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Izrael, Palestina i arapske zemlje

Message added by Krošek,

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Deo avio kompanija (LH, Delta ...) su obustavile letove. Ostale imaju dodatne letove, poput AS, za evakuaciju gradjana.


Rusi organizuju specijalne letove za evakuaciju gradjana Rusije, Belorusije, Ukrajine, Kazahstana i drugih. :)


Poljaci su napravili vazdusni most, lete C295M sa vojnom opremom za IDF :)

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16 minutes ago, ObiW said:


To beše ona rezolucija koju su Jevreji prihvatili i odmah formirali Izrael, a Arapi odbili, napali Izrael i pogubili sve teritorije koje bi im tom rezolucijom pripale osim zapadne obale i Gaze?


Kako to, napadneš državu 3 puta, svaki put izgubiš teritorije, i hajmo sad vratite nam ono što smo imali pre nego smo vas prvi put napali? Te teritorije su palestinski Karlobag Karlovac Virovitica. Palestinci su skuvali riblju čorbu te 1948 uz pomoć Egipta, Libana, Sirije i Iraka i sad nema vrstite nam akvarijum iz 1948. Povratak na granice iz 1967, to je već druga priča. Takav Izrael, u tim granicama, je priznao PLO pre 30 godina, Arafat dobio Nobela za to.






Samuel Zemurray (born Schmuel Zmurri; January 18, 1877 – November 30, 1961), nicknamed "Sam the Banana Man", was an American businessman who made his fortune in the banana trade. He founded the Cuyamel Fruit Company and later became president of the United Fruit Company, the world's most influential fruit company at the time. Both companies played highly controversial roles in the history of several Latin American countries and had a significant influence on their economic and political development.



  • 23px-Flag_of_the_United_States_%281912-1 United States (Vote: For): President Truman later noted, "The facts were that not only were there pressure movements around the United Nations unlike anything that had been seen there before, but that the White House, too, was subjected to a constant barrage. I do not think I ever had as much pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I had in this instance. The persistence of a few of the extreme Zionist leaders—actuated by political motives and engaging in political threats—disturbed and annoyed me."[83]
  • 23px-Flag_of_India.svg.png India (Vote: Against): Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru spoke with anger and contempt for the way the UN vote had been lined up. He said the Zionists had tried to bribe India with millions and at the same time his sister, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, the Indian ambassador to the UN, had received daily warnings that her life was in danger unless "she voted right".[84] Pandit occasionally hinted that something might change in favour of the Zionists. But another Indian delegate, Kavallam Pannikar, said that India would vote for the Arab side, because of their large Muslim minority, although they knew that the Jews had a case.[85]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Liberia.svg.png Liberia (Vote: For): Liberia's Ambassador to the United States complained that the US delegation threatened aid cuts to several countries.[86] Harvey S. Firestone, Jr., President of Firestone Natural Rubber Company, with major holdings in the country, also pressured the Liberian government[72][80]
  • 23px-Flag_of_the_Philippines_%28navy_blu Philippines (Vote: For): In the days before the vote, Philippines representative General Carlos P. Romulo stated "We hold that the issue is primarily moral. The issue is whether the United Nations should accept responsibility for the enforcement of a policy which is clearly repugnant to the valid nationalist aspirations of the people of Palestine. The Philippines Government holds that the United Nations ought not to accept such responsibility." After a phone call from Washington, the representative was recalled and the Philippines' vote changed.[80]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Haiti_%281859%E2%80%931964% Haiti (Vote: For): The promise of a five million dollar loan may or may not have secured Haiti's vote for partition.[87]
  • 23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815 France (Vote: For): Shortly before the vote, France's delegate to the United Nations was visited by Bernard Baruch, a long-term Jewish supporter of the Democratic Party who, during the recent world war, had been an economic adviser to President Roosevelt, and had latterly been appointed by President Truman as United States ambassador to the newly created UN Atomic Energy Commission. He was, privately, a supporter of the Irgun and its front organization, the American League for a Free Palestine. Baruch implied that a French failure to support the resolution might block planned American aid to France, which was badly needed for reconstruction, French currency reserves being exhausted and its balance of payments heavily in deficit. Previously, to avoid antagonising its Arab colonies, France had not publicly supported the resolution. After considering the danger of American aid being withheld, France finally voted in favour of it. So, too, did France's neighbours, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.[70]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Venezuela_%281930%E2%80%932 Venezuela (Vote: For): Carlos Eduardo Stolk, Chairman of the Delegation of Venezuela, voted in favor of Resolution 181 .[88]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Cuba_%28sky_blue%29.svg.png Cuba (Vote: Against): The Cuban delegation stated they would vote against partition "in spite of pressure being brought to bear against us" because they could not be party to coercing the majority in Palestine.[89]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Thailand.svg.png Siam (Absent): The credentials of the Siamese delegations were cancelled after Siam voted against partition in committee on 25 November.[71][90]

