May 18, 200915 yr Povratak The Bambi MolestersaUzevši si dvogodišnji predah od nastupanja, naši surf-rock prvaci The Bambi Molesters vraćaju su se ove jeseni s novim studijskom albumom, a premijeru novih pjesama možete poslušati u petak, 22. svibnja u zagrebačkoj Močvari u programu desetodnevnog otvaranja.The Bambi Molesters pravu turneju započet će ove jeseni nakon izlaska zasad neimenovanog studijskog albuma, koji se u produkciji Chrisa Eckmana trenutačno snima u u studiju, a dotad će publika tek dvaput imati priliku čuti svježe uratke i to, osim nastupa u ponovno otvorenoj Močvari, na ovogodišnjem jubilarnom 10. Dirty Old Festivalu koji će se održati u srpnju.Bend ove godine slavi i 15 godina djelovanja te će povodom toga, osim novog albuma, objaviti remasterirano izdanje drugog studijskog albuma "Intensity" i to na vinilu.(
May 24, 200915 yr naleteh na veoma zanimljiv intervju s džonom lurijem iz 2006. godine:prvi deodrugi deo
May 24, 200915 yr Dj P - Breakanomics Guest Mix - 17.5.09Tracklist:01 - DJP - Intro02 - The Breakbeat Junkie vs DJP - Old Skool03 - Tom Booze & Agent 86 - Downside Up04 - J-Roc - This is How it Goes Down05 - The Breakbeat Junkie vs DJP - Rock the Place06 - Slynk - You're The Fool07 - Kraak & Smaak - Squeeze Me (A-Skillz Remix)08 - Stevie Wonder - Superstition (J-Roc Remix)09 - Walter Murphy Band vs Soulwax - Fifth of Beethoven (DJP's Drop Beethoven Edit)10 - A-Skillz - Happiness (DJP's Get Happy Edit)11 - Grandmaster Cast - Sunshine Boogie (DJP's 808 Edit)12 - Funk Burners - Whatchyagot?13 - CMC & Silenta - All the People (Remix)14 - DJ Kid Stretch - Pushin' (DJP's Ooh Wee Edit)15 - Funkanomics - Kravitzbuster (DJP's There's Kravitz Edit)16 - Justice - Tthhee Ppaarrttyy (DJP's Rock the Ppaarrttyy Edit)Download link 1Download link
May 30, 200915 yr Nisam mogao da nađem neki topic gde bi ovo moglo da dođe, pa sam otvorio novi. Jutros sam slučajno zakačio ovu vest, nisam ranije znao za čitavu priču.After being found guilty at his second trial for the February 2003 murder of actress Lana Clarkson, legendary producer Phil Spector was sentenced to 19 years to life in prison today by Judge Larry Fidler, the Los Angeles Times reports. The conviction carried a minimum 15 years-to-life sentence, plus an additional four years for criminal use of a firearm. The 69-year-old producer, who sat stone-faced and unblinking as the sentence was read, also won?t be eligible for parole until he?s 88. For Spector, the Clarkson family and the Los Angeles District Attorney Office, the sentencing marked the end of a legal drama that stretched six years and two trials.In addition to the prison sentence, Spector was also ordered to pay the Clarkson family $17,000 to cover Lana?s funeral expenses, with Spector?s lawyer Doron Weinberg handing the check to Donna Clarkson, Lana?s mother. ?All of our plans together are destroyed,? Donna Clarkson said in a statement on behalf of the family. ?Now, I can only visit her at the cemetery.?Spector was also denied a request for a new trial by Judge Fidler, though Weinberg told reporters after the sentencing that his client would once again file an appeal. Spector?s wife Rachelle, who often butted heads with Judge Fidler during the first murder trial, said of her husband after the sentencing, ?Obviously, he?s not very happy. I?m going to stand by him and get him out of that awful place so he can come home where he belongs.?After a hung jury and a mistrial marked the end of Spector?s first murder trial in September 2007, the second trial resulted in Spector being found guilty of second-degree murder in April 2009. Spector was immediately taken into custody as he awaited today?s sentencing. Spector, the mastermind behind the famed ?Wall of Sound? recording