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Jučer sam malo prelistavala strane časopise i, naravno, svi imaju recenzije WOAD: dakle, Uncut mu je dao četvorku, isto tako i Mojo, a Spin trojku.Spin ima zanimljiv naslov: Sweet nothings, a u podnaslovu:The Boss gets what he wants, but what about us?

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Teorija zavere:Svi festivali na kojima ce Bruce nastupati su ili u vlasnistvu ili sponzorisani od Live Nation-a : Pink Pop, Hard Rock Calling, GlastonburySecate se da je bila neka prica da Live Nation oce da otkupi Exit .A Exit dovodi Madonu koja takodje ima ugovor sa Live Nationom.Mozda ima neke nade .... mozda... :wacko:

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Teorija zavere:Svi festivali na kojima ce Bruce nastupati su ili u vlasnistvu ili sponzorisani od Live Nation-a : Pink Pop, Hard Rock Calling, GlastonburySecate se da je bila neka prica da Live Nation oce da otkupi Exit .A Exit dovodi Madonu koja takodje ima ugovor sa Live Nationom.Mozda ima neke nade .... mozda... :wacko:
Nada umire zadnja!Nego, jučer sam malo listala onaj zadnji Rolling Stone gdje je Bruce na naslovnici, imaju i veeliki tekst o njemu, tema broja, itd, a preko dvije strane je ona slika koju je The Ghost stavio nedavno ovdje, Bruce na trosjedu u svojoj radnoj sobi. Simpatična sobica, drveni namještaj, baš onako u western stilu.
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Teorija zavere:Svi festivali na kojima ce Bruce nastupati su ili u vlasnistvu ili sponzorisani od Live Nation-a : Pink Pop, Hard Rock Calling, GlastonburySecate se da je bila neka prica da Live Nation oce da otkupi Exit .A Exit dovodi Madonu koja takodje ima ugovor sa Live Nationom.Mozda ima neke nade .... mozda... :wacko:
Uhhhh vratio mi se kolega iz beca bio na Oasis i kaze da su svuda plakati koji najavljuju Boss-a
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Dakle, ocekuje nas Darkness...30th Anniversary, a prica se i o Tracks 2. Optimizam za tako nesto zasniva se na ovome:According to comments by Darkness sessions recording engineer Jimmy Iovine about 30 songs were recorded to a completed state and available for inclusion on the Darkness album. There were an unknown number of additional songs not fully completed. What ?not fully completed? means is uncertain. At this stage only 15 songs have been officially released (the 10 on the original album + 5 on Tracks), which means there are about 16 completed songs still in the vaults, plus some unknown amount of not fully finished recordings.

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Eto, danas sam prvi puta na springsteenradio.com, nisam znala da takva divota postoji, ali signature cijenjenog kolege VeljaGB je pravo prosvjetljenje. I upravo svira Incident iz Milana, 28.11.2007, bila sam tamo, ali uživo u onom divljem momentu niti ne shvatiš kako je pjesma genijalno izvedena!Ah, uživancija.

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Jaao, sad svira Light Of The Day.... da mi je sad vidjeti onaj nastup s Live in NYC!!Bruce je rođen za ulogu propovjednika. :) Reverend Bruce, njegovoj religiji se klanjam svaki dan. :)

Edited by dancing
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THE ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME AND MUSEUM WILL UNVEIL THE WORLD'S FIRST EXHIBIT DEVOTED TO BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN THIS APRILFrom Asbury Park to the Promised Land: The Life and Music of Bruce SpringsteenThe Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum will unveil its latest exhibit, From Asbury Park to the Promised Land: The Life and Music of Bruce Springsteen on Wednesday April 1 during the 2009 Induction Ceremony week of events. This will be the first major artifact-driven exhibit about Springsteen's career. The exhibit will run through the spring of 2010.From Asbury Park to the Promised Land will be a comprehensive look at Springsteen's music, from such early bands as Child, the Castiles and Steel Mill through his work with the E Street Band and as a solo artist. The exhibit will include several of Springsteen's guitars, including the Fender Esquire that is on the cover of Born to Run. It will also include the outfit he wore on the cover of Born in the U.S.A., as well as numerous handwritten lyric manuscripts, posters and handbills from all phases of his career, and various awards and honors. In addition, the exhibit will include Springsteen's 1960 Chevrolet Corvette, which he purchased after the success of Born to Run.Bruce Springsteen was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1999.

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