There is also some evidence that Sam Zemurray put pressure on several "banana republics" to change their votes.[91]


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24 minutes ago, x500 said:

Deo avio kompanija (LH, Delta ...) su obustavile letove. Ostale imaju dodatne letove, poput AS, za evakuaciju gradjana.


Rusi organizuju specijalne letove za evakuaciju gradjana Rusije, Belorusije, Ukrajine, Kazahstana i drugih. :)


Poljaci su napravili vazdusni most, lete C295M sa vojnom opremom za IDF :)


El Al verovatno nece ni prestajati da leti.

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12 minutes ago, jms_uk said:


El Al verovatno nece ni prestajati da leti.

Lete sve 3: El Al, Israir i Arkia :)


Zanimljivo je da lete AS, Montenegro, Turkish i Etihad :)

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12 minutes ago, cedo said:





Samuel Zemurray (born Schmuel Zmurri; January 18, 1877 – November 30, 1961), nicknamed "Sam the Banana Man", was an American businessman who made his fortune in the banana trade. He founded the Cuyamel Fruit Company and later became president of the United Fruit Company, the world's most influential fruit company at the time. Both companies played highly controversial roles in the history of several Latin American countries and had a significant influence on their economic and political development.



  • 23px-Flag_of_the_United_States_%281912-1 United States (Vote: For): President Truman later noted, "The facts were that not only were there pressure movements around the United Nations unlike anything that had been seen there before, but that the White House, too, was subjected to a constant barrage. I do not think I ever had as much pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I had in this instance. The persistence of a few of the extreme Zionist leaders—actuated by political motives and engaging in political threats—disturbed and annoyed me."[83]
  • 23px-Flag_of_India.svg.png India (Vote: Against): Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru spoke with anger and contempt for the way the UN vote had been lined up. He said the Zionists had tried to bribe India with millions and at the same time his sister, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, the Indian ambassador to the UN, had received daily warnings that her life was in danger unless "she voted right".[84] Pandit occasionally hinted that something might change in favour of the Zionists. But another Indian delegate, Kavallam Pannikar, said that India would vote for the Arab side, because of their large Muslim minority, although they knew that the Jews had a case.[85]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Liberia.svg.png Liberia (Vote: For): Liberia's Ambassador to the United States complained that the US delegation threatened aid cuts to several countries.[86] Harvey S. Firestone, Jr., President of Firestone Natural Rubber Company, with major holdings in the country, also pressured the Liberian government[72][80]
  • 23px-Flag_of_the_Philippines_%28navy_blu Philippines (Vote: For): In the days before the vote, Philippines representative General Carlos P. Romulo stated "We hold that the issue is primarily moral. The issue is whether the United Nations should accept responsibility for the enforcement of a policy which is clearly repugnant to the valid nationalist aspirations of the people of Palestine. The Philippines Government holds that the United Nations ought not to accept such responsibility." After a phone call from Washington, the representative was recalled and the Philippines' vote changed.[80]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Haiti_%281859%E2%80%931964% Haiti (Vote: For): The promise of a five million dollar loan may or may not have secured Haiti's vote for partition.[87]
  • 23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815 France (Vote: For): Shortly before the vote, France's delegate to the United Nations was visited by Bernard Baruch, a long-term Jewish supporter of the Democratic Party who, during the recent world war, had been an economic adviser to President Roosevelt, and had latterly been appointed by President Truman as United States ambassador to the newly created UN Atomic Energy Commission. He was, privately, a supporter of the Irgun and its front organization, the American League for a Free Palestine. Baruch implied that a French failure to support the resolution might block planned American aid to France, which was badly needed for reconstruction, French currency reserves being exhausted and its balance of payments heavily in deficit. Previously, to avoid antagonising its Arab colonies, France had not publicly supported the resolution. After considering the danger of American aid being withheld, France finally voted in favour of it. So, too, did France's neighbours, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.[70]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Venezuela_%281930%E2%80%932 Venezuela (Vote: For): Carlos Eduardo Stolk, Chairman of the Delegation of Venezuela, voted in favor of Resolution 181 .[88]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Cuba_%28sky_blue%29.svg.png Cuba (Vote: Against): The Cuban delegation stated they would vote against partition "in spite of pressure being brought to bear against us" because they could not be party to coercing the majority in Palestine.[89]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Thailand.svg.png Siam (Absent): The credentials of the Siamese delegations were cancelled after Siam voted against partition in committee on 25 November.[71][90]