technique heard on the Ronettes? ?Be My Baby,? was the producer for such classic albums as the Beatles? Let It Be, John Lennon?s Imagine, George Harrison?s All Things Must Pass and the Ramones? End of the Century, as well as countless chart-topping singles.Spector, who also had a sordid history of threatening lovers and musical colleagues with firearms, took actress Lana Clarkson, who was working as a hostess at L.A.?s House of Blues, back to his home on the night of February 3rd, 2003. Clarkson was killed that night of a gunshot wound to the head, and while Spector supposedly told his chauffeur ?I think I killed somebody? immediately after the shooting, the producer claimed his innocence while pleading not guilty to murder charges. Spector?s defense team argued that Clarkson was depressed about her struggling career and used Spector?s gun to kill herself. However, the prosecution found enough evidence to convince the jury that Spector was guilty of the murder of Clarkson.edit - mada sada vidim da postoji svaštara, pa ako moderacija misli da ovo treba tamo da ide, neka slobodno prebaci. Edited May 30, 200915 yr by kobni zelaya
June 1, 200915 yr Fil je oduvijek bio lud. Producirao je jedan album Leonarda Koena, ne mogu se sjetit sad tacno koji, ja mislimDeath of Ladies man, nema veze,ali Koen prica kako je Fil jos tada mahao sa revolverom po studiju, da nije bilo ni malo prijatno.
June 2, 200915 yr Verovatno je u pitanju kojestarija, ali spominje se 1 Jimi:Roadie claims Hendrix was murdered"Jimi Hendrix was murdered by his manager as part of an insurance scam, according to the rock legend's former roadie."
June 2, 200915 yr Verovatno je u pitanju kojestarija, ali spominje se 1 Jimi:Roadie claims Hendrix was murdered"Jimi Hendrix was murdered by his manager as part of an insurance scam, according to the rock legend's former roadie."o jimijevom ubistvu se govorilo i mnogo ranije. relativno skoro sam uhvatio neki dokumentarac na historyju [što mi i sad deluje malo čudno, ali ok], a odnosi se na pokušaj rasvetljavanja njegove smrti. tu je detaljnije objašnjeno ko, kako, zašto...
June 6, 200915 yr popboks Vesti | 15:00 | 06.06.2009.Čuvari duša i vraćanje uslugeProducentski duo Rich Machin-Ian Glover, poznat kao Soulsavers, će sredinom avgusta objaviti novi album pod nazivom Broken.Kao i na prethodniku It's Not How You Fall, It's the Way You Land (2007), najveći broj pesama će otpevati Mark Lanegan, a ovoga puta najavljeno je i gostovanje Richarda Hawleyja, Mikea Pattona i Gibby Haynesa (Butthole Surfers), objavio je Guardian.Stari saradnici - Bonnie "Prince" Billy i članovi Spiritualzeda - gostovaće i na Brokenu.Will Oldham je na prošlom albumu zajedno sa Laneganom otpevao obradu pesme Through My Sails Neily Younga, a na novom će pevati Laneganovu pesmu Sunrise.Za uzvrat, frontmen Screaming Treesa će na b-strani singla Sunrise obraditi Oldhamovu pesmu You Will Miss Me When I Burn.
June 18, 200915 yr Za ovdasejeg prijetalja progrock freaka potreban mi je kvalitetan mp3 ripoff ploce/CD Indexa "Modra rijeka". Unapred zahvalan velikodusnom donatoru.
June 18, 200915 yr Author Za ovdasejeg prijetalja progrock freaka potreban mi je kvalitetan mp3 ripoff ploce/CD Indexa "Modra rijeka". Unapred zahvalan velikodusnom donatoru. Kljik
June 24, 200915 yr Kao što je Keep it Hid obavezna literatura iz ove godine (a ne kako to mnogi pogrešno misle novi Dilanov album), tako je obavezno i da se pročita ovaj intervju sa Danom Auerbachom, by Garwood Pickjon naravno: Edited June 24, 200915 yr by Ras
June 27, 200915 yr Author Intervju Fool's Paradise with Lux & Ivy koji je posluzio da se napravi sjajnakompilacija od 1-11 do 12. -------> cover arts ----> klik!!!uzivajte.
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