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Ops, skidoše ih i sa amazona...Pa, ko je čuo - čuo je. I onako cenim da je još sasvim malo ostalo do "curenja" celog albuma, spram kojeg, sudeći po odlomcima koje sam čuo, ostajem suzdržani optimista...

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Working on a dream reči ne zavredjuju pažnju, ali ovo je nešto drugo. Mogu da zamislim Bukowskog kako kaže "mali, znaš da mrzim tu muziku i da mi se jebe za tudje pesme, ali ovo nije loše..."THE WRESTLERHave you ever seen a one trick pony in the field so happy and free?If you've ever seen a one trick pony then you've seen meHave you ever seen a one-legged dog making its way down the street?If you've ever seen a one-legged dog then you've seen meThen you've seen me, I come and stand at every doorThen you've seen me, I always leave with less than I had beforeThen you've seen me, bet I can make you smile when the blood, it hits the floorTell me, fan, can you ask for anything more?Tell me can you ask for anything more?Have you ever seen a scarecrow filled with nothing but dust and wheat?If you've ever seen that scarecrow then you've seen meHave you ever seen a one-armed man punching at nothing but the breeze?If you've ever seen a one-armed man then you've seen meThen you've seen me, I come and stand at every doorThen you've seen me, I always leave with less than I had beforeThen you've seen me, bet I can make you smile when the blood, it hits the floorTell me, friend, can you ask for anything more?Tell me can you ask for anything more?These things that have comforted me, I drive awayThis place that is my home I cannot stayMy only faith's in the broken bones and bruises I displayHave you ever seen a one-legged man trying to dance his way free?If you've ever seen a one-legged man then you've seen me
"I wrote Bruce a letter, because we've known each other over twenty years, and he knows what I used to be, or whatever. Where I went. What I'd been reduced to. I told him how I felt lucky now and didn't have to end up being this guy, being Randy (character from The Wrestler). A while later I got a call in the middle of the night: he said he'd written a little song, for nothing. It's fucking beautiful, right? I was honoured he took the time, because he's a busy cat. I mean, I'm so goddam proud of this magical movie and to have Bruce's input? ain't nobody in Hollywood with all their millions can just ring the man and he'll do a song, y'know?"- Mickey Rourke
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Sta je ovo koji qurac ?!CD: Greatest Hits (Wal-Mart Exclusive)Walmart EXCLUSIVE0088697439302_500X500.jpg Track Listings & Samples 1. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)2. Born To Run3. Thunder Road4. Darkness On The Edge Of Town5. Badlands6. Hungry Heart7. Glory Days8. Dancing In The Dark9. Born In The U.S.A.10. The Rising11. Lonesome Day12. Radio Nowhere

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Ovo sigurno nije oficijalno izdanje....Motor je odlican.BTW

Dear Friends and Fans,Some notes on the beginnings of Working on a Dream. During the last weeks of mixing Magic, we recorded a song called "What Love Can Do." It was sort of a "love in the time of Bush" meditation. It was a great track but felt more like a first song of new record rather than something that would fit on Magic. So our producer Brendan O'Brien said, "Hey, let's make another one right now!" I thought, no, I haven't done that since my first two records came out in the same year. And usually I don't write that quickly. But that night I went back to my hotel in Atlanta and over the next week, I wrote several songs ("This Life," "My Lucky Day," "Life Itself," along with "Good Eye" and "Tomorrow Never Knows") that formed the beginnings of our new album. Excited by the sounds we made on Magic I found there was more than enough fuel for the fire to keep going. Brendan and I demo'd these songs before we left the studio and agreed we'd somehow find time during the touring year to get this record made.Over the past 10 years with Brendan, our ability to get records done and to work on a variety of projects at the same time (Yes, we can multi-task!) has allowed us to get a steadier stream of our best music out to our fans. This is something I've always wanted to do. We found time to book sessions, get the band while it was hot off the road, write and record a new record, while giving our audience what I hope was some of the best E Street shows we've ever done. We're excited about you hearing this music and I just wanted to drop a line about how it all started. Have a great holiday and we'll see you in the New Year!
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Ovo sigurno nije oficijalno izdanje....Medjutim upravo je to - pravo, oficijalno izdanje. Jedina njegova specifičnost je što će se prodavati isključivo u walmartu. Ko ne zna šta to znači, bolje i da ne sazna, mogla bi mu se poljuljati vera u omiljenog umetnika (da, da, ovo je najgore što je Bruce do sada uradio...).Ipak, realno posmatrajući stvari, nije to tolika tragedija, walmart vrvi od sličnih sranja. Ono što je bitno je kakav će biti novi album. Pesma "What Love Can Do" je "love in the time of Bush meditation"?!! Počinjem da se brinem...

