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je, vrh fotka. i ja malopre pogodio, i film, pa mislio da imam razlog da se kurcim.

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Nema sta nema™, od serija i emisija sa tv-a. Znam odavno, izvinjavam se sto nisam do sada okacio :blush: Obavezan bookmark.
Posted (edited)

trebao bi da obrišeš link, to je nelegalan sadržaj, ako nekome treba neka ti se obrati na PPedit: i hvala

Edited by Vapad
Posted (edited)

uh, ima i Povratak u Brajdshed, posle sto godina ću da uživam opet. :) Zahvaljujemedip - ma nema, đavola, samo piše da ima u spisku.

Edited by kobni zelaya
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Leon Leyson dies at 83; youngest survivor on Schindler's List
Leyson saw Schindler for the last time in 1974, just before the man regarded as a savior of Jews died. Schindler was on a visit to L.A. and Leyson joined the group of Jews who greeted him at the airport.He started to introduce himself, but found it wasn't necessary."I know who you are," Schindler said, grinning at the middle-aged man before him. "You're Little Leyson."
DIRECTOR JOHN MCTIERNAN IS GOING TO PRISONJan. 16, 2013by: Alex MaidyJohn McTiernan, the iconic director of DIE HARD, PREDATOR, THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR remake, and THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER, is heading to jail to serve a one year sentence handed down back in 2010. McTiernan was found guilty of perjury and lying to the FBI in connection to the Anthony Pellicano wiretapping scandal. Pellicano, who is serving 15 years himself, was hired by many in Hollywood as a private investigator. McTiernan specifically hired Pellicano to wiretap ROLLERBALL producer Chuck Roven.McTiernan has been battling the charges for a long time now which has led him to not direct a movie since 2003's lackluster BASIC with John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson. Deadline reports that McTiernan and his attorneys are attempting a final appeal, but seeing as this most recent rejection came from the Supreme Court, it is likely he will finally have to serve his time. The saddest part of the news is that if McTiernan had just admitted wrongdoing and gone to prison, he would have been out years ago and could have returned to filmmaking. But, not knowing the details of the case specifically, McTiernan may be innocent of some charges and want a more accurate sentencing.Either way, if McTiernan begins his sentence this year, we may see a new movie from the master some time in 2014 or 2015. STAR WARS: EPISODE VII, anyone?
Ali ovo je boljehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hgW4vcwZTww#!
Posted (edited)
Nesto o navali uglancanih filmova (i serija) koji su bledo skrivena propaganda USofA...
America's Middle East policy has been enthusiastically endorsed. Not at the UN or Arab League, however, but by the powerbrokers of Hollywood. At the Golden Globes, there were gongs for a heroically bearded CIA spook saving hostages and American face in Iran (the film Argo); a heroically struggling agent tracking down Bin Laden (Zero Dark Thirty) and heroically flawed CIA operatives protecting America from mindless, perpetual terror (TV series Homeland).The three winners have all been sold as complex, nuanced productions that don't shy away from hard truths about US foreign policy. And liberal audiences can't get enough of them. Perhaps it's because, alongside the odd bit of self-criticism, they are all so reassuringly insistent that, in an increasingly complicated world, America just keeps on doing the right thing. And even when it does the wrong thing – such as, I don't know, torture and drone strikes and deadly invasions – it is to combat far greater evil, and therefore OK.
Edited by Indy
  • 2 weeks later...

DIRECTOR JOHN MCTIERNAN IS GOING TO PRISONOd kako mu je Немања još pre par godina saranio franšizu, uz prisustvo Sveštenika, Doktora, Ministra za kulturu i mokrogorskih Rendžera koji su obezbeđivali sprovod, potpuno je odlepio.Neće valjda i on s mosta... :cry:

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