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WC 2011 TOP 10 LOSERS: “IHF’s website, Brandt, Wenta, Goluža…”By Editor on Wednesday, 16th February 2011 WC 2011 TOP 10 LOSERS: “IHF’s website, Brandt, Wenta, Goluža…” thumbnailIt is almost three weeks after the World Championship 2011 in Sweden came to an end. Handball-Planet.com made a TOP 10 Losers list to remind handball people around the world, what we have seen at the biggest handball event in this year.TOP 10 WHC 2011 LOSERS:1. IHF.INFOIt was totally unbelievable and unacceptable that the Website of the International Handball Federation was offline for a few days during the World Championship in Sweden. Even if the reason for that was that Server was in Cairo, Egypt (where political revolution takes place), it was unserious that media, fans and handball people around the Globe couldn’t see statistics, photos and news from the biggest handball event in 2011. Hopefully, this will not happen again…2. HEINER BRANDT (GERMANY)Maybe it has come the day in which German handball has to say „Thank you and goodbye, legend“. After he showed to handball world his boxing skills to referees in Zadar (Croatia) two years ago, German coach, Heiner Brandt, lost his coaching skills. Germany, as a „first handball market“ needs better results than 11th place, with him or without. That will be good for them and for handball at all. Handball needs better Germans…3. BOGDAN WENTA (POLAND)Polish handball team is in crisis. Why, maybe Bogdan Wenta knows the answer? They failed to qualify in TOP 7, which guaranteed Olympic qualifications. For a such a good roster, that is unacceptable, even we can forgive them, when they don’t fight for a medal at every competition. Poland showed lack of confidence against better, unconvincing play against weaker, so…4. SLAVKO GOLUŽA (CROATIA)Problems with a team play and things around the court, takes us to the question – Is it Goluža still „green“ for national coach? We saw nothing from his team, just some individual skills, what we knew from before. His „media war“ with a colleague, Kljajić from C.O Zagreb, is just another minus…5. IVANO BALIĆ (CROATIA)Magician from Split was “black sheep” during the whole Championship. Nervousness, problems with Goluža, his behaviour at the bench, etc, wasn’t something what we know from the best handball player ever…6. SERBIAThey lost many uncertain endings, even when they were better. Poland, Norway, last minutes against Croatia and Sweden showed problems with the self confidence and psychology of Veselin Vuković’s team.7. ROBERT HEDIN (NORWAY)Norway’s national coach had a courage to talk about his teams’ chances for the semifinal, but everything “fell down” after the defeat from Hungary in the Preliminary Round. Main Round with Spain and France just showed to the Norwegians that they are still far away from medal games…8. KIM ANDERSSON (SWEDEN)Swedish star, who was waiting for WC 2011 for his come back to the court after serious injury, just “survived” Preliminary round after which he had to leave his team, again. It is really sad, what injuries can make for someone’s career. Kim knows that better. Maybe Sweden with him could win a medal, but we are yet to see that…9. CROATIAN GOALKEEPERSOne of the best part of the Croatia at the EURO 2010 in Austria, was the worst in Sweden. Alilović, Šego, and Pešić have to find their mistakes and rise, because, without them, Croatia can’t reach the Final day…10. AUSTRIA /AFRICANSWe expected more from them. Maybe not to qualify for the Main Round, but still, not to lose against Japan. Szilagy and others showed us that the EURO 2010 was just a “home team” symphony.What is wrong with Egypt and Tunisia? Africans handball has problem to be competitive with Europeans and that is so obvious…

