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Ofkors,a kome drugome bi pripadao ovaj loš engleski? :D Nije mi se dalo prevoditi, a to sam inače poslala Pati i Johnu sa SR.com, jer smo nešto debatirali oko The Promise.
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Ofkors,a kome drugome bi pripadao ovaj loš engleski? :D Nije mi se dalo prevoditi, a to sam inače poslala Pati i Johnu sa SR.com, jer smo nešto debatirali oko The Promise.
Uh to maora da je bila debata ;) Na zalost tamo sam samo popodne i uvece ponekad, a tebe nema cool.gif
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Uh to maora da je bila debata ;) Na zalost tamo sam samo popodne i uvece ponekad, a tebe nema cool.gif
Moš' si mislit koja debata ... hahaha.... možda kad bi se uozbiljili, možda bi i koji put nešto pametog rekli... :D E da, nema mene više tamo, skinula sam se, nemam vremena za to na poslu....Ali nadam se da ćemo se koji put vidjeti ovdje... :)
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Big Man Clarence Clemons is living in the future .NEW YORK – The Big Man has seen the future — and it features Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band.Saxophonist Clarence Clemons recorded a webcast this week with his longtime bandmates in Asbury Park, N.J. — just part of his current whirlwind of activities.He's playing the national anthem on Sunday at the Jets-Miami Dolphins football game in New Jersey, then heads to a California show next week. He's also busy rooting on his nephew and fellow saxophonist, Jake Clemons.In between it all, he was checked out this week by the Manhattan medical team overseeing his recovery from the back surgery he underwent nearly a year ago."It takes a village to run the Big Man — a village of doctors," Clemons told The Associated Press in a phone interview. "They all applauded me. I'm starting to feel better; I'm moving around a lot better."A few days earlier, on Tuesday, he'd spent hours with the E Street Band, recording the performance at the historic Asbury Park Carousel House."We got the call a couple of weeks ago," said Clemons. "That's the way we always work. ... You get that call, you show up."Some of the musicians hadn't been together for a year. But they seamlessly picked up where they left off, he says."Everybody looks fantastic. Wow!" said Clemons. "It's like we never left. It's always great to see each other — but we get right to work. ... We didn't get the chance to sit around and reminisce.""The music was fantastic," said Clemons. "But I miss some of the guys who weren't there," including the late Danny Federici.They played songs from "The Promise," a new album of works that date back to a very early chapter of their professional lives.The music "tasted different; it's more refined," he says. It's "more adult" because of "all the experiences we've had; we've all grown a lot, musically.""Every time we get together, it's all brand new," said Clemons. "Every time, Bruce comes back with something new and something different. I keep wondering: How high can he take it? ... How many times can he be reborn? I just want to keep on living so I can keep seeing the change."Clemons, who turns 69 in January, insists that "the age thing is just a number." With each new year, he says with a laugh, "I'm going to be harder to handle."Clemons deftly sidesteps questions about when the E Street Band might tour, saying simply, "We don't discuss that stuff.""I just wait 'til it happens," he said. "We will see each other again. It will be fantastic."During the football game Sunday, weather forecasters say it may be cold and rainy."It's the ultimate test of my love of music," jokes Clemons, a Florida resident. "I feel bad for the horn, out there in the cold." "But we're hot together."
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Je li fanovi, je l' vama Promise (album) ok?Meni sjajan, sa svim tim naivnim i neizbrušenim verzijama.
Nismo ti mi bas objektivni. To su dragulji za mene, bas takvi. Mislim, Nebraska ne bi bila Nebraska da je nije snimio na 4-kanalnom Teacu.
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Koncert za 59 dusa...http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/exclusive-review-springsteens-asbury-park-show-20101215It was one of the toughest tickets in Springsteen history. :Hail:

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Koncert za 59 dusa...http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/exclusive-review-springsteens-asbury-park-show-20101215It was one of the toughest tickets in Springsteen history. :Hail:
Treba ga dovesti da svira u Žici - a true 59 (or less) souls expiriance!
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  • 2 months later...
imal nesto o onoj famoznoj Hrvackoj ove godine???
To ce dancing da kaze, ali mislim da jok...Jedino ako se ne pojavi kao gost na Bon Jovi koncertu cool.gifcool.gifcool.gif Edited by veljaGB
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  • 2 weeks later...
To ce dancing da kaze, ali mislim da jok...Jedino ako se ne pojavi kao gost na Bon Jovi koncertu cool.gifcool.gifcool.gif
Ha, a možda dođe na more... onaj St. Barts je ionako već izlizan....;)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Bruce Springsteen visits Asbury Park's Upstage for the first time in 40 years After 40 years, Bruce Springsteen returned to where it all started for him in Asbury Park, when he visited the legendary Upstage last Thursday. "It was fantastic" said owner Richard Yorkowitz of Garwood who showed Springsteen around for 45 minutes. "Last Thursday, I had a friend call me, and he said Bruce Springsteen called him and said he would like to see the club. And a little while later he was there."

