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Da li neko zna gde se moze naci TV program od ovog utorka za Cinemax 2 ili  Cinestar TV 2 ?


Hey Gary  :blush3:


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Richard Jenkins on Jake Gyllenhaal as Detective Loki in “Prisoners”:

Jake Gyllenhaal in “Prisoners” was simply a cop doing his job, and it was a beautiful thing to watch. I didn’t know anything about his character, where he was from, if he was married, had any kids, what the tattoo on his neck meant or why he buttoned the top button of his shirt. Nothing. And he wasn’t interested in telling me. He was too busy being a cop. But by the movie’s end, I knew him. Totally. Completely.  And he was never interested in helping me, as an audience member, understand him, or like him, or sympathize with him. He was only interested in doing his job. It’s always thrilling to watch a living, breathing human being on the screen. That’s Jake. He takes you with him on this journey.  Doesn’t ask you to come along, doesn’t even know you’re there, because he’s too busy being a cop doing his job. It’s the case of a lifetime for this guy and he’s working it alone. No other cops to talk about it with. It’s internalized, lived, and I could watch all day. Simply a great performance.





Detektiv u filmu služi da se bavi detektivskim radom, neću reč jednu da čujem o tome kako bi više vremena trebao da provodi kući s decom i kako je žena smorena jer nikad nije tu (ili još gore, kad je detektiv žena pa isto to samo u pojačalu, što nikad nisi kući, što te nema na roditeljskom, šta, opet za večeru Wolt/Glovo, "nemajka", etc.). Dakle, sad trenutno se radi na izuzetno ozbiljnom slučaju, prilično je life or death situacija, nikoga ne zanima što sporedni likovi nemaju hobi u zivotu. 

  • +1 2


gotivim džuliju roberts, a mnoge stvari o kojima priča ovaj video nisam imala pojma.


Pisali su i scenario zajedno. On iz penzije samo za decu izlazi (i za Martija). :D 


Jaka mi penzija, vraca se cesce od Indyja.

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  • Haha 2

Klasičan nepotizam :thumbdown:


pre neki dan gledah "the general", irski krimić pa, pošto je rađen crno-belo to mi je i baš pasovalo.

pišem ovo jer mi se dopalo što su i "frensis ha" i "čovek koji nije bio tamo", na prvu loptu da bacim, crno-beli. da se ne presabiram dalje.

kako gledate na to da se film snima B&W umesto u punom koloru?

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