There is also some evidence that Sam Zemurray put pressure on several "banana republics" to change their votes.[91]


Tadašnja Jugoslavija je na tom glasanju bila uzdržana, ali je pomogla ustanovljenje Izraela u vrlo značajnoj meri, pomažući isporuku borbenih aviona i ostalog oružja, zašta joj je Izrael bio vrlo zahvalan.



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21 hours ago, Peter Fan said:

DUBAI—Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday, according to senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, another Iran-backed militant group.

Officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had worked with Hamas since August to devise the air, land and sea incursions—the most significant breach of Israel’s borders since the 1973 Yom Kippur War—those people said.
Details of the operation were refined during several meetings in Beirut attended by IRGC officers and representatives of four Iran-backed militant groups, including Hamas, which holds power in Gaza, and Hezbollah, a Shiite militant group and political faction in Lebanon, they said.

U.S. officials say they haven’t seen evidence of Tehran’s involvement. In an interview with CNN that aired Sunday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: “We have not yet seen evidence that Iran directed or was behind this particular attack, but there is certainly a long relationship.”

Na toj liniji, današnji članak odavde sa još detalja:

Think this is just a savage new round of the Israel-Palestine struggle? Think again


If there were any shadow of doubt that Hamas was acting hand-in-glove with Tehran, Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad on Saturday told the BBC “that the group had direct backing for the attack from Iran”. And in Tehran, Yahya Rahim Safavi, senior military adviser to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that Iran would continue to support Hamas “until the liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem”.


Four days before Saturday’s invasion, the supreme leader himself said: “The usurper regime is coming to an end. Today, the Palestinian youth and the anti-oppression, anti-occupation movement in Palestine is more energetic, more alive, and more prepared than ever during the past 70 or 80 years. God willing, the movement will achieve its goal.”




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35 minutes ago, Gojko & Stojko said:

Tadašnja Jugoslavija je na tom glasanju bila uzdržana, ali je pomogla ustanovljenje Izraela u vrlo značajnoj meri, pomažući isporuku borbenih aviona i ostalog oružja, zašta joj je Izrael bio vrlo zahvalan.



Možeš li ovo da mi obrazložiš, imam na liniji ćale-ja višedecenijski sukob u pojasu Gaze, te će on reći da ne znam dovoljno jer se ne sećam jer se nisam ni rodila, a da je Jugoslavija bila kao nesvrstana prijatelj Palestini. Pa mi treba da znam.

