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ima smisla, sto bi cash reko:Ah, I'd love to wear a rainbow every day,To tell the world that everything's OK,But maby I can carry off a little darkness on my back,'Till things are brighter, I'm the Man In Black.
srsly, tho, nasukao se na istu stijenu i to u istom polozaju kao artist formerly known as djejkobov bezimeni brat. mislim da su to namjerno uradili da bismo uzeli i tu mogucnost u razmatranje. ne mjenja da je kraj idiocki, ali nekako mi je zanimljivije ako je dzek postao MiB.
Ja samo u prolazu, da prenesem pozdrave JJ Abramsa i napišem da se šuška o Aliasu 2.0
na jesen pocinje njegova nova serija undercover. nesto izmedju alias i mr and mrs smith, sudeci po najavama. not interested.
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srsly, tho, nasukao se na istu stijenu i to u istom polozaju kao artist formerly known as djejkobov bezimeni brat. mislim da su to namjerno uradili da bismo uzeli i tu mogucnost u razmatranje. ne mjenja da je kraj idiocki, ali nekako mi je zanimljivije ako je dzek postao MiB.
a kako je ondaK umro i otisao srecan i zadovoljan na onaj svet sa svojim drugarima
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pa, tako sto je umro :Dmislim, i originalni crni je valjda umro, samo sto je on postao malo bezobrazan, sa navikom da ponekad ubija naokolo, sa zeljom da se osveti bratu zato sto je on kriv za sudbinu koja ga je zadesila. to sto je dzek [mozeda] novi MiB ne znachi obavezno da je postao zao. on nije imao razlog da se bilo kome sveti, kao dzejkobov brat. ok, mozda se samo previse trudim da mi se kraj vise svidi, ali ovakav ostrvski kraj mi djeluje zanimljivo. inace, dzejkob je mnogo veci kreten od FLockea.

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Lindelof o kraju, pre post-finalne sutnje:

From all of us who made the show, we really hope that you don’t feel it was a waste of your time. We hope that you spent the entire night not just thinking about the finale on a story level, but that you were emotionally affected by it.There are two feelings that you feel when you watch the ending of a television show. The first is the feeling that you have of just understanding that the show is over and the second is what your response is to actually what’s happening on the screen.What I liked about the Soprano’s finale was that it changed the experience because when Chase cut to black, suddenly that feeling of “the show’s over” was replaced by “is my cable out?” – he kind of changed the conversation about it.For us, we tried to write the last two and a half hours of the show so that those two feelings would feel like they were the same thing. So, you’re feeling of saying goodbye to the show – of the show not being around anymore – was actually literally perfectly paralleling what we were showing you on the screen.If you had an experience anything like that, then it was mission accomplished.If you didn’t, we blew it and I apologize.

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