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Izrael, Palestina i arapske zemlje

Message added by Krošek,

Na ovoj temi postoje stroža pravila oko kačenja raznoraznih sadržaja: Zabranjeno je repostovanje, kačenje tvitova ili bilo kakvih materijala (slika, klipova...), kao i goli linkovi. Postovi moraju biti napisani sopstvenim rečima, i dozvoljen je hipertekst (dugme Link). Izuzetno, kao propratni sadržaj uz sopstveni post, prihvatljivi su kratki isečci nekog dužeg teksta (ne i kraćeg kao što je obična vest).

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9 minutes ago, Anduril said:

- ko je prvi gde zapucao je manje vazno i uglavnom se propagandisti fokusiraju na to

Ups, ovo je dobra pokrivalica za puno ratova. 


Naravno da je Izrael bio okruzen neprijateljskim zemljama i da je bilo raznih faza u odnosima. Moje iskustvo dok sam zive i radio na tom prostoru je vrlo jesnostavno - ogroman skup licnih tragedija. Svaki slucaj je tragedija za sebe i svi su povezani u jedan beskonacan niz kome nema pocetka, a nazalost nema ni kraja.





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2 hours ago, Mel said:


Pa da, tako je to, dodju ti okupatori, potpishete neshto, to ne vazi, ratujete dalje, otmu ti tvoju teritoriju, onda potpishete za manje, onda ni to ne vazi. Sad da potpishete za nishta i to je to. Palestinci nemaju pravo ni na kamen. A cela zamlja im objektivno oteta i to sve pod mandatom UNa, i uz veliku i konstantnu pomoc zapadnog sveta.

I to je to.


Nemaju pravo na ono sto su odbili 1948. Taj voz je prosao. 

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7 hours ago, Dankan Ajdaho said:

Čudne igre se igraju na Bliskom istoku. Bestijalni napad Hamasa nije imao nikakav drugi cilj već da isprovocira Izrael na prekomernu reakciju. Izrael se sada nalazi u nemogućoj poziciji - s jedne strane su očekivanja sopstvene javnosti da se palestinski problem reši jedom zauvek (tkz Konačno rešenje powered by H.Himler™), ili da deluje selektivno, što će unutarpolitički a i spolja gledano biti dočekano kao znak slabosti, a takođe bi iziskivalo daleko više žrtava s izraelske strane. Situacija na terenu je sledeća-u pojasu Gaze na cca 200km2 živi oko dva miliona ljudi zbijenih u geto, od toga 2/5 dece. Teroristi Hamasa koriste ih kao živi štit. Ti ljudi nemaju izlaz-s jedne strane je more, a s druge Egipt. Ako Izrael, prema najavama, krene da ravna Gazu, vrlo verovatno će posledice biti katastrofalne-desetine, a možda i stotine hiljada mrtvih Palestinaca. Treba podsetiti da ti ljudi od juče nemaju struju i vodu, uz prekid telekomunikacija i isporuke hrane i bilo kakve druge vrste pomoći. Taj broj žrtava ne može biti suštinski okaraktreisan drugačije nego genocid, mada neće proći kroz međunarodne sudove makar mrtvih bilo i milione. No, to nije najbitnije, bitno je da bi takvo nešto sasvim sigurno konačno ujedinilo sve Arape protiv Izraela, bez ozbira na stav i moć Amerike, a Iranu bi dao sjajan izgovor da čim proizvede nuklearno naoružanje izbriše Izreal sa karte sveta. Jako mi smrdi da Rusija ima svoje prste u ovome (a i Iran), budući da Putinu jedinom odgovara da se sva pažnja sveta sa Ukrajine prebaci na Bliski istok. Kao što na početku napisah, Izrael se nalazi pred nemogućim izborom-da li zadrži ljudskost i reaguje "umereno", uz moguće povećanje sopstvenih žrtava, ili da pokuša s konačnim rešenjem i time iskopa sebi raku u koju će biti sahranjen u bliskoj budućnosti. Naravno, u čitavoj igri treba uzeti u obzir i genezu čitavog sukoba, od otimanja zemlje, nepomirljivosti Arapa prema "sporazumnom" rešenju, aparthejdu Izraela koji traje decenijama, i još mnogo toga... Sve u svemu, ne vidim lagan izlaz iz čitave situacije, niti neko rešenje koje će biti prihvatljivo za sve strane. Da sam vernik, rekao bih, nek nam je Bog na pomoći. Ovako, reći ću jebali smo čvorka, ovo će se na raznorazne načine prelivati na čitav svet, poput Ukrajinskog rata.


Koji je ovo analiticar :fantom:  @Mil@n evo ilustracije

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1 hour ago, Anduril said:


Ne samo to - Netanjahu je godinama/decenijama vise dilovao sa Hamasom i njih promovisao kao glavne palestinske glave umesto Fataha. Razlog je prost - trebao mu je totalni neprijatelj sa kojima ne moze da se pravi kompromis oko palestinske drzave i sa kojim moze da se podgreva strah koji je hranio njegovu poziciju.  

Mnogo gore od toga.

Trebao mu je slab Fatah da bi mogao lakse da uzurpira zemlju Arapa na zapadnog oblasti i podari je ortodoksnim Jevrejima sa kojima je u koaliciji.

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12 minutes ago, ObiW said:

Nemaju pravo na ono sto su odbili 1948. Taj voz je prosao. 




to zato sto ne mogu vojno da poraze izrael, inace bi imali

jel tako ?



