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Dodajem i 1 tekstić o tim flajkama, iako je veći deo članka o problematici pakovanja vina u alu-bottles. Evo ga deo o pivu:

The US beer brewers have proven that aluminium bottles are a perfect marketing tool. Graphic designs with brushed metal effects or pure white and gold create a distinctive visual identity and immediately position the products in the premium segments. Limited editions, special events collectors as well as mass market productions are possible. Presented individually or in prestigious presentation packs the bottles offer fatal attraction. The aluminium bottle chills rapidly and offers a cool and refreshing touch. It is ideal for both on and off premises drinking occasions, in bars and pubs or in outdoor and travel areas. Ultra-light and shatterproof, the aluminium bottle offers total mobility and is one of the few materials to be able to be recycled over and over again in a closed loop process where aluminium cans are turned back into aluminium cans using only 5% of the original energy. The reduced carbon footprint emanating from the adoption of the aluminium packaging format is a major attraction for many consumers and the industry as a whole.
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To za odvratno izgledanje bi ti sad i neko iz 50ih rekao za konzerve piva da mu ih pokažeš...Fuj, kako bre, to ko mašinsko ulje pakuju!

Edited by Oxymoron
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To za odvratno izgledanje bi ti sad i neko iz 50ih rekao za konzerve piva da mu ih pokažeš...Fuj, kako bre, to ko mašinsko ulje pakuju!
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+1a što se tiče boje stakla...zelena, braon, wtf kad se svejedno skladišti u tamnom i hladnom mestu!jelen belo je grozno iz flaše :puke:

Edited by maheem
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Pa prosetaj do fontane lenstino
Ondak bi radje u Merkator novi. ali tamo mi se otvori dizna i odoh u minus .... vrijedni covjece ;)
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Lepo ja velim da je to malo pivo 1 zlo. Od tri i po velika to ti se nikada ne bi desilo.E, da, Pils plus je odlicno pivo.

Edited by Milogled Bluff
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