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Malo sam sumnjao u to...Za coveka koji je svojevremeno iskulirao 12 miliona dolara od Chryslera jer nije hteo da se Born in the USA koristi u reklamne svrhe, stvarno nepotreban potez.Interesantno da sam tu fotku najpre stavio u avatar, ali je bila tako mala da se nista nije videlo.

Edited by The Ghost
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Vala, official...Hoping to cash in on Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band?s Super Bowl appearance, Wal-Mart will exclusively release the group?s Greatest Hits at a low price on January 13th. As opposed to Springsteen?s 1995 collection Hits, the comp?s 12 tracks will focus on Bruce?s work with the E Street Band, thus iconic albums like Nebraska and Lucky Town aren?t represented, nor does the LP feature any unreleased material.Specijalno za Srbe... :Hail: Koji ce mu moj ova kompilacija? Od mene nece dobiti ni dolara za ovo...Vidim po netu da su pravi fanovi poprilicno zbunjeni, da ne kazem da su blago popiydeliTM...Optimistickiji deo mene misli da je bio primoran na ovaj potez, a pesimisticnu stranu ne smem da napisem.

Edited by The Ghost
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Sa jedne strane Wal-mart, a sa druge...prodaje tog Harleya u humanitarne svrhe...Still have some money left after the grand Greasy Lake charity auction recently? Well, how about checking out another auction? Currently a Harley-Davidson motorcycle owned by none other than our hero can be purchased for a mere $27,500. That price may not stand when the auction ends in three weeks' time, but it's all for a good cause. The money will go to something called the Andre Agassi Charitable Foundation, which is a non-profit organization dedicated to transforming U.S. public education for underserved youth. The auction takes place on charitybuzz.com.

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Sta je ovo koji qurac ?!CD: Greatest Hits (Wal-Mart Exclusive)Walmart EXCLUSIVE0088697439302_500X500.jpgTrack Listings & Samples1. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)2. Born To Run3. Thunder Road4. Darkness On The Edge Of Town5. Badlands6. Hungry Heart7. Glory Days8. Dancing In The Dark9. Born In The U.S.A.10. The Rising11. Lonesome Day12. Radio Nowhere
Auuu braateee...A sto ljudi umeju da se poseru po sebi....Inace sad slusam preko neta na nekom radiju (viskonsin) da su sluzbenici WalMart-a izbacili iz prodavnice coveka koji je kupio kod njih novogodisnje cestitke u vrednosti 13000$ i onda ih poklanjao ljudima u hodniku ispred kasa <_< Edited by veljaGB
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Auuu, kakvo gas station izdavastvo! Sa sve prigodnim omotom. Bugarski pirati, kao nacisticki naucnici, dobiju nov identitet ako pristanu da rade za americke izdavacke kuce. Tako nastaju kvikimart albumi... Garant ima prazan buklet i na plavom disku je.

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U Walmartu moze da se kupi samo Essential, ostalo su Tribute to...Medjutim, ovo je uradjeno specijalno za Walmart i stvarno mi ide na onu stvar. Samo fali da uz mobilni broj i deterdzent dobijem i Bruceov CD. Vidim da se ne oglasava na zvanicnom sajtu...bas se namazao govnima.Ajd sad da pomenem jos nesto....Na zvanicnom sajtu, tj, u storeu pojavi se majica Bruce i Danny iz 70-tih. Znaci, strava, Bruce sa dugom kosom...i kao sav prihod ide u Dannyjev fond.bsp44222mq4.jpgJa odlucim da puknem tih 50-tak dolara jer mi se majica nenormalno dopala. U toku je bila neka akcija gde se za svaki naruceni atrtikal dobije casica za zestoko pice BS&ESB for free. Tako mi je i pisalo u porudzbenici.POsle 20-tak dana stigne meni mail da u kojoj se Fanfire (firma koja se bavi distrubucijom za gomilu bandova...) izvinjava, ali kao tih majica vise nema. Mislim se, OK, bas mi bilo zao. Ipak, posle par dana dobijem paket iz USA. Reko, dobili majice....Kad ono, stigla mi samo casica, koju su mi naplatili 10 dolara. Jebo sam im mater u povratnom mailu...naravno, nisu odgovorili.

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