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Cemu ovo sluzi a uz to i (jos uvek) ne radi?
Kako cemu... zamlacivanju fanova do sledece sezone :P Tripozni psiho-test za "regrutaciju" u Dharmu. Pa ce (valjda) svake nedelje da izbacuju novi... dok ne dosade, ili barem nabace nesto od materijala za nastavak serije.
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Bezveze, taman sam se ponadao da se neko konacno setio da salje ljude na pusto ostrvo pod okriljem istrazivanja neobjasnjivih fenomena. Ovako, propade mi jos sansa da fasujem pescanu plazu umesto emigracije u Finsku koja mi sleduje dogodine. <_<

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Ajde ovo cekanje kad se zna da nisu ni poceli snimanje novih epizoda, ali rispekt za uzdrzavanje od gledanja kada ih imas kod sebe. :o To je pravo iskusenje ^_^
i poklekoh.
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ma isto i ovdje ali moram da se hvalim sa lostpedie

From now until August 23rd is the official read-time as part of the Lostpedia Book Club for "Carrie" by Stephen King.
kakvi manijaci :D Edited by morgana
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ATTENTION ALL RECRUITSRE: CONFIRMATION OF LAUNCH DATE FOR VOLUNTEER TESTINGI am pleased to announce that, following an extensive security audit of all departments within the Dharma Initiative, I am totally satisfied that DharmaWantsYou.com is now secure. As a result I am able to confirm a date for the commencement of our latest volunteer testing program.Visit www.dharmawantsyou.com to confirm the launch date.I have heard from many of you in recent weeks via email asking what will be assessed in the program and what the nature of our latest research is. I have found your enthusiasm and relentless curiosity extremely endearing. However, in the interests of maintaining the integrity of the testing process, I cannot be forthcoming on these enquiries.Despite this, I would like to affirm to you all that I am extremely optimistic about these upcoming evaluations and believe that they will yield recruits of the highest caliber.Good luck to all applicants.Together we can guide the world to a better tomorrow.Namaste,Hans Van EeghenHead of RecruitingThe Dharma Initiative
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ovo je valjda tek blago talasanje fanova, s obzirom da je mnogo ostalo do nove sezone. kasnije nam mozda naprave neku on line igricu.ja gledam drugu sezonu ponovo -_-

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