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And when the promise was broken I was far away from homeSleepin' in the back seat of a borrowed carThunder Road, for the lost lovers and all the fixed gamesThunder Road, for the tires rushing by in the rain

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And when the promise was broken I was far away from homeSleepin' in the back seat of a borrowed carThunder Road, for the lost lovers and all the fixed gamesThunder Road, for the tires rushing by in the rain
:( :( :( Pokida me svaki jebeni put kad slusam...Drzi se... Edited by veljaGB
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Iskreno, slucajno sam naleteo, a veoma zanimljiva obrada. Posebno je interesantno sto su se odlucili za Lost in the Flood, koja je apsolutno remek delo. Cuo sam jos dve njihove pesme na youtubeu, nisam nesto odusevljen, u nekom su hard fazonu.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ko je ovde usrao Edge ili Patty ?Cini mi se da je ipak Patty bez obzira sto pesmu peva 30 godina. Nije znala kad da pocne i počela je suvise kasno. Edge verovatno nije pozurio vec je isao onako kako su navezbali bez da ju je pratio.na 0.56 se vidi kako ga Larry zove i kaze mu da uspori, Edge prilazi zbunjeno i Larry dize ruku i pokazuje stani, Bruse se okrenuo i pogledao ih ali je bio fokusiran na patty.Moze li da izanalizira ovo neko ko je muzicarA Bono je uzasno smesan ovde, pogledajte ga na 1.00 i 3.30 :D

Edited by BornToRun
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Patty je definitivno zeznula, zakasnila je sekundu...Band se raspao na 1:00 verovatno pokusavauci da je stigne...Slow down! Slow down!... :lol: Larry je popizdeo.Ovo moze da se desi kada ne cujes monitore kako treba, mada ovde ne verujem da je to slucaj.

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Just heard this great story from a friend of mine who is a hairdresser. This happened to one of her clients this summer.She and her husband were in Dublin on a romantic break and as part of their trip they decided to got to Bono's restaurant/hotel for a nice meal as a treat to themselves. So they settled into place and ordered their meal etc. Then over in the corner they noticed a guy sitting with lots of staff and other people around him. Once some of them cleared from the table they noticed it was indeed Bono! So next time the waiter came to their table they they asked politely if they could possible go over and have their photo taken with him. After checking, the waiter said 'sure Bono says that will be fine' so they go over and shake his hand, get his autograph and have their picture taken etc. As you can imagine being U2 fans they were a bit flustered and star struck. It made their weekend!When they finished their meal, they asked for the bill and the waiter said "That's ok it's been taken care of". "Oh thanks..." they said laughing "by whom, Bono?". "No" said the waiter "Mr Springsteen took care of it!".Turns out it was Bruce who had taken their picture with Bono. Being so flustered and star-struck and they never even noticed !!!Bruce must've had a right laugh at the fact they never recognised him so he paid their bill !!!

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I ja sam cuo ovu pricu pre vise od godinu dana u raznim verzijama tako da ne znam dal je istina ili urbana legenda.Izgleda da se Brus zestoko zajebo After nearly two solid years on the road, Bruce Springsteen finally forgot where he was on Friday night. While playing at Michigan’s Palace of Auburn Hills, he made three separate references to Ohio before E Street Band guitarist Steve Van Zandt had to tell him where he was.The Spinal Tap-esque gaffe led to headlines across the globe this weekend, so this afternoon while chatting with Van Zandt for a tour wrap-up piece in the next issue of Rolling Stone, we asked him what happened. Here’s what he said: “The first time I was like ‘Did I just hear that?’ The second time I looked at [bassist] Garry [Tallent] and said, ‘Did you hear what I just heard?’ At that point I knew I had to get Bruce’s attention, but I couldn’t get it through the rest of ‘Wrecking Ball.’ There was no time to really have that conversation [laughs hysterically]. I’m like, ‘Please, God, don’t give him a chance to do it again before I get a chance to talk to him.’ Sure enough, he did it a third time and I’m like, ‘That’s it. This crowd is about to rebel. They’re going to attack us!’ I just grabbed him and said, ‘You don’t realize it, but you’re saying Ohio and we’re in Michigan.’ He was like ‘What!?’ He just goes to a place onstage. At certain times he’s down on earth where we can have a conversation and a lot of the times he’s not. It’s a full adrenaline rush where you can’t have a conversation. I looked him right in the eye and he knew I wasn’t just saying something casual. It took him two or three times for him to come down to earth and hear what I was saying. He made a great joke out of it. He said, ‘I’ve been worried my whole life I’m going to do that and I finally did that.’ I guess the last gig was Cleveland. Maybe it was that. He didn’t have the city wrong. In his mind he knew he was in Detroit, but somehow Detroit wound up in Ohio for a minute.”Springsteen, who along with Bono and Mick Jagger appears on the cover of the current issue of Rolling Stone, has been city-hopping since April supporting this year’s Working on a Dream, but carved time out to perform during both nights of last month’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 25th anniversary concerts in New York. See photos from those historic shows, and read more about the legendary gigs in our new issue.Springsteen will wrap his current tour by playing his full Greetings From Asbury Park one week from tonight in Buffalo, New York. Stick with RS for a full report.http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/inde...joke-out-of-it/

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Moralo je jednom da se desi, ipak je on covek u godinama.Mislim da Bruce ima problem sa pamcenjem i koncentracijom. Ponekad mora da pogleda u monitor kako bi se setio reci nekih pesama, pa cak i onih koje cesto izvodi.

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