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Izrael, Palestina i arapske zemlje

Message added by Krošek,

Na ovoj temi postoje stroža pravila oko kačenja raznoraznih sadržaja: Zabranjeno je repostovanje, kačenje tvitova ili bilo kakvih materijala (slika, klipova...), kao i goli linkovi. Postovi moraju biti napisani sopstvenim rečima, i dozvoljen je hipertekst (dugme Link). Izuzetno, kao propratni sadržaj uz sopstveni post, prihvatljivi su kratki isečci nekog dužeg teksta (ne i kraćeg kao što je obična vest).

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25 minutes ago, vememah said:

Evo sada IDF saopštava da preliminarni rezultati njihove istrage pokazuju da je u pitanju Hamasovo neuspešno lansiranje rakete.


ma nema teorije da poverujem ista sto dolazi sa izraelske strane

25% stambenog prostora je unisteno

4000 tona eksploziva u 6 dana

tko zna koliko ljudi lezi u rusevinama

i sad jedna bolnica pravi razliku ... 



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4 minutes ago, Facundo Orellana said:

Koliki je udeo Haredi populacije, posebno onog dela koji se protivi cionizmu, mada sa druge strane i Haredi partije sede u Netanjahuovoj vladi (Šas i Jahadut Hatora). Sekularni Jevreji su daleko od ove brojke. 


ne znam stvarno, ove podatke sam skinuo sa wikija

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3 minutes ago, Eleniko said:



sreća tvoja da se sa ovakvim tvitom ne zoveš Caligula

Ne vidim šta je sporno, EU nije spremna da kaže otvoreno da ukidanje vode, struje, hrane za milion ljudi nikako ne sme da bude način borbe protiv terorista, mrse danima nešto... Jadno. 

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UK 2000+ artists calling for Gaza ceasefire






“We are witnessing a crime and a catastrophe. Israel has reduced much of Gaza to rubble, and cut off the supply of water, power, food and medicine to 2.3 million Palestinians. In the words of the UN’s undersecretary for humanitarian affairs, ‘the spectre of death’ is hanging over the territory.

Gaza is already a society of refugees and the children of refugees. Now, in their hundreds of thousands, bombarded from air, sea and land, Palestinians whose grandparents were forced out of their homes at the barrel of a gun are again being told to flee – or face collective punishment on an unimaginable scale.  Dispossessed of rights, described by Israel’s minister of defence as “human animals”, they have become people to whom almost anything can be done.

Our governments are not only tolerating war crimes but aiding and abetting them. There will come a time when they are held to account for their complicity. But for now, while condemning every act of violence against civilians and every infringement of international law whoever perpetrates them, our obligation is to do all we can to bring an end to the unprecedented cruelty being inflicted on Gaza.

We support the global movement against the destruction of Gaza and the mass displacement of the Palestinian people. We demand that our governments end their military and political support for Israel’s actions.

We call for an immediate ceasefire and the opening of Gaza’s crossings to allow humanitarian aid to enter unhindered.”


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hoćemo u neke pare da se opkladimo da to što je ova hazbara prevara sa plasiranjem snimka iz 2022 otkrivena koliko odmah neće zaustaviti izraelsko papagajisanje da je hamas gađao bolnicu a ne oni, u nastupu životinjskog bezumlja pre nego što im sutra bajden stavi katanac na operaciju.


sutra kada budu stradali jevreji po evropi biće opet kriv islamski fundamentalizam.

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7 minutes ago, cedo said:

toliko o tome da ce Abass da predstavlja palestince


Ovo je iz septembra, jedino bivši lider vojnog krila Fataha Barguti, koji je u izraelskom zatvoru na doživotnoj robiji, pobeđuje lidera Hamasa. Ovaj Štaje što se spominje je premijer, Abas je predsednik.




Legislative and presidential elections:


  • If new presidential elections were held today and only two candidates, Mahmoud Abbas and Ismail Haniyeh, the voter turnout would be only 42%, and among those who would participate, Abbas would receive 37% of the vote and Haniyeh 58% (compared to 56% for Haniyeh and 33% for Abbas three months ago). In the Gaza Strip, the vote for Abbas stands at 33% and for Haniyeh at 64%, while in the West Bank Abbas receives 43% and Haniyeh 50%. If the competition is between Marwan Barghouti and Haniyeh, participation would rise to 59% and among those voting, Barghouti receives 60% and Haniyeh 37%. If the competition were between Mohammad Shtayyeh and Ismail Haniyeh, participation would drop to only 41%, with Shtayyeh receiving 33% and Haniyeh receiving 62%.
  • In a closed question, we asked the public to select the person they prefer to see as President Abbas's successor. The largest percentage (34%) said they prefer Marwan Barghouti; 17% preferred Ismail Haniyeh; 6% preferred Mohammed Dahlan, 5% preferred Khaled Meshaal, 3% preferred Yahya al-Sinwar, Muhammad Shtayyeh, and Hussein al-Sheikh, and 30% said they did not know or chose someone else.
  • Level of satisfaction with the performance of president Abbas stands at 22% and dissatisfaction at 76%. Satisfaction with Abbas stands at 21% in the West Bank and 24% in the Gaza Strip.  Three months ago, satisfaction with Abbas stood at 17% and dissatisfaction at 80%. 78% want Abbas to resign while 19% want him to remain in office. Three months ago, 80% said they want Abbas to resign. Demand for Abbas' resignation stands at 78% in the West Bank and 79% in the Gaza Strip.
  • If new parliamentary elections were held today with the participation of all political forces that participated in the 2006 elections, 64% say they would participate in them, and among these participants, Fateh receives 36%, Hamas' Change and Reform 34%, all other lists combined 9%, and 21% say they have not yet decided whom they will vote for. Three months ago, vote for Hamas stood at 34% and Fatah at 33%. Vote for Hamas in the Gaza Strip stands today at 44% (compared to 44% three months ago) and for Fateh at 32% (compared to 28% three months ago). In the West Bank, vote for Hamas stands at 24% (compared to 25% three months ago) and Fatah at 40% (compared to 34% three months ago).
  • 27% believe that Hamas is the most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people today while 24% believe that Fateh under the leadership of Abbas is more deserving; 44% believe both are unworthy of representation and leadership. Three months ago, 31% said Hamas is the most deserving, 21% said Fateh led by Abbas is the most deserving, and 43% said both are unworthy of representation and leadership.


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1 minute ago, vememah said:


Ovo je iz septembra, jedino bivši lider vojnog krila Fataha Barguti, koji je u izraelskom zatvoru na doživotnoj robiji, pobeđuje lidera Hamasa. Ovaj Štaje što se spominje je premijer, Abas je predsednik.




ma ok ... abasa sam uzeo kao predstavnika PA

nema tu vise tko da se suprotstavi hamasu na palestinskoj strani

hvala na ispravci u svakom slucaju

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Nije valjda da neko veruje da je granata koju je ispalio Hamas sravnila celu bolnicu? Dovoljno je samo da pogledate kako izgledaju mesta gde su pale 'rakete' u Izraelu, pa da vam sve bude jasno. Ne moze se ovo pokriti nikakvim spinom. Pogledajte sada i mainstream medije poput BBCija...



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