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Čudne igre se igraju na Bliskom istoku. Bestijalni napad Hamasa nije imao nikakav drugi cilj već da isprovocira Izrael na prekomernu reakciju. Izrael se sada nalazi u nemogućoj poziciji - s jedne strane su očekivanja sopstvene javnosti da se palestinski problem reši jedom zauvek (tkz Konačno rešenje powered by H.Himler™), ili da deluje selektivno, što će unutarpolitički a i spolja gledano biti dočekano kao znak slabosti, a takođe bi iziskivalo daleko više žrtava s izraelske strane. Situacija na terenu je sledeća-u pojasu Gaze na cca 200km2 živi oko dva miliona ljudi zbijenih u geto, od toga 2/5 dece. Teroristi Hamasa koriste ih kao živi štit. Ti ljudi nemaju izlaz-s jedne strane je more, a s druge Egipt. Ako Izrael, prema najavama, krene da ravna Gazu, vrlo verovatno će posledice biti katastrofalne-desetine, a možda i stotine hiljada mrtvih Palestinaca. Treba podsetiti da ti ljudi od juče nemaju struju i vodu, uz prekid telekomunikacija i isporuke hrane i bilo kakve druge vrste pomoći. Taj broj žrtava ne može biti suštinski okaraktreisan drugačije nego genocid, mada neće proći kroz međunarodne sudove makar mrtvih bilo i milione. No, to nije najbitnije, bitno je da bi takvo nešto sasvim sigurno konačno ujedinilo sve Arape protiv Izraela, bez ozbira na stav i moć Amerike, a Iranu bi dao sjajan izgovor da čim proizvede nuklearno naoružanje izbriše Izreal sa karte sveta. Jako mi smrdi da Rusija ima svoje prste u ovome (a i Iran), budući da Putinu jedinom odgovara da se sva pažnja sveta sa Ukrajine prebaci na Bliski istok. Kao što na početku napisah, Izrael se nalazi pred nemogućim izborom-da li zadrži ljudskost i reaguje "umereno", uz moguće povećanje sopstvenih žrtava, ili da pokuša s konačnim rešenjem i time iskopa sebi raku u koju će biti sahranjen u bliskoj budućnosti. Naravno, u čitavoj igri treba uzeti u obzir i genezu čitavog sukoba, od otimanja zemlje, nepomirljivosti Arapa prema "sporazumnom" rešenju, aparthejdu Izraela koji traje decenijama, i još mnogo toga... Sve u svemu, ne vidim lagan izlaz iz čitave situacije, niti neko rešenje koje će biti prihvatljivo za sve strane. Da sam vernik, rekao bih, nek nam je Bog na pomoći. Ovako, reći ću jebali smo čvorka, ovo će se na raznorazne načine prelivati na čitav svet, poput Ukrajinskog rata.

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41 minutes ago, Svemir Zeka said:

Možeš li ovo da mi obrazložiš, imam na liniji ćale-ja višedecenijski sukob u pojasu Gaze, te će on reći da ne znam dovoljno jer se ne sećam jer se nisam ni rodila, a da je Jugoslavija bila kao nesvrstana prijatelj Palestini. Pa mi treba da znam.

Evo nekoliko, nadam se da će da ti posluže:

Zbog spomenika misiji iz 1948. Crna Gora u izraelsko-palestinskom sporu

SKRIVENI DETALJI HLADNOG RATA: Operacija Velveta kako je Tito spasao Izrael


Takođe, kada je Ajzenhauerov državni sekretar Džon Foster Dals 1955. posetio mrskog JB-a na Brionima, zamolio ga je da iskoristi svoj uticaj za konstruktivno rešavanje konflikta na Blsikom istoku, pri čemu je JB obećao da će to da uradi u svojim sledećim posetama Egiptu i Izraelu. Za ovo nemam linak, moraćeš za sada da mi veruješ na reč.