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14 minutes ago, Shan Jan said:

Kao sto rekose kolege forumasi, izgleda Izrael ne mari za taoce. Ako je to istina onda ih nista ne zaustavlja vise da sravne celu Gazu.


To je bilo jasno josh juche, najkasnije. Ceo svet gleda da se bar ona deca izvuku, a ovi vec ravnaju Gazu, otpisali su ih skroz.

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Ceo tekst:


Israel is at war.

We didn’t want this war.

It was forced upon us in the most brutal and savage way. 
But though Israel didn’t start this war, Israel will finish it.

Once, the Jewish people were stateless.
Once, the Jewish people were defenseless. 
No longer. 

Hamas will understand that by attacking us, they have made a mistake of historic proportions. We will exact a price that will be remembered by them and Israel’s other enemies for decades to come. 

The savage attacks that Hamas perpetrated against innocent Israelis are mindboggling: slaughtering families in their homes, massacring hundreds of young people at an outdoor festival, kidnapping scores of women, children and elderly, even Holocaust survivors. 

Hamas terrorists bound, burned and executed children.

They are savages.

Hamas is ISIS.

And just as the forces of civilization united to defeat ISIS, the forces of civilization must support Israel in defeating Hamas.

I want to thank President Biden for his unequivocal support.

I want to thank leaders across the world who are standing with Israel today.

I want to thank the people and Congress of the United States of America. 

In fighting Hamas, Israel is not only fighting for its own people.
It is fighting for every country that stands against barbarism.

Israel will win this war, and when Israel wins, the entire civilized world wins.



Ceo tekst:


France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, and the United States — We express our steadfast and united support to the State of Israel, and our unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and its appalling acts of terrorism.

Here is our joint statement.

We make clear that the terrorist actions of Hamas have no justification, no legitimacy, and must be universally condemned.

There is never any justification for terrorism.

In recent days, the world has watched in horror as Hamas terrorists massacred families in their homes, slaughtered over 200 young people enjoying a music festival, and kidnapped elderly women, children, and entire families, who are now being held as hostages.

Our countries will support Israel in its efforts to defend itself and its people against such atrocities. We further emphasise that this is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage.

All of us recognize the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people, and support equal measures of justice and freedom for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

But make no mistake: Hamas does not represent those aspirations, and it offers nothing for the Palestinian people other than more terror and bloodshed.

Over the coming days, we will remain united and coordinated, together as allies, and as common friends of Israel, to ensure Israel is able to defend itself, and to ultimately set the conditions for a peaceful and integrated Middle East region.


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8 minutes ago, vememah said:


Ceo tekst:

  Reveal hidden contents

Israel is at war.

We didn’t want this war.

It was forced upon us in the most brutal and savage way. 
But though Israel didn’t start this war, Israel will finish it.

Once, the Jewish people were stateless.
Once, the Jewish people were defenseless. 
No longer. 

Hamas will understand that by attacking us, they have made a mistake of historic proportions. We will exact a price that will be remembered by them and Israel’s other enemies for decades to come. 

The savage attacks that Hamas perpetrated against innocent Israelis are mindboggling: slaughtering families in their homes, massacring hundreds of young people at an outdoor festival, kidnapping scores of women, children and elderly, even Holocaust survivors. 

Hamas terrorists bound, burned and executed children.

They are savages.

Hamas is ISIS.

And just as the forces of civilization united to defeat ISIS, the forces of civilization must support Israel in defeating Hamas.

I want to thank President Biden for his unequivocal support.

I want to thank leaders across the world who are standing with Israel today.

I want to thank the people and Congress of the United States of America. 

In fighting Hamas, Israel is not only fighting for its own people.
It is fighting for every country that stands against barbarism.

Israel will win this war, and when Israel wins, the entire civilized world wins.



Ceo tekst:

  Reveal hidden contents

France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, and the United States — We express our steadfast and united support to the State of Israel, and our unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and its appalling acts of terrorism.

Here is our joint statement.

We make clear that the terrorist actions of Hamas have no justification, no legitimacy, and must be universally condemned.

There is never any justification for terrorism.

In recent days, the world has watched in horror as Hamas terrorists massacred families in their homes, slaughtered over 200 young people enjoying a music festival, and kidnapped elderly women, children, and entire families, who are now being held as hostages.

Our countries will support Israel in its efforts to defend itself and its people against such atrocities. We further emphasise that this is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage.

All of us recognize the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people, and support equal measures of justice and freedom for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

But make no mistake: Hamas does not represent those aspirations, and it offers nothing for the Palestinian people other than more terror and bloodshed.

Over the coming days, we will remain united and coordinated, together as allies, and as common friends of Israel, to ensure Israel is able to defend itself, and to ultimately set the conditions for a peaceful and integrated Middle East region.


Propust izraelskih sluzbi 😉


Tj. jeste bio propust, propustili su Hamas da prodje, da bi doslo do ovoga.

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22 minutes ago, cedo said:




to zato sto ne mogu vojno da poraze izrael, inace bi imali

jel tako ?



To je zato sto su taj predlog, koji je te godine bio na stolu, odbili.


Zasto bi im se nudilo nesto sto su vec jednom odbili?


Nego kad smo vec kod 1948 godine... ne rece nam kako je Jugoslavija glasala?

Zasto je SSSR glasao "za"? Jel i njih podmitio onaj sto je prodavao banane?

Edited by ObiW
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kako vam ovo zvuči tj na koga liči


Once, the Jewish people were stateless. Once, the Jewish people were defenseless. No longer. Hamas will understand that by attacking us, they have made a mistake of historic proportions.


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