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2. HEINER BRANDT (GERMANY)Maybe it has come the day in which German handball has to say „Thank you and goodbye, legend“. After he showed to handball world his boxing skills to referees in Zadar (Croatia) two years ago, German coach, Heiner Brandt, lost his coaching skills. Germany, as a „first handball market“ needs better results than 11th place, with him or without. That will be good for them and for handball at all. Handball needs better Germans…
čisto da se podsetimo početka sunovrata nemačke reprezentacije.utakmica druge faze, gde i Nemačka i Norveška imaju i dalje šanse za polufianle, trenutni rezultat 24:25, ludilo na terenu :Dhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFkmakxhVsk Edited by Svarog
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"Orlovi" rade prekovremeno?23. februar 2011. | 14:07 | Izvor: Sportske.net, SPORT Pripreme rukometaša našeg nacionalnog tima održaće se na Zlatiboru i počeće sredinom ove godine. Najbolji potvrđuju dolazak.Rukometna reprezentacija Srbije, počinje sa pripremama za Evropsko prvenstvo u Srbiji, ovog juna, a mesto okupljanja je Zlatibor.To znači da će selektor Veselin Vuković imati malo više vremena da radi sa igračima.''Imaćemo te pripreme u junu i na taj način dobijamo ono što nam je uvek falilo, a to je vreme za rad. Moći ćemo da uigramo ono što smo počeli da uvežbavamo, kao i da počnemo nešto novo. Kada se sve sabere, bićemo zajedno dve nedelje. Biće to aktivan odmor za rukometaše i pozvaću sve one koji dolaze u obzir za EP u Srbiji'', kategoričan je Vuković.Dolazak najavljuje i Marko Vujin.''Obaveza je za sve nas da budemo na tim pripremama u junu. Priča je skroz realna i nisam planirao odmor u junu. Ima vremena da se odmorim'', kaže Vujin.I drugi besni bek, Ivan Stanković želi da dođe na te pripreme ako bude pozvan.''Stižem, naravno. Za to se pitanje i ne postavlja, ali pod uslovom da me Vuković pozove'', rekao je Stanković.Tako je akcija "Sporta" urodila plodom, pa naši rukometaši neće više moći da se žale na nedovoljno vreme za pripreme i nedostatak zajedničkog rada.

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  • 2 weeks later...

krecu pripreme za EP, veceras od 19h gostujemo Francuzima, igracemo i drugu prijateljsku u subotu...Darko Stanić (Koper, Slovenija), Strahinja Milić (Partizan)Ivan Nikčević (Granoljers, Španija), Dobrivoje Marković (Siudida Enkantada, Španija), Rajko Prodanović (Vardar, Makedonija), Mitar Markez (Monpelje, Francuska)Momir Ilić (Kil, Nemačka), Momir Rnić (Celje, Slovenija), Nenad Vučković (Melzungen, Nemačka), Žarko Šešum (Rajn Nekar Leven, Nemačka), Petar Nenadić (Holstebro, Danska), Mladen Bojinović (Monpelje, Francuska), Nikola Manojlović (Gorenje, Slovenija), Marko Vujin (Vesprem, Mađarska), Ivan Stanković (Aragon, Španija)Rastko Stojković (Vive Kjelce, Poljska), Alem Toskić (Celje, Slovenija), Bojan Beljanski (Arate, Španija)5 boldovanih su novi igraci u odnosu na tim sa SPa, otpali su Pribak, Curkovic, Marjanac, Vilovski, Pejanovic...

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Pre nekoliko meseci presao iz Crvenke u Monpelje, igrao skoro za mladu reprezentaciju. Gledao sam mec protiv Tatrana u LS, Kavticnik se povredio, pa je Markez dobio priliku da debituje, postigao 5 komada, odlicno odigrao...Uglavnom veliki talenat, videcemo kako ce se razvijati, ali mnogo ocekujem od njega i Milica...

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Pa to, samim tim sto tako mlad igra za krajnje ozbiljan tim verovatno znaci da ima talenta. Prodanovic je realno bulja od krila, a ostali na toj poziciji nisu ni vredni pomena. I Nenadic je tacno tip igraca kakav nam opako fali, ali nisam ga gledao od kad je napustio Barsu, pa nemam predstavu u kakvom je stanju.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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