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35 minutes ago, Dankan Ajdaho said:

Čudne igre se igraju na Bliskom istoku. Bestijalni napad Hamasa nije imao nikakav drugi cilj već da isprovocira Izrael na prekomernu reakciju. Izrael se sada nalazi u nemogućoj poziciji - s jedne strane su očekivanja sopstvene javnosti da se palestinski problem reši jedom zauvek (tkz Konačno rešenje powered by H.Himler™), ili da deluje selektivno, što će unutarpolitički a i spolja gledano biti dočekano kao znak slabosti, a takođe bi iziskivalo daleko više žrtava s izraelske strane. Situacija na terenu je sledeća-u pojasu Gaze na cca 200km2 živi oko dva miliona ljudi zbijenih u geto, od toga 2/5 dece. Teroristi Hamasa koriste ih kao živi štit. Ti ljudi nemaju izlaz-s jedne strane je more, a s druge Egipt. Ako Izrael, prema najavama, krene da ravna Gazu, vrlo verovatno će posledice biti katastrofalne-desetine, a možda i stotine hiljada mrtvih Palestinaca. Treba podsetiti da ti ljudi od juče nemaju struju i vodu, uz prekid telekomunikacija i isporuke hrane i bilo kakve druge vrste pomoći. Taj broj žrtava ne može biti suštinski okaraktreisan drugačije nego genocid, mada neće proći kroz međunarodne sudove makar mrtvih bilo i milione. No, to nije najbitnije, bitno je da bi takvo nešto sasvim sigurno konačno ujedinilo sve Arape protiv Izraela, bez ozbira na stav i moć Amerike, a Iranu bi dao sjajan izgovor da čim proizvede nuklearno naoružanje izbriše Izreal sa karte sveta. Jako mi smrdi da Rusija ima svoje prste u ovome (a i Iran), budući da Putinu jedinom odgovara da se sva pažnja sveta sa Ukrajine prebaci na Bliski istok. Kao što na početku napisah, Izrael se nalazi pred nemogućim izborom-da li zadrži ljudskost i reaguje "umereno", uz moguće povećanje sopstvenih žrtava, ili da pokuša s konačnim rešenjem i time iskopa sebi raku u koju će biti sahranjen u bliskoj budućnosti. Naravno, u čitavoj igri treba uzeti u obzir i genezu čitavog sukoba, od otimanja zemlje, nepomirljivosti Arapa prema "sporazumnom" rešenju, aparthejdu Izraela koji traje decenijama, i još mnogo toga... Sve u svemu, ne vidim lagan izlaz iz čitave situacije, niti neko rešenje koje će biti prihvatljivo za sve strane. Da sam vernik, rekao bih, nek nam je Bog na pomoći. Ovako, reći ću jebali smo čvorka, ovo će se na raznorazne načine prelivati na čitav svet, poput Ukrajinskog rata.

Mali podsetnik na Severne Irce u jednoj sličnoj situaciji, nadam se da neki bitni ljudi u Izraelu imaju u vidu ovo što je Ajvan rekao u prvih dva minuta:




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2 hours ago, cedo said:





Samuel Zemurray (born Schmuel Zmurri; January 18, 1877 – November 30, 1961), nicknamed "Sam the Banana Man", was an American businessman who made his fortune in the banana trade. He founded the Cuyamel Fruit Company and later became president of the United Fruit Company, the world's most influential fruit company at the time. Both companies played highly controversial roles in the history of several Latin American countries and had a significant influence on their economic and political development.



