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Izrael, Palestina i arapske zemlje

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49 minutes ago, Zaboravan said:

Javio se i Rojters. 

Ne meša se mnogo u stvari:

Issam Abdallah, a Reuters videographer, was killed while working in southern Lebanon. Issam was part of a Reuters crew providing a live video signal


ni tko ga je ubio ni nista ...

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Settlers take advantage of Gaza war to launch West Bank pogroms


Israeli settlers and soldiers have killed 51 Palestinians in the West Bank this past week, with two villages entirely depopulated after attacks.



While the world focuses on the Hamas massacre in southern Israel and Israel’s massive bombing of the Gaza Strip, settlers in the occupied West Bank are taking advantage of the chaos to attack and expel Palestinian


A Palestinian in At-Tuwani, a village in the Masafer Yatta region of the South Hebron Hills, is in critical condition after a settler, accompanied by an Israeli soldier, invaded the community on Friday and shot him at point blank range. The attack was documented by the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem.

Israeli soldiers are establishing new checkpoints to block the movement of Palestinian villagers. On Thursday evening, near Yabrud, northeast of Ramallah, solders shot at a vehicle carrying a Palestinian family, according to members of the family. Randa Abdullah Abdul Aziz Ajaj, 37, was killed, and her son, Ismail Ajaj, was hit in the foot and shoulder. Her husband and another child were also in the vehicle but were not injured. An IDF spokesperson claimed soldiers opened fire because the car was “driving wildly” and the soldiers felt threatened.

s from a number of small villages.

Israeli soldiers and settlers have killed 51 Palestinians in the West Bank since Saturday, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah. At least two villages, Al-Qanub and Wadi Al-Sik, have been entirely depopulated as a result of the violence by Israeli settlers.


A Palestinian in At-Tuwani, a village in the Masafer Yatta region of the South Hebron Hills, is in critical condition after a settler, accompanied by an Israeli soldier, invaded the community on Friday and shot him at point blank range. The attack was documented by the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem.

Israeli soldiers are establishing new checkpoints to block the movement of Palestinian villagers. On Thursday evening, near Yabrud, northeast of Ramallah, solders shot at a vehicle carrying a Palestinian family, according to members of the family. Randa Abdullah Abdul Aziz Ajaj, 37, was killed, and her son, Ismail Ajaj, was hit in the foot and shoulder. Her husband and another child were also in the vehicle but were not injured. An IDF spokesperson claimed soldiers opened fire because the car was “driving wildly” and the soldiers felt threatened.


According to a Qusra resident who asked to be identified by just his first name, Abed, “It started at noon, when 20 masked men invaded the village and stoned the houses of families living on the edge of the village. They came from the direction of the Esh Kodesh outpost. We ran there to get the families out of their homes, because settlers tried to set fire to one of the houses. A mother, father, and a girl were inside. While we were trying to get the little girl out of the house, they started shooting at us, hitting the girl. They killed three people.”

According to eyewitnesses, at least 15 Palestinians were wounded by gunfire. Medical personnel who treated the wounded said that the condition of some of them was critical.

“I evacuated a girl who was shot; she was injured inside her house and was bleeding,” said Bashar al-Kariyuti, a Palestinian ambulance driver who arrived at the scene during the attack. “The girl’s father was also shot in the face. It was impossible to recognize him.”

Ahmed, a third eyewitness to the incident who requested that his last name be withheld for safety reasons, recounted that the military stayed inside their observation post while settlers opened fire at Qusra’s residents. “My cousin was hit in the head, my brother was shot right at the entrance to his house,” he said. “Then soldiers took the [digital video recorder] that recorded everything; an hour after the event they came in and confiscated cameras. I’m sure they did it to erase the evidence.”

Residents of Qusra said that a small number of soldiers accompanied the settlers throughout the attack. When the villagers threw stones at the settlers, to force them back, soldiers backed up the settlers with live fire, according to the residents.

Screenshot of video of Israeli settlers attacking village of Qusra.
Screenshot of video of Israeli settlers attacking village of Qusra.

Commenting on the attack, an Israeli military spokesperson said, “An IDF force operating on the outskirts of Qusra reported hearing gunfire. The claim about Palestinians being hit by gunfire is being investigated.”

