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Cek, ne secam se ali ... jel se bas vidi da je beba "pisonja"? Lako moze da bude Sarlot u pitanju :mellow: trol on u vezi V.M.

u vezi Logana - stvarno, nije mu bilo lako, nije imao ni 25 a svasta mu se desavalo u zovotu

Described as Neptune High's "obligatory psychotic jackass" by Veronica's voice-over narration in the show's pilot episode, Logan was originally conceived of as the school's main bully and a teenaged nemesis for Veronica Mars. But as the show progressed during the first season, Veronica (and the viewers of the show) would discover that Logan was much more than the clich?d description Veronica had bestowed upon him in the pilot.The abused son of superstar movie actor Aaron Echolls, Logan was the on-again, off-again boyfriend of the deceased Lilly Kane and close friends with Veronica Mars and her then-boyfriend Duncan Kane. Logan's life is torn apart when Lilly is murdered and Keith Mars publicly accuses Jake Kane, father of Lilly and Duncan, of the crime.....Logan Echolls is the youngest child in the Echolls family. His older half-sister (later retconned as adopted sister) Trina left the family to pursue an acting career, with little success.While Logan loves his mother Lynn, his relationship with his abusive father Aaron is largely hostile. Intimations of Aaron's abuse begin to emerge partway through Season One, when he punishes Logan for embarrassing him by whipping him with a belt. Some episodes later, .... including being burned with cigarettes and having his nose broken ? claims which, despite Trina's skepticism, both the audience and Veronica have reason to believe are true. ....and some degree of parental protectiveness (as seen, for instance, when he beats up one of Trina's abusive boyfriends).Aaron makes a last-ditch effort to reconcile with his son by forcibly reminding Logan that, as a free man, he now controls the family fortune. (Logan had gained power of attorney over his father's wealth while Aaron was awaiting trial.) Ominously, Aaron threatens to cut off his wayward son's finances, but never has a chance to carry out his threat.Svasta ima na ovoj vikici o Loganu, za III sezone 6 devojaka promenio ukljucujuci i glavnu :)Veronica Mars (ex-girlfriend)Lilly Kane (ex-girlfriend)Hannah Griffith (ex-girlfriend)Kendall Casablancas (ex-lover)Caitlin Ford (ex-girlfriend)Parker Lee (ex-girlfriend)

trol of

Edited by eye of the beholder
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jedno od objasnjenja zasto se epizoda zvala "mali princ"b612.jpg

Imam ozbiljnih razloga da verijem da je planeta sa koje je došao mali princ asteroid B 612. Jedan turski astronom primetio je teleskopom taj asteroid 1909. godine, i to samo jedanput.
Edited by eye of the beholder
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sta je ovo, jos nema nove epizode na netu, ili ja ne vidim dobro?obicno je bude vec pre 5 am...edit: nasao samo neku epizodu od 1.1 gb, ali ne skida mi se to, mozda je cak i fake.

Edited by mr@ki
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ma znam da je to 720p, ali uvek najpre postave one verzijee od 350 mb.po komentarima bi se reklo da je ovo ipak fake, svi se cude sto jos nema obicne verzije.kako god, idem sad za drugim poslom, pa cu kasnije da vidim sta se desava...

Edited by mr@ki
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ma dobro, ima svasta tamo, to ne poricem. neko je provalio da su ubili Sojera, sto je ocigledno bila cista zezancija, pa je nastala opsta frka i panika... :lol:nego, kazu oni stu su skinuli, stvarno su bile fake verzije, dok eztv nije postavio pravu, isto od 720p u ne znam kom formatu, standardne jos uvek nema nigde...

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Da li već negde ima srpski prevod?
Zar sumnjas u legendu prevodilacke nacije, coveka cudnog imena, ali velikih dostignuca, jedan i jedini aca_coa?! Imas prevod na prijevodi-online.org i uklapa se u Lost S05E05 HDTV XviD-McCain ako je jos uvek niko nije skinuo. :)
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Odlicna epizoda, drago mi je da nisu razvodnili pricu kao kod Prison break. Samo jos da ne smandrljaju kraj, kakav god bio. Bice ovde jos zezanja, kao u onom vicu " ja sam svoj sopstveni deda" :)

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