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June 3, 201410 yr ja naletela, skinula, ali nisam mogla da skinem pass za pdf :( . nego, ima svašta, uglavnom starijeg. kopirajt, jelte. ipak, može se ponešto i pozajmiti. poz Edited June 3, 201410 yr by le petit nicolas
June 14, 201410 yr ima neko ovo? http://www.amazon.com/Pain-Dont-Hurt-Fighting-Outside/dp/0062222341 Pain Don't Hurt: Fighting Inside and Outside the Ring Hardcover by Mark Miller (Author), Shelby Jones (Autho Pain Don’t Hurt is the no-holds-barred memoir from the only professional fighter in history to return to the ring after open-heart surgery, kickboxer Mark “Fightshark” Miller—an inspiring story of family, determination, and redemption. In 2007, Mark Miller was a rising star in professional kickboxing, until a routine physical uncovered a serious condition that required open-heart surgery. The crisis helped to temporarily reunite his fractured family and made Miller more determined than ever to return to the kickboxing ring. But within a year, his parents and brother were all dead, and Miller’s fragile optimism imploded, sending him into a tailspin of drugs and alcohol. Pain Don’t Hurt is a story of incredible tenacity, dedication, and hard work—how one fierce competitor overcame repeated obstacles to realize his dreams. Miller recounts stories ranging from his childhood spent in the Steelers locker room to the surprising life lessons he learned from other fighters to his triumphant return to fighting in a Moscow kickboxing ring. He talks sincerely about family and fatherhood—of the hard lessons about masculinity and violence learned from his father. He also offers an inspiring, exciting, and frank account of the fights—both in and out of the ring—that have shaped him. A deeply personal account of guts, blood, and glory, Pain Don’t Hurt pays tribute to the never-say-die spirit embodied in a man who refuses to back down, no matter the odds. Edited June 14, 201410 yr by Ravanelli
July 2, 201410 yr jel ima neko ovo il moze da mi skine ? treba mi ko leba ! http://www.amazon.com/Cultural-Pessimism-Oliver-Bennett/dp/0748609369
July 2, 201410 yr proletela sam kroz kobson i kod rusa i nema niđe, kao što si verovatno i sam shvatio. ali kad sam već tu da pitam za svoju muku http://www.amazon.com/Ideological-Dilemmas-Psychology-Everyday-Thinking/dp/0803980965 dajte neke magične linkove! Edited July 2, 201410 yr by tazza
July 2, 201410 yr hvala tazo za pretragu. nisam sam shvatio jer i ne znam gde da trazim, tj. nikako da bukmarkujem te linkove. vidim da ima ovaj sage journals affiliate ima ovu moju, pa sam se nadao da neko ima pristup tome..
July 2, 201410 yr ček, to je samo ultrakratki prikaz knjige na pola strane, skinula sam sad, ali to je ono isto što možeš i sam da vidiš. edit ako nemaš/hoćeš ovo http://cus.sagepub.com/content/early/2011/04/05/1749975511401270.abstract mogu da ti pošaljem, skinula sam sad. Edited July 2, 201410 yr by tazza
July 2, 201410 yr jel ima neko ovo il moze da mi skine ? treba mi ko leba ! http://www.amazon.com/Cultural-Pessimism-Oliver-Bennett/dp/0748609369 Ovde imaš sken, ali nije potpun, bude preskočena po neka strana, možda ti završi posao dok se ne snađeš za full pdf. http://books.google.rs/books?id=DsXBhY7PrncC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false
July 2, 201410 yr ček, to je samo ultrakratki prikaz knjige na pola strane, skinula sam sad, ali to je ono isto što možeš i sam da vidiš. edit ako nemaš/hoćeš ovo http://cus.sagepub.com/content/early/2011/04/05/1749975511401270.abstract mogu da ti pošaljem, skinula sam sad. ajoj, ja sam mislio da je to ceo PDF. bas sam pglu. idem po netu i zamajavam ljude da mi skidaju abstrakte za koje mislim da su knjige i go lie down before i hurt myself. @ Apdajk ne vredi, video sam al fali mi tacno celo poglavlje (178-198 str) o kulturnom pesimizmu koje me zanima.
July 14, 201410 yr ako neko može da pogleda po svojim bibliotekama: annemarie lloyd: information literacy landscapes, 2010. poz
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