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The Boss


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Ali, mislim, šta i da je imao aferu?Ima li neka fotka francuskog poljupca?
Imali su "talking relationship", što god da to značilo. :D Jedina slika Bruceovog poljupca koju mogu podnjeti je ona kad on ljubi Big Mana... :) Prema tome, bez fotki, molim.
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taman sam htela da pohvalim poslednji album, al izgleda da je ''working on a dream'' eksplicitniji izraz ljubavi prema tuđoj ženi. :P
Veličanstveni moment, pojavila se žena na ovom topicu!Neopisivo olakšanje.
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dancing, nice to meet you here. :) doduše, već sam se jednom oglasila kako vas pratim, al ne pišem ništa, pošto nisam jako, jako veliki Bruce-ov fan, više sam onako, fan početnik. ;)

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taman sam htela da pohvalim poslednji album, al izgleda da je ''working on a dream'' eksplicitniji izraz ljubavi prema tuđoj ženi.
so fuckin what? usudiću se ovde da citiram 1 dragu ortakinju: ,,ako ne jebeš tuđu ženu, vodiš vječni rat!''
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dancing, nice to meet you here. :) doduše, već sam se jednom oglasila kako vas pratim, al ne pišem ništa, pošto nisam jako, jako veliki Bruce-ov fan, više sam onako, fan početnik. ;)
I meni je drago što si tu, ajde, javi se češće! Moramo poraditi na tom tvojem tzv. početničkom fan statusu.... rekla bih da ti momci nisu spržili niti jedan Bruceov bootleg? Jer nakon toga ćeš morati postati klasični slučaj Bruce manijaka....
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Ima li negde video zapis sledećeg?

In addition to everything else, what was different about the Tunnel of Love Express was Springsteen's first go at explicit sexuality. From the opening "Tunnel of Love", where he and Scialfa sang cheek to cheek at the same microphone, to other numbers. A centerpiece of the second set was an eight-minute reworking of one of The River's casual rockers, "You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)". Now it was recast into rockabilly mode, with a half-spoken, half-sung introduction detailing a youth's frustrations up to the iconic car parked with a girlfriend on a lovers' lane. Out come the horn section, sans horns, to do synchronized dancing[7] and sing call-and-response. Out come Scialfa and two women from backstage, three temptresses for the six assembled men. Around they circle each other, as Springsteen sings "You Can Look", resting the microphone below his belt in between lines. Finally the song winds down, as Springsteen and Scialfa stare at each other. Springsteen goes back to the drum kit, where a tray full of water and a sponge are. In tours past, this was a classic moment of Springsteen the relentless showman; he would sponge off his head, gulp down water and spray it over the stage, revitalizing himself to keep on playing for a few more hours. Now, however, he took the sponge, pulled his pants out by his belt buckle, and squeezed the water down into his crotch. Perhaps tame by the standards of Prince or Madonna at the time, but for Springsteen and his audience, a line had been crossed. When asked what he called this part of the show, Springsteen always replied, "The Aristocrats."
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Ima li negde video zapis sledećeg?
Vidjao sam tako nesto na novijim snimcima. Nije to neuobicajeno za Brusa.Evo recimo ovde je ocigledna seksualna konotacijaTo je uticaj elvisa
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