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Ne, ne radi se o ovim morskim macicima.Колики идиот треба да будеш да смислиш нешто 'вако... Па, члан ПЕТА-е, рецимо.PETA's campaign to rename fish 'sea kittens'A CAMPAIGN to rename fish as "sea kittens" in order to improve their image has been ridiculed by the Federal Opposition.Outspoken animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is using the "sea kitten" name as part of its push to restrict fishing."Nobody would hurt a sea kitten!" the group says on its website."People don't seem to like fish."We're going to start by retiring the old name for good. :wacko:


zamišljam kelnera u restoranu kako izjavljuje: "od morskih mačića danas serviramo potočnu pastrmku sa roštilja." :lol:

zamišljam kelnera u restoranu kako izjavljuje: "od morskih mačića danas serviramo potočnu pastrmku sa roštilja." :lol:
:lol: Ček, a rečni mačići? :(Jbt, koji moronizam, da čovek ne poveruje.

majko moja...tim ljudima neko daje lovu da rade kampanju?


Stalno sam imao osećaj da mi je to sve odnekle poznato, a onda sam naleteo ponovo na ovaj Python skeč, kad John Cleese hoće da kupi mačku, a Michael Palin ga ubeđuje, kako uz određene manje intervencije i druge životinje mogu uspešno da igraju ulogu mačke. Na kraju su se pogodili da se 1 terijeru skinu noge, dodaju peraja, da se ubaci u akvarijum i tako proda kao kućna ribica. :D judzyt.jpg


Danas 2 (ne-fatalna) napada morskih mačića na plivače u Australiji. Frrrr... mrnjao! Ma, neće maca. cool.gif


nisam otvarao one sajtove sto je indi postavio ali me to sigurno nece spreciti da diskutujem na ovom topicu...ne znam bas o cemu se tu radi u vezi tih morskih macica ali se valjda ta sekta peta bori da ih zastiti...ko su ti ljudi...mislim boris se prava zivotinja...a kad bi nekog od njih napao drakula anakonda ljudozder onda bi se branili...ako imaju karakter onda bi valjda trebalo da puste da ih drakula anakonda ljudozder pojede jer to divno nezasticeno stvorenje ne sme da ostane gladno...drakula anakonda ljudozder je vrsta u izumiranju a ljudi ima toliko puno a najvise u kini...eno ih kinezi na novom beogradu kolko oces ih ima...nikad nisam bio u njihovom trznom centru ali sam cuo da su stvari dosta jeftine ali sam zato bio u miskovicevom delta sitiju...tamo nista nije jeftino...i jeo sam kad sam bio giros i uzeo pomfrit i koka kolu...kao pravi amerikanac...trebalo bi obamu ugostiti u delta sitiju...kolko bi se ljudi samo uznemirili kad bi videli crnca uzivo...mada on i nije toliko crn kao recimo dikembe mutombo ili lorens fisburn ali jeste malo zabagareo...da li je rasizam to kad je neko zadovoljan sto je eto prvi put u istoriji amerike crnac postao predsednik...sta ce biti kad se neki brus lijev potomak bude kandidovao za predsednika...amerikance ima da polude a tako im i treba kad su nas bombardovali i samo jos da kazem putem ovog medija da je klintonova cerka celzi klinton jedna najobicnija drolja

nisam otvarao one sajtove sto je indi postavio ali me to sigurno nece spreciti da diskutujem na ovom topicu...ne znam bas o cemu se tu radi u vezi tih morskih macica ali se valjda ta sekta peta bori da ih zastiti...ko su ti ljudi...mislim boris se prava zivotinja...a kad bi nekog od njih napao drakula anakonda ljudozder onda bi se branili...ako imaju karakter onda bi valjda trebalo da puste da ih drakula anakonda ljudozder pojede jer to divno nezasticeno stvorenje ne sme da ostane gladno...drakula anakonda ljudozder je vrsta u izumiranju a ljudi ima toliko puno a najvise u kini...eno ih kinezi na novom beogradu kolko oces ih ima...nikad nisam bio u njihovom trznom centru ali sam cuo da su stvari dosta jeftine ali sam zato bio u miskovicevom delta sitiju...tamo nista nije jeftino...i jeo sam kad sam bio giros i uzeo pomfrit i koka kolu...kao pravi amerikanac...trebalo bi obamu ugostiti u delta sitiju...kolko bi se ljudi samo uznemirili kad bi videli crnca uzivo...mada on i nije toliko crn kao recimo dikembe mutombo ili lorens fisburn ali jeste malo zabagareo...da li je rasizam to kad je neko zadovoljan sto je eto prvi put u istoriji amerike crnac postao predsednik...sta ce biti kad se neki brus lijev potomak bude kandidovao za predsednika...amerikance ima da polude a tako im i treba kad su nas bombardovali i samo jos da kazem putem ovog medija da je klintonova cerka celzi klinton jedna najobicnija drolja
:lol: :lol: Za one koji jos uvek ne znaju, PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals :)

koga zanima da sazna nesto vise o nenormalnim akcijama pete, moze da pogleda penn and teller - peta. ima na youtubeu. takodje preporucujem dokumentarac i am an animal - ingrid newkir.

i samo jos da kazem putem ovog medija da je klintonova cerka celzi klinton jedna najobicnija drolja
Ne znam da li je drolja ali je ruzna u pozdu materinu.

