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bad music for bad people

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dakle ova godina je odlucila da ostane upamcena kao jedna od najgorih u poslednjih pola veka.


ogroman gubitak


Ode i on :(



Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing

Through the graves the wind is blowing

Freedom soon will come

Then we'll come from the shadows


Nažalost, propustio sam koncert u Areni, nadajući se nekom novom koncertu...

Ali, eto...




Ode još jedan velikan  :cry:





Imala sam sreću i privilegiju  da ga gledam u Areni, na onom neverovatnom koncertu. To je bilo gotovo transcedentalno iskustvo, ne umem drugi izraz da nađem , koji bi opisao ono što se dogodilo te večeri u Areni.

Posted (edited)

rip, imao sam, takođe, sreću da ga gledam i slušam uživo. veliki umetnik.

Edited by koksy

Hvala za pesme. I za koncert u Areni. RIP.




there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in...

Posted (edited)


O odvratna godino!

Na koncert u arenu me gotovo na silu povela drugarica. Plakao sam.

I zahvalan sam joj do groba...



....shit has hit the fan...

P.S. : Ziher je ali..

Edited by Frank Pembleton

Auuu jebote, celu noć sam slušao njegove pesme i sad vidim vest na fejsu. Rip


A u picku materinu! Hoce li se vise zavrsiti ova nedelja i godina!? Ko nekog clana porodice da sam izgubio. Cohenova muzika je jedna od prvih koje sam ikada cuo i slusao kao omadjijan. Uz Beatlese and Benny Goodmana uvek na repertoaru matoraca. Ceo zivot je tu negde. Ah, ah, i zenu sam smuvao uz Cohena.  :s_p:  Slusali smo ga iz prvog reda u toskanskoj Lucci. What a gig! I sad nam klinka djuska uz njegove pesme. Mozda i najuticajniji muzicar epohe ciji je rad prelazio generacije i granice, geografske i zanrovske. Bila je privilegija ziveti u njegovo vreme.

:cry: :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry: 


Nemam reci zaista! Veliki pesnik, muzicar, umetnik.





In late July this year, Cohen received an e-mail from Jan Christian Mollestad, a close friend of Marianne’s, saying that she was suffering from cancer. In their last communication, Marianne had told Cohen that she had sold her beach house to help insure that Axel would be taken care of, but she never mentioned that she was sick. Now, it appeared, she had only a few days left. Cohen wrote back immediately:

Well Marianne, it’s come to this time when we are really so old and our bodies are falling apart and I think I will follow you very soon. Know that I am so close behind you that if you stretch out your hand, I think you can reach mine. And you know that I’ve always loved you for your beauty and your wisdom, but I don’t need to say anything more about that because you know all about that. But now, I just want to wish you a very good journey. Goodbye old friend. Endless love, see you down the road. 


Posted (edited)


koliko sam samo srecan sto sam imao prilike da ga gledam pre sad skoro 10 godina.

opet taj osecaj kao da mi je umro neko blizak.

Edited by ToniAdams

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