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što se tiče ovih slikarskih djela, može li se ikoji drugi muzičar smatrati utjelovljenjem rock'n'rolla? Bruce je to i dušom i tijelom, i svakim svojim pokretom na sceni. OK, Elvis je Kralj, svaka njemu čast, s njime je sve počelo, ali u što se on s vremenom pretvorio, pa danas ga više pamte po onom blještavom Las Vegas kombinezonu nego po That's Alright Mama počecima.Bob Dylan? Rekla bih da mu nedostaje taj fizički aspekt. :) Robert Plant? Blizu, ali...Pete Thowshend?Ray Davis?John Forgerty?Keith Richards? Možda....Svaki od njih je genijalac na svoj način, ali Bruce objedinjuje najbolje od svakog od njih.
Ovo svakako potpisujem :)
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Ne mogu se sloziti za Elvisa i Dylana. Pridodajmo njima i momke iz liverpula i dobili smo sveto trojstvo s kojim se niko ne sme uporedjivati.Rekao bih da odma iza njih ide Bruce.
Ovo svakako NE angry.gif ;)
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According to Greasy Lake...EDIT: Ipak, according to Rolling Stone Jay ce svirati na 6-7 evropskih koncarata, tako da imamo lepe sanse da ne vidimo Maxa ovaj put. Bruce je rekao Maxu da bi hteo da se cuje sa Jay-em.He said to him, ?Jay, this is Bruce. You may have heard I have a band. In that band I have the world?s greatest drummer, who has a scheduling conflict. He gave me your name and number and suggested that I call you to see if you?d be interested in playing with me and the E Street Band.? ? :lol:Zamisli to, imas 19 godina, zove te Bruce Springsteen da sviras sa njim na turneji. :Hail: Meni je ovaj potez mnogo simpatican. Mislim, on moze da pozove koga hoce, a odlucio je da to bude taj klinac iz Jerseya.

Edited by The Ghost
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NEW ALBUM ALREADY IN THE WORKSRunning on empty? Hardly. Bruce promises all new adventures in hi-fiThe bad news: Tracks 2, which promised "You're Missing" (Arthur Baker's "Everything Mix") and "Held Up Without a Gun" (Strings Version), has been delayed indefinitely. But the good news is that -- as if two E Street albums in less than two years weren't enough -- another new album from Bruce and the band is already in the works. As he recently told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, "I made a promise to myself to get more records out more quickly than I used to... and now that I've got my wheels under me, in some fashion, it feels like it's time to put the pedal to the metal."Springsteen reveals that his next album, consisting of songs he wrote backstage at Convention Hall last week, will take shape in a series of live recordings this spring as the E Street Band hits the road. "I was always impressed with bands that recorded albums live, whether it was Joe Jackson, Jackson Browne, or R.E.M. That's the way we're going to do this next one." Though he hasn't determined the exact format, Springsteen says that most of his upcoming shows with the E Street Band will be devoted entirely to these new songs that audiences haven't heard, and the band doesn't know. "I expect we'll run through a song at least once or twice. I may have to stop to re-work a verse or two. My audience will understand," he said. "It's like that Mashall Crenshaw record: I've suffered for my art, now it's your turn! Great album, by the way."Springsteen waxed equally unfazed by the arena setting for such a project. "Hey, the 'shut the fuck up' speech from the Joad tour seemed to work great," he said, "and if I have to send Clarence out to open a can of whoop-ass on anyone who's hootin' and hollerin' for 'Badlands,' I will." A no-talking, no-standing, no-nothing policy will be strictly enforced.The possibility of playing some older material remains; Springsteen says he'll make that decision on a "night-by-night" basis. "If things go alright with the new, new songs, I might reward myself and the audience with a song or two, but the real reason for hitting the road is to present something entirely fresh to my audience," he said. "I'm really excited about the new, new songs." As for the album that came out in January, Springsteen said, "What am I, a jukebox? We played the Super Bowl, right? I think people get the idea."No official release date yet, but the new album is planned to tide fans over between Working on a Dream and Working on a Dream - Second Edition.

