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13. januar serbische neue jahrebeograd - movie bar @ DKCjazzanova DJ setfeat. jurgen von knoblauchsupport: brkic, janjic, paunovic
Lepo, vidimo se.

Ja bih došao, ali sam SNG bio prinuđen da (ne) proslavim van matice.U to ime, now playing melanholični Gescom - Five.

pa Shpongle.. koj voli experimental hevi psy....

Greg Wilson @ Essential Mix (BBC Radio 1) - 17.01.2009

1490239906_l.jpgGreg Wilson was one of the first DJs in the UK to mix two records together. He was a resident at the legendary Wigan Pier in the 1970's and 80's. And in 1983 he became the first DJ to host a weekly dance music night at Manchester's Hacienda.Greg was also the first DJ to mix live on
He stopped DJing in 1984, but picked up his headphones again in 2003, playing at the likes of The Electric Chair, Fabric and Basics to widespread acclaim.Check out Greg Wilson's full biography hereTracklisting: The Originals ?Down To Love Town? (Dimitri From Paris Edit) ? Motown / CDRSoul Searchers ?Blow Your Whistle? - SussexGoody Goody ?It Looks Like Love? - AtlanticShirley Lites ?Heat You Up? (Melt Down Mix) ? West EndMetro Area ?Dance Reaction? - EnvironTalking Heads ?Psycho Killer? (GW Edit) ? Disco Deviance / DJ OnlySugardaddy ?Love Honey? (GW Version) ? TirkChic ?I Want Your Love? (Todd Terje Edit) ? Supreme / DJ OnlyQ ?The Voice Of Q? ? Philly WorldNitro Deluxe ?This Brutal House? ? CuttingAtlantic Conveyor ?We Are? ? UntrackedFirefly ?Love (Is Gonna Be On Your Side)? ? EmergencyKasso ?Walkman? ? F1 TeamRose Royce ?Do Your Dance? ? WhitfieldGunchback Boogie Band ?Funn? ? PreludeRufus Feat Chaka Khan ?Ain?t Nobody? (Frankie Knuckles Mix) ? Warner BrothersHappy Mondays ?WFL (Vince Clarke Mix) - FactoryYoung Dog Alien ?Gotta Keep Workin? It? (GW Mash-Up) - ReactivateStevie Wonder ?Superstition? (Todd Terje Edit) ? Motown / CDRLoose Ends ?Hangin? On A String? (Frankie Knuckles Mix) ? TenAretha Franklin ?Rock Steady? (Danny Krivit Edit) ? Rock / DJ OnlyGwen Guthrie ?Seventh Heaven? (Larry Levan Mix) ? GarageThe Commodores ?Machine Gun? (Situation Edit) ? Motown / CDRB.T (Breanda Taylor) ?You Can?t Have Your Cake And Eat It Too? (GW Edit) ? TirkWest Phillips ?(I?m Just A) Sucker For A Pretty Face? ? QualityEdit The Edit ?Two Sides Of Sympanthy? (PTA Mash-Up / GW Edit) ? Edit The Edit / DJ OnlyStone Roses ?Fools Gold? ? SilvertoneBanbarra ?Shack Up? ? United ArtistsWar ?Me And Baby Brother? ? IslandGino Soccio ?Try It Out? ? Warner BrothersGeraldine Hunt ? Can?t Fake The Feeling? ? PrismBrown ? I Specialize In Love? ? ProfileVisual ?The Music Got Me? ? PreludeIncredible Bongo Band ?Apache? ? MGMTweet ?Boogie 2nite? (Fat Camp Mix) ? Elektra / DJ OnlyDc La Rue ?Cathedrals? (GW Edit) ? Disco Deviance / DJ OnlyTeenage DJ ?I Was A Teenage DJ Pt 1? (GW Edit) ? ReactivateSir Joe Quarterman ?(I Got) So Much Trouble In My Mind? (Barna Soundmachine Edit) ? GSF / DJ OnlyLeague Unlimited Orchestra ?Things That Dreams Are Made Of? ? VirginTW Funkmasters ?Love Money? ? ChampagneLast Rhythm ?Last Rhythm? ? AmericanThe Clash ?Casbah Breakdown? (Joey Negro Edit) ? CBS / CDR808 State ?Pacific State? (GW Edit) ? ZTT / CDRDownload herei jedan flajer iz '83:l_416aad4203ec74e90fb1885e164c2b6d.jpg

Edited by maheem

Masivna preporuka za Caspa & Rusko - Fabriclive 37, 29 trackova proper wobble & warp gaženja.btw, ostavite shout Relji na last.fm najavi za d/p, ali samo ako ćete da kukate da dovedu shackletona.

Ovo bi ubilo Hippie sigurno, mozda naudi i tebi. Ti si jedan mnogo suftilan momak.
Dajte predlog za neku elektroniku. Nesto sto bi Hippie bilo dosadno. Pretpostavljam da trazim minimal, ono gde u pozadini nema zurli ni semplova glasovitih crnkinja. Nesto sto efikasno utuca mozak.
odgovara opisu...ali nije bas electro...

Aj ne zezajte čoveka.

Dajte predlog za neku elektroniku. Nesto sto bi Hippie bilo dosadno. Pretpostavljam da trazim minimal, ono gde u pozadini nema zurli ni semplova glasovitih crnkinja. Nesto sto efikasno utuca mozak.

Probaj bilo šta od Stiminga, npr. Može i onaj Johnny D sa prethodne strane.

Dajte predlog za neku elektroniku. Nesto sto bi Hippie bilo dosadno.
Hipici i slični goa trance hodočasnici su često osetljivi na Alva Noto.Mada, ako baš ne želiš da gubiš vreme na ljubaznost, preporučujem Otto Von Schiracha - ovo ni ja ne mogu da slušam.

@BGhost:4371.jpgprilicno je minimalno i repetativno! salje mozak na odmor :D

Edited by maheem

Predposlednji RA podkast - Rene Breitbarth upravo je ono što BGHost traži.

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