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spartak je zanimljiv al na potpuno drugaciji nacin, dok se za got slazem.


iskreno, pitao sam jer mi se gleda nesto u tom fazonu, pa sam se nadao da ima neka koja je meni promakla...

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Gledam je u Black Box. Ono sto ona tamo radi je neverovatno, kapa dole za performans. Inace serija je onako, ne odusevljava me, malko mi nadrealno deluje (sto nije lose samo po sebi; vise je sto meni ne prija u tom slucaju).  Da nema nje, bila bi mi dosadnjikava, ovako je pratim uz Crossbones i Halt and catch fire dok ne naleti nesto bolje.

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Vidim najavu za pilot The Leftovers vcrs na HBO. Aj ko prvi overi nek da sud.

Ja odgledala. Malko mi je razvučena i priznajem da sam očekivala više.


Mislila sam da će malo više da naginje SFu, ali izgleda da od toga nema ništa, već ima misterije, kojekakvi kultovi cvetaju u post-leftover svetu, tinejdžeri su razuzdani, jeleni se šetkaju gradom isl.


Mada, serija nije automatski odbojna na prvi pogled kao "Pod kupolom", na koju me, ne znam zašto, asocira , tako da ću sigurno odgledati i drugu.

Edited by Arkadija
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damn, da li je moguce da su idioti obnovili community za jos jednu sezonu a mozda i film?! flogging a dead horse...


inače, ćeran nostalgijom, gledao sinoć Flash pilot. neću više.

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Starz, Bryan Fuller Board Neil Gaiman's 'American Gods'
12:52 PM PDT 7/1/2014 by Lesley Goldberg
The premium cable network has joined the FremantleMedia project with a script-to-series commitment.
The premium cable network and writer/producers Bryan Fuller (Hannibal) and Michael Green (The River, Heroes) have boarded FremantleMedia North America's adaptation of Gaiman's urban fantasy novel American Gods. Starz has handed out a script-to-series commitment to the project, with Fuller and Green attached to serve as showrunners and exec produce alongside Gaiman. FMNA will produce the series, which is based on the 2001 award-winning novel that has been translated into more than 30 languages. The project previously was in development at HBO, which passed on the project.


The drama centers on a war brewing between old and new gods: the traditional gods of biblical and mythological roots from around the world steadily losing believers to an upstart pantheon of gods reflecting society’s modern love of money, technology, media, celebrity and drugs. Its protagonist, Shadow Moon, is an ex-con who becomes bodyguard and traveling partner to Mr. Wednesday, a conman but in reality one of the older gods, on a cross-country mission to gather his forces in preparation to battle the new deities.  
FMNA's Thom Beers, Craig Cegielski and Stefanie Berk will executive produce the series along with Fuller, Green and Gaiman. Starz vp original programming Ken Segna will oversee for the cabler, which will retain all network pay TV and SVOD rights to the project. FremantleMedia will distribute the series worldwide.
American Gods marks the latest scripted venture for FMNA, which landed the project in February. The company is also in production on The Returned.
For Starz, American God would join a roster of original scripted dramas that currently includes Black Sails, Da Vinci's Demons, Power as well as the upcoming series Outlander, Flesh and Bone and The Missing. The cabler also has comedies Blunt Talk and Survivor's Remorse in the works.
"When you create something like American Gods, which attracts fans and obsessives and people who tattoo quotes from it on themselves or each other, and who all, tattooed or not, just care about it deeply, it's really important to pick your team carefully: you don't want to let the fans down, or the people who care and have been casting it online since the dawn of recorded history," Gaiman said. "What I love most about the team who I trust to take it out to the world, is that they are the same kind of fanatics that American Gods has attracted since the start. I haven't actually checked Bryan Fuller or Michael Green for quote tattoos, but I would not be surprised if they have them. The people at Fremantle are the kinds of people who have copies of American Gods in the bottom of their backpacks after going around the world, and who press them on their friends. And the team at Starz have been quite certain that they wanted to give Shadow, Wednesday and Laura a home since they first heard that the book was out there. I can't wait to see what they do to bring the story to the widest possible audience able to cope with it."
Should American Gods move forward, it would become Fuller's second series on the air based on a book, joining the third season of NBC's Hannibal adaptation.  
Nisam neki fan knjige (bila mi je bleh, ok, ali bleh), ali propraticemo. Plus Fuller je tu. 
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Pogledao Last Ship pilot, spektakularno je glupo.

Počelo je jako od samog starta: Prva scena, helikopter leti preko pustinje, pilot traži (i dobija) dozvolu da uđe u egipatski airspace, a onda kaže Mitri "Eno, doktorka, pogledajte desno". Ona pogleda, kad ono... piramide. Jebem vas glupe, otkud piramide na granici Egipta?! Da se dešava u Kini, jel' bi tako isto tražili dozvolu da prelete Kineski zid?

Ruski stormtroopers iz helikoptera ispaljuju tri miliona metaka i jedno dve rakete po minutu, ne uspevaju nikog da pogode. Onda jedan naš™ na sankama opali jednom, i helikopter eksplodira kao Death Star istog trenutka :lol: Ni Commander Shepard ne bi umeo bolje!
Lieutenant Lesbian koja kenja nešto kako su "off the coast of Europe" je verovatno najgora glumica na svetu.
Nuklearna bomba eksplodira, nikom na brodu nije ništa osim što je EMP nekako sjebao sve osigurače... osim jednog rezervnog? Ali onda kažu "We have a cloud of radiation heading our way!" :lol: Oblak zračenja, ej, pa to nema ni u Star Trek... i još je spor kao psi Remzija Boltona. 


Nešto kasnije, "No radiation detected within a hundred-mile radius sir" :isuse: A čime si je to detektovao, nesrećniče, vetrokazom?

Trapavi marinac se zarazio, i iste sekunde upucao u glavu jer ne mogu da rizikuju da ga odvedu nazad na brod radi lečenja... a sledeća scena, sahranjuju ga sa broda, pošto su izgleda odneli njegov leš da bi ga odatle bućnuli u vodu. Leš nije zarazan :isuse:
Sam zaplet je sladak, Rhona Mitra i njen jedan saradnik će u laboratoriji dva sa dva sami da izmiksaju vakcinu protiv pandemije koja je pobila 80% planetarne populacije, two against the world baby! Agatha Heterodyne i Gilgamesh Wulfenbach ne bi umeli bolje!



Goes without saying da moram da gledam dalje.

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Jebote, stiže apokalipsa. Ja sam posle druge epizode Last Shipa odlučio da odustanem jer je baš previše glupo. A opet, Vini oće gleda. Izvrno se svet.

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Čekaj čekaj, nisam stigao drugu da pogledam, ovo su utisci posle prve :jerry:


Realno, ni sada nema nikakve redeeming qualities. Gledaću iz mazohizma, ko zna, možda izdržim da vidim kako paralegal iz Practice i plastični hirurg iz Gray's Anatomy zajedničkim snagama spasavaju svet...

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