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Bila ova cover?(dosadna je ko prirodna smrt)
meni se svidja verzija tori amos.ona je "zenski brus" po tome каko se odnosi prema publici i koliko se angazuje na koncertima
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SPRINGSTEEN ANNOUNCES RETURN TO NJ AS FINAL MAJOR MUSICAL ACT TO PLAY GIANTS STADIUM SEPT 30, OCT 2, & OCT 3 Bruce Springsteen announced from the stage tonight at his Izod Center concert in East Rutherford, NJ that he and the "legendary" E Street Band will return as the final major musical act to play Giants Stadium on September 30, October 2, and October 3. Tickets go on sale June 1 at 10am Eastern. Springsteen holds the record as the number one selling artist at the Meadowlands (which includes Giants Stadium) in New Jersey, having sold out 56 concerts to date with the E Street Band.
Znaci nista....
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da ali imam problem sa vizom. saznao sam da mi treba i tranzitna viza za rumuniju posto mi je let iz temisvara a nemam dovoljno vremena da je izvadim.

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Mislim da nijedan Srbin nije bio blize.... Ma sta, nijedan Balkanac nije bio blize... :Hail: Inace, spremam se i ja na koncert. Design by The Ghost:majicak.jpgmajica1.jpg

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Jel mogu da se nađu karte za taj festival u Hyde Parku na licu mesta ili mora da se rezerviše unapred?
karte su rasprodate za prvi dan (killersi) i treci dan (bruce) a ima i ih jos za drugi dan (neil young)ali veruj mi mozes komotno da dodjes i da na licu mesta nadjes kartu od nekog ko ima viska. moje iskustvo od 16 brusovih koncerata je da niko nikad nije ostao bez karte a da je dosao na koncert.al evo ti sajt pa vidi dal ima jos koja kartahttp://www.hardrockcalling.co.uk/home/
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Jel mogu da se nađu karte za taj festival u Hyde Parku na licu mesta ili mora da se rezerviše unapred?
sad sam video imas karte za subotu i nedelju u paketu
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