The Upstage located at 700 Cookman Ave., has been closed since 1971. Yorkowitz bought the building in 2009 and is planning to reopen it as a restaurant/bar and a music venue. Founded by Tom and Margaret Potter in 1968 on the second and third floors above a Thom McAn shoe store, the club was a mecca for upcoming rock 'n roll stars, such as Springsteen, Southside Johnny Lyon and E Street band members Vini Lopez, Garry Tallent, Danny Federici and David Sancious. Jam sessions at the Upstage, a nonalcoholic establishment, began at 9 p.m. and lasted until midnight. Then, the club was cleared out for one hour and the jam sessions them began again until the early morning hours. "He definitely remembered the place. He remembered everything right away," said Yorkowitz. "Bruce said it had been 40 years since he had last been in there. "He remembered Tom Potter's office on the second floor and sitting at the little tables at the Green Mermaid Cafe and eating there." The third floor of the Upstage is where Springsteen first made a name for himself as part of the Asbury Park music scene in 1969. "Bruce said when he came out of Freehold, no one knew who he was whatsoever," said Yorkowitz. "He was already playing guitar for a few years at that point, but no one knew him in Asbury Park. "He came out of nowhere and got onstage and showed them what he had." And the legend of Bruce Springsteen in Asbury Park began. "He was trying not to brag," said Yorkowitz. "But Bruce recalled that when he did go onstage he felt 'it's on now' and that he was going to show them a thing or two." There's still some Steel Mill (one of Bruce's early bands) graffiti on the third floor and Yorkowitz showed it to Bruce. "Springsteen said the first time he was at the Upstage, he met Southside Johnny, Danny Federici, Vini Lopez and other musicians," said Yorkowitz. The stage is still on the third floor and Bruce was nostalgic when he saw it. "He remembered the stage right away. He talked about the wall of sound, the wall behind the stage with all the speakers in it," said Yorkowitz. Springsteen also talked about Tom Potter. When Springsteen established a following at the Upstage, Potter would pay him $20 a night. "He wished that he had stayed in touch with Tom Potter. He was surprised how he disappeared from the area since he was such an integral part of the Asbury Park scene," said Yorkowitz. "He just walked away, never showed up again. Bruce was very surprised about that." According to Billy Smith, the former owner of the Asbury Park Rock and Roll Museum and Springsteen historian, Potter left Asbury Park in 1971. "When the Upstage closed in October of 1971, Tom sold the equipment and whatever else he could. Then he loaded up an old school bus with the rest of his possessions and drove to Florida and never came back," said Smith. Potter's granddaughter, Carrie Potter, said her grandfather died in 1997 at age 74. "My dad told me that Tom struggled for over a year keeping the Upstage open and was losing money," said Carrie who lives in Waco, Texas. "Finally with only $10,000, after selling what he could, a renovated bus and a MG car he told Margaret he wanted to close up and cut losses and move to Florida, where his sisters and relatives lived. "He wanted to find carpentry and paint work and to start anew." Yorkowitz said Springsteen liked that he met musicians from the 1950s at the Upstage. " He talked about how when he first came here, there were a lot of guys out of the 1950s and it was the 1950s meeting the 1960s including Tom Potter and the beatnik scene," he said. "Bruce said he saw Sonny Kenn at the Upstage. He really admired him and he really admired what he was about." Springsteen told Yorkowitz that he lived two doors away on Cookman Avenue in the early 1970s and he wrote many of the songs on his first album, "Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J.", there.Yorkowitz is waiting for final approval from the Asbury Park planning board on his plans of the details to reopen the Upstage. He is going to have a restaurant/bar on the first and second floors and live entertainment on the third floor. "It's going to be the Upstage again. And the second floor will be the Green Mermaid once again."Bruce asked me what I was doing with the building and looked at the plans that we have. He thought it was very cool," Yorkowitz said. "I was so happy for Bruce, to come in and see the Upstage again. During the visit he more than once said 'It's a trip!'"He had a real appreciation for it."

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