  • 23px-Flag_of_the_United_States_%281912-1 United States (Vote: For): President Truman later noted, "The facts were that not only were there pressure movements around the United Nations unlike anything that had been seen there before, but that the White House, too, was subjected to a constant barrage. I do not think I ever had as much pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I had in this instance. The persistence of a few of the extreme Zionist leaders—actuated by political motives and engaging in political threats—disturbed and annoyed me."[83]
  • 23px-Flag_of_India.svg.png India (Vote: Against): Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru spoke with anger and contempt for the way the UN vote had been lined up. He said the Zionists had tried to bribe India with millions and at the same time his sister, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, the Indian ambassador to the UN, had received daily warnings that her life was in danger unless "she voted right".[84] Pandit occasionally hinted that something might change in favour of the Zionists. But another Indian delegate, Kavallam Pannikar, said that India would vote for the Arab side, because of their large Muslim minority, although they knew that the Jews had a case.[85]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Liberia.svg.png Liberia (Vote: For): Liberia's Ambassador to the United States complained that the US delegation threatened aid cuts to several countries.[86] Harvey S. Firestone, Jr., President of Firestone Natural Rubber Company, with major holdings in the country, also pressured the Liberian government[72][80]
  • 23px-Flag_of_the_Philippines_%28navy_blu Philippines (Vote: For): In the days before the vote, Philippines representative General Carlos P. Romulo stated "We hold that the issue is primarily moral. The issue is whether the United Nations should accept responsibility for the enforcement of a policy which is clearly repugnant to the valid nationalist aspirations of the people of Palestine. The Philippines Government holds that the United Nations ought not to accept such responsibility." After a phone call from Washington, the representative was recalled and the Philippines' vote changed.[80]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Haiti_%281859%E2%80%931964% Haiti (Vote: For): The promise of a five million dollar loan may or may not have secured Haiti's vote for partition.[87]
  • 23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815 France (Vote: For): Shortly before the vote, France's delegate to the United Nations was visited by Bernard Baruch, a long-term Jewish supporter of the Democratic Party who, during the recent world war, had been an economic adviser to President Roosevelt, and had latterly been appointed by President Truman as United States ambassador to the newly created UN Atomic Energy Commission. He was, privately, a supporter of the Irgun and its front organization, the American League for a Free Palestine. Baruch implied that a French failure to support the resolution might block planned American aid to France, which was badly needed for reconstruction, French currency reserves being exhausted and its balance of payments heavily in deficit. Previously, to avoid antagonising its Arab colonies, France had not publicly supported the resolution. After considering the danger of American aid being withheld, France finally voted in favour of it. So, too, did France's neighbours, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.[70]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Venezuela_%281930%E2%80%932 Venezuela (Vote: For): Carlos Eduardo Stolk, Chairman of the Delegation of Venezuela, voted in favor of Resolution 181 .[88]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Cuba_%28sky_blue%29.svg.png Cuba (Vote: Against): The Cuban delegation stated they would vote against partition "in spite of pressure being brought to bear against us" because they could not be party to coercing the majority in Palestine.[89]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Thailand.svg.png Siam (Absent): The credentials of the Siamese delegations were cancelled after Siam voted against partition in committee on 25 November.[71][90]

There is also some evidence that Sam Zemurray put pressure on several "banana republics" to change their votes.[91]


A kako je Jugoslavija glasala?

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A za nešto sofisticiranije ukuse, jevrejska reakcija na američku reakciju na kinesku reakciju na situaciju na Bliskom istoku:


War Criminal Chuck Schumer Expresses Disappointment that Chinese Won't Also Be War Criminals

For nearly 20 years, one million children have been immured in Gaza Concentration Camp.  On May 31, 2010, a humanitarian flotilla en route to Gaza and carrying seven hundred passengers came under attack in international waters by Israeli commandos.  The flotilla's six vessels were delivering ten thousand tons of badly needed supplies.  By the end of the Israeli assault in the middle of the night, nine passengers aboard the flagship Mavi Marmara had been shot to death.   Shortly after the murderous assault, Schumer spoke at a meeting of Orthodox Jews.  Expressing indignation that the people of Gaza "still don't believe in the Jewish state ... in the Torah, in David," he went on to say that it made sense "to strangle them economically until they see that's not the way to go."  The "man" who thinks it makes sense to economically "strangle" one million children just can't comprehend why the Chinese might see things differently.




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