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Slušam danas ujutro Bruce radio, imaju setlist tracker, DJ im je bio sladak, malo zbunjen, ali pun hvale za Brucea... cijelo vrijeme je ponavljao kako će ova turneja biti awesome, great, energetic, funny, cool, unbelievable, magic... :) Kao da su Bruce i bend jučer završili Magic Tour i u svom tom naletu energije nastavili samo dalje...SAN JOSE SETLIST, 4/1: 1) Badlands 2) Outlaw Pete 3) My Lucky Day 4) No Surrender 5) Out in the Street 6) Wokring on a Dream 7) Seeds 8) Johnny 99 9) The Ghost of Tom Joad 10) Good Eye 11) GOOD ROCKIN' TONIGHT 12) Darlington County 13) Growin' Up (sign request) 14) Waitin' on a Sunny Day (sign request?) 15) The Promised Land 16) The Wrestler 17) Kingdom of Days 18) Radio Nowhere 19) Lonesome Day 20) Born to Run _______ 21) Hard Times 22) Thunder Road (sign request) 23) Dancing in the Dark 24) Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out 25) Land of Hope and Dreams

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Evo isječak iz chatrooma vezano za noćašnji koncert (čitati odozdo) :) JOHNNY 99 (12) M 03:24 It was amazing...I keep using that word. JOHNNY 99 (12) M 03:24 I am still on my post concert high (all natural, BTW) JOHNNY 99 (12) M 03:23 I was excited, but the show exceeded my already high expectations. STONE PONY (4) M 03:22 Can't wait to hear some bits of the show here hehe ;-) STONE PONY (4) M 03:21 I love that song JOHNNY 99 (12) M 03:20 Full band version of Ghost of Tom Joad was amazing too. JOHNNY 99 (12) M 03:18 I loved the full band of Johnny 99, but what can I say? JOHNNY 99 (12) M 03:17 At first, I wasn't into Pete, but I am now. JOHNNY 99 (12) M 03:17 During the song, Bruce pulls out a cowboy hat and wears it. CLOGG99 (10) F 03:17 you don t like pete?? STONE PONY (4) M 03:16 you are so lucky to have seen him yet Johnny! I still have to wait till July.. JOHNNY 99 (12) M 03:16 As a bit of a doubter, I was kinda dreaging Outlaw Pete, but it was amazing live. JOHNNY 99 (12) M 03:15 The crowd was into it from the very beginning. When you lead off with Badlands, what more do you need? REDHEADEDWOMAN (8) F 03:14 Chazz called in after the show and said the energy was amazing STONE PONY (4) M 03:14 how long dit it take? JOHNNY 99 (12) M 03:14 It was basically the set list from the rehersal shows, but everything worked so nicely together. I forogt how much I missed Seeds REDHEADEDWOMAN (8) F 03:14 Hi Stone Pony CLOGG99 (10) F 03:13 how was the atmosphere.?? REDHEADEDWOMAN (8) F 03:13 It was an impressive setlist Johnny......I've been up all night following it JOHNNY 99 (12) M 03:13 The pace of the songs was amazing....One song after another REDHEADEDWOMAN (8) F 03:13 Did ya grope his leg? JOHNNY 99 (12) M 03:12 Maybe it is hte late hour, but I think it was one of the best shows I have seen. REDHEADEDWOMAN (8) F 03:12 Johnny What a setlist! Wow You had a great night CLOGG99 (10) F 03:12 tell us more tell us more, how was his voice, how is the band, is clarence ok, is nils fine, etc JOHNNY 99 (12) M 03:11 Just got home from the show!!! WOOO HOOOO! OO_NRB (4) M 03:07 *queues Rosalita into its appropriate place after Incident and then falls asleep * OO_NRB (4) M 03:07 Alright, bedtime for me - like I said, I have a test tomorrow afternoon =P thank you all for hanging out with me, and for making this first night a success! We're doing it all again on Friday, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel {{{ SR.com }}}Jasno, meni se u svemu tome najviše svidjelo što Bruce nosi kaubojski šešir... :)

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Uh u toku sam "teskih" pregovora vezanih za onaj drugi deo zivota koji se onako... otaljava.... :( pa ne stizem da odem na radio...moracu malo da se povratim od stresa

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Uh u toku sam "teskih" pregovora vezanih za onaj drugi deo zivota koji se onako... otaljava.... :( pa ne stizem da odem na radio...moracu malo da se povratim od stresa
Velja, drži se, prijatelju. (hug)
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