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bad music for bad people

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danas cu ovo da slusam ceo dan. Seeger_sessions.jpg

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imao je glas koji nosi i nosi i nosi i nosi


upravo mi je pete segeer uspavao bebuhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wenQ_ThYksA&list=PLvhQUdTzDHdoWZFWnkxmS46NFTs7Vm3Cw

Posted (edited)

R.I.P. PeteMoja omiljena Seeger obrada, preterano prikladna trenutku:http://youtu.be/51CYBldsm0Q

Edited by April
danas cu ovo da slusam ceo dan.Seeger_sessions.jpg
plus milion,fascinantan covek
danas cu ovo da slusam ceo dan.Seeger_sessions.jpg
и ја бих, да сам у прилици. Добар албум, а једва да знам ориђинале
Posted (edited)

Arlo Guthrie on Facebook:

I usually do a little meditation and prayer every night before I go to sleep - Just part of the routine. Last night, I decided to go visit Pete Seeger for a while, just to spend a little time together, it was around 9 PM. So I was sitting in my home in Florida, having a lovely chat with Pete, who was in a hospital in New York City. That's the great thing about thoughts and prayers- You can go or be anywhere.I simply wanted him to know that I loved him dearly, like a father in some ways, a mentor in others and just as a dear friend a lot of the time. I'd grown up that way - loving the Seegers - Pete & Toshi and all their family.I let him know I was having trouble writing his obituary (as I'd been asked) but it seemed just so silly and I couldn't think of anything that didn't sound trite or plain stupid. "They'll say something appropriate in the news," we agreed. We laughed, we talked, and I took my leave about 9:30 last night."Arlo" he said, sounding just like the man I've known all of my life, "I guess I'll see ya later." I've always loved the rising and falling inflections in his voice. "Pete," I said. "I guess we will."I turned off the light and closed my eyes and fell asleep until very early this morning, about 3 AM when the texts and phone calls started coming in from friends telling me Pete had passed away."Well, of course he passed away!" I'm telling everyone this morning. "But that doesn't mean he's gone."
Edited by laki strajk

Miloš Jovanović. R.I.P.http://www.021.rs/Novi-Sad/Vesti/Preminuo-Milos-Jovanovic-Hamer.html


damn, sad doso da postavim. jedan od izvornih ex yu hipika. jedan od prvih slovenackih/jugoslovenskih kontrakulturnih faca koji su iskocili iz mimetickog obrasca ex yu rocka. covek bez koga zasigurno ne bi bilo Sedmine i Konj, kladivo in vode, a Buldozer i Begnagrad bi bili upitni u svom obliku. neka mu je laka zemlja.65074327_pengov.jpg

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