Spiked o morskim mačićima:A fishy campaign

Renaming fish as ?sea kittens? would, of course, represent a new low in lunatic interpretation of fish, but I am fairly optimistic that PETA?s efforts will fail. My four-year-old daughter knows that fish do not actually have fingers, even though she eats fish fingers, and my six-year-old knows that catfish are not actual underwater cats. Similarly, renaming fish as ?sea kittens? will no more result in everyone thinking of fish as cute and cuddly than it will encourage us to dip ?land kittens? in batter and eat them deep-fried with chips.

A fishy campaignPETA?s attempt to rebrand fish as ?sea kittens? takes anthropomorphism to an unfathomable new low.It seems the message about fish being caring, fun-loving little tykes who feel pain and have complex personalities just isn?t getting through. I like to think that is because the message is correctly regarded by most people as absurd. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), however, believe that we continue to catch and eat fish because they are inappropriately named ?fish? (1). Silly us, calling fish fish. PETA suggest the name ?sea kittens? as more apt to highlight the cuddly virtues of the creatures formerly known as fish (2).Many commentators have noted that PETA?s proposal is preposterous and sets a potentially dangerous precedent (3). If the idea catches on, we might soon be referring to pigs as ?pink land clouds?, trees might become ?land coral?, and so on. It could get awfully confusing ? imagine arriving in the rainforest wearing scuba gear. And masses of textbooks on species and fauna will have to be reissued.Probably PETA do not really expect that we will soon be referring to fish as ?sea kittens? ? instead they probably think they are placing a funny gloss on to what they see as established scientific facts. In one of their fact sheets, PETA cite evidence that fish can find their way around using landmarks and patterns of light and sounds; that they have long memories and can tell the time of day; that they can escape from a fishing net and follow other fish who are escaping; that they talk to one another with squeals, like to rub one another, feel pain, build nests, use tools, engage in acts of manipulation, play ?Mr Mom?, and tend to their gardens (4). I have not made any of this up.Normally I wouldn?t overly emphasise neural anatomy to answer questions of psychology, but with fish it is just too tempting. An average fish brain is about the size of your thumb and if you place your thumb next to your head you can note the discrepancy. Although I think the role of the brain in dictating human psychology is grossly overstated, I do recognise that what we are is in some way intimately related to what is between our ears. The sheer lack of brains in fish should make anyone suspicious of claims that fish keep gardens, use tools, talk to one another, and so on.PETA?s fact sheet is a mix of scientific evidence, some reasonable interpretation and a not-inconsiderable amount of lunacy. But it is not always clear where interpretation stops and lunacy begins. Take the idea that fish feel pain. This follows the observation that cells known to produce pain in humans are also present, in a somewhat different form and pattern, in fish (5). It has also been noted that fish brains contain cells that respond to strong pressure and unpleasant chemicals injected in and around the fish mouth (6). Based on these undeniable physical facts about fish, some scientists have inferred that fish can feel pain.Translating physical facts into mental experience, however, is fraught with danger. There might be many good reasons why a fish could benefit from a physical signal to change direction, when, for example, swimming into a chemically dangerous environment. But that doesn?t mean the fish will think: ?Ouch, ow, ahh, get me out of here!?Even the possibility of fish merely having a detection system for those kinds of dangers, however, is highly contentious. As Jim Rose has pointed out in an essay on anthropomorphism, fish spend their lives at great depths that produce tremendous pressure; they endure countless diseases and eat food covered with spindles and sharp edges (7). If fish really do have cells that respond to the kinds of dangers we associate with pain, then those cells would either be constantly firing in the fish or would be beaten into silence by abundant stimulation. Either way, the cells would not be very useful, so quite probably they do something other than signal danger, let alone produce pain, for the fish.Renaming fish as ?sea kittens? would, of course, represent a new low in lunatic interpretation of fish, but I am fairly optimistic that PETA?s efforts will fail. My four-year-old daughter knows that fish do not actually have fingers, even though she eats fish fingers, and my six-year-old knows that catfish are not actual underwater cats. Similarly, renaming fish as ?sea kittens? will no more result in everyone thinking of fish as cute and cuddly than it will encourage us to dip ?land kittens? in batter and eat them deep-fried with chips.Stuart Derbyshire is a senior lecturer in Psychology at the University of Birmingham.

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zasto imam utisak da se ni tebi ogledala ne obraduju?

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