Along with the incident in Qusra, settlers have attacked at least 18 Palestinian villages throughout the West Bank since Hamas’ assault on Saturday, according to Yesh Din, an Israeli human rights group. The army announced that, due to the security situation, the police will distribute M-16 rifles to settlers in the West Bank. Media organizations affiliated with extremist settler groups in the area called on settlers to prepare to “conquer the villages near you” and to “destroy anyone who joins the enemy.”

On Monday, settler violence led to the expulsion of every resident of Al-Qanub, a small village north of Hebron comprising eight families, and which is located near the settlements of Ma’ale Amos and Asfar. The village residents said that settlers burned three houses — made of iron rods covered with thick cloth — with all their belongings inside.

“[The settlers] came down to us, grabbed me, and said we had an hour to leave the village,” said Abu Jamal, a resident of Al-Qanub. “Then, about 10 settlers came, poured gasoline, and set fire to my house. Seven people lived there. The cupboards, the food, everything caught fire. They also burned my son’s house and stole all my sheep and my livelihood. We will not go back there. I am 67 years old, and my children are psychologically damaged.”

Wa’ed, a resident of the village, took her children and hid in a nearby valley. “I have children, a 6-month-old baby, a 2-year-old, and a 5-year-old,” she said, “I ran to hide with them in the valley when the settlers entered. I heard the sounds of explosions and thought they had killed my husband. When they left, I saw that they had burned everything of ours.”







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18 minutes ago, Godfrey said:

Izrael, Palestina i @cedo



samo vracam mali deo onoga sto je meni forum dao






I just returned from the funeral of the late Haim Katzman, a fellow traveler who was murdered in Kibbutz Holit. I don't want to speak for the dead, but I also know (and his amazing sister said this in the obituary that was read) that he would like to tell you not to avenge his death. To pursue peace, that is Haim's legacy. May his memory be blessed


Edited by cedo
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14 hours ago, Caligula said:


Radim u Ai vec tri meseca + sam fotograf, ovo nije Ai, jasna je razika


... ili neko ne veruje sta su zivotinje radile pa je neverovatno da su radili i ovo? Kao da Palestinci postave pobijenu decu ispod rusevina u Gazi i onda neko zakljuci "Ai"... zasto napinjati graficki procestor kada je klik foto aparata dovoljan.

Da li su oni koji su postavili sliku stali iza toga da je ona autentična?

Verovatno je da takvih slika bilo u Izraelu i još mnogo verovatnije da ih sad ima u Gazi(zbog vrste oružija koja se koristi)

Nisam ubeđen da bi slike bombardovanjem spaljene palestinske dece bile baš prihvatljive za društvene mreže.

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3 hours ago, Amos said:

MP40 bez dlake na jeziku ne sme ništa da napiše, šta onda očekivati od njih. 


ceo ngo sektor u srbiji ćuti, poneko na ličnom nalogu stidljivo šeruje neki tekst nekog un upozorenja. da bude zanimljivije, trenutno je u beogradu 'beogradska bezbednosna konferencija o rekonstrukciji globalnog (ne)reda' u organizaciji bcbp, na kojoj je organizator rekao:





Takođe, ni tema rata u Izraelu nije mogla da bude pripremljena jer je, po rečima Bandovića taj sukob tek počeo.


*i ne, ne važi ono njihov posao je naše dvorište, jer su oni svoju borbu za mir a protiv ratnih zločina i zločinaca internacionalizovali očitujući se o svakom sukobu u svetu (a koji nema podršku amerike)


sem žena u crnom, ali one su svakako zbog podrške palestinskom narodu i decenijskih protesta protiv izraelske politike prema palestincima već na marginama (i zato ih poštujem još više=



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2 hours ago, cedo said:


I just returned from the funeral of the late Haim Katzman, a fellow traveler who was murdered in Kibbutz Holit. I don't want to speak for the dead, but I also know (and his amazing sister said this in the obituary that was read) that he would like to tell you not to avenge his death. To pursue peace, that is Haim's legacy. May his memory be blessed




i video o onome sto je u gornjem twitu



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On 13. 10. 2023. at 2:22, cedo said:


sta ti govori ako se FileSize u image attributes ne poklapa sa EXIF metadata FileSize ?

da je bitmap slika (vise nije bittno da li je fotografija) menjana u velicini pomocu image size u PS ili nekom drugom programu. nista strasno, niti komplikovano. mnoge agencije traze da im se sa terena posalje manja fotka nego sto je aparat snima. znaci, cesta stvar i nije red flag u startu.

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