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A cat which disappeared in Grasse a year and a half ago was finally reunited with its owner after making the incredible journey of over 1,000km to a village in Normandy.

Owner Dan Bouchery, an artist and poet from Beaumont en Auge in Calvados, brought her cat with her when she came to Grasse for a three-month stay in a hotel in February 2013, reports Nice Matin.

However, the cat, which is named Cookie, disappeared on 7th March after Bouchery briefly let him out in the hotel courtyard.

Distraught, she set about trying to find her beloved pet, putting up posters around the local area and even appealing in the classified ads of Nice Matin for people to keep an eye out.

But eventually Bouchery had to return to her home in Normandy, by which time she had resigned herself to never being reunited with Cookie again.

Then, in August 2014 she received a call from a veterinarian in Orbec, 35km from her home. He told her that a local lady had brought a cat in, emaciated and dirty, and thanks to an identity chip, the link to Bouchery was made.

But the reunion was not immediate. The lady who had found Cookie was initially reluctant to return the cat to its rightful owner.

“She wanted to keep him, but the police asked her to return him and finally I got him back on 14th October,” Bouchery said to Nice Matin.

“Like wild geese, I think he was directed by the stars, walking at night and sleeping during the day. He is an extraordinary cat. I am dazzled by and admire what he did,” she said of her cat’s 1,116km journey.

Since being reunited with his owner, Cookie has not strayed quite as far as in his previous escapade, always returning home in the morning from his night-time adventures.


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Cmok, cmok, cmok!

Ja sam tu igračku kupila i nisam skidala etiketu. Kad sam videla da je ignoriše, zamenila sam u prodavnici za posip uz doplatu. Najviše voli da se igra štapićima za uši koje lageruje ispod tepiha.

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ta igracka je oprobana na jedno petnaestak macaka da sad mogu da se setim i nijedna, nijedna nikada nije ni pokusala. a ova mala, te odozgo, te odozdo, pa lovi loptu, pa ubaci jos jednog misa, cirkus potpuni.


inace bi trebalo da zamene imena (ko je gledao galaktiku, razumece zasto :) )


moram jos dve, onda necu opet bar mesec dana, prastajte, ali tri nedelje sam u kuci i ne mrdam, samo s mackama komuniciram.





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Najviše voli da se igra štapićima za uši koje lageruje ispod tepiha.

Imam jednog takvog, poludi kad vidi štapić, samo naši uglavnom završavaju ispod fotelje ili kauča

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kosmata kratkonoga bi trebalo da je sibirska, ali nisam sigurna u to, bilo mi je samo vazno da je uzmem sto pre od "odgajivaca". gde minijaturna, covece, ima pet meseci i skoro isto toliko kila :D


princeza starbak je mesanka maine coon.

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