps92d8be4f.jpegI’m, just gonna have some fun.ledgerbale_zpsb05b32a9.jpghteo sam slidze da stavim u spoiler, ali nemam tu opciju u editu. ako moize neko da mi posalje upute kako da podesim (moze i na PM da ne offtopicimo ovde).

Edited by Jimmy Kowalski
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http://www.nytimes.c....anted=all&_r=3Dugacak clanak o problematicnom snimanju filma The Canyons, ali zanimljivo stivo. Stvarno ne znam sta je trebalo Paulu Schraderu da angazuje Lohanovu, i jos je upari sa porno glumcem. Ali, sto bi rekli, sam pao, sam se ubio.Inace, nisam znao za ovu triviju iz proslosti:
Thirty years ago, Paul Schrader directed an alcoholic George C. Scott in “Hardcore.” One day, Scott wouldn’t come out of his trailer. He called Schrader into his booze-soaked sanctuary.“You’re a great screenwriter but the world’s worst goddamned director,” Scott said. “Promise me you’ll never direct another movie, and I’ll come out.” Schrader dropped to his knees and promised. A few weeks later, Scott read in the trades that Schrader was going to direct “American Gigolo.” Next time he saw Schrader, he bellowed, “You’re a liar.”It was true, Schrader had broken his promise, but this was Hollywood.
Edited by Jimmy Kowalski
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