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opasno mi se svidja penny dreadful i zbog toga presetajem da gledam nedeljno nego kad se nakupi.... serije su za ljude sa strpljenjem.

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'Justified's' Graham Yost Developing War Drama at WGN America (Exclusive)
8:30 AM PDT 5/27/2014 by Lacey Rose
Andrea Berloff is set to write the script, based on the forthcoming Alex Kershaw novel, "Avenue of Spies," set in Nazi-occupied Paris on the eve of World War II.
Graham Yost has found his next war drama.
The executive producer of both The Americans and Justified is developing a project based on a forthcoming Alex Kershaw novel, Avenue of Spies, for WGN America.
The drama, which is set in Nazi-occupied Paris on the eve of World War II, chronicles the true story of an American-born doctor and his family who fall in with the French Resistance, spying from their home just doors away from the Gestapo headquarters and one of Hitler's most feared SS captains. It is set up at Sony Pictures TV, which acquired the rights to the non-fiction book in a bidding war.
Andrea Berloff, best known for writing Oliver Stone’s 2006 film, World Trade Center, is attached to write and executive produce, while Yost, who likely is thinking about next steps as the sixth and final season of Justified approaches, is on board as an executive producer. The contents of Spies seem almost tailor-made for Yost, whose resume is lined with other layered war dramas including HBO’s The Pacific and Band of Brothers.
The pair will be joined by fellow EPs Judith Venro (Masters of Sex), who has previously partnered with Kershaw, and Television 360’s Meghan Lyvers, Jill McElroy and Ben Forkner. Kershaw, a New York Times bestselling author with a portfolio of nine books, including The Liberator (2012) and World War II narratives The Bedford Boys (2003) and The Longest Winter (2004), will serve as a co-executive producer on the project.
Spies is not Kershaw’s first Hollywood dealing. In fact, Liberator is currently in development at the History Channel as a miniseries, while at least three other Kershaw books, Blood and Champagne (2004), The Few (2006) and Escape from the Deep (2008), have been optioned by studios.
For Television 360, the TV production arm of Management 360, the entry joins a growing slate led by HBO juggernaut Game of Thrones. Developing original content, under the leadership of Lyvers at 360, has been a boon to a growing collection of management companies in recent years. In fact, in-house packages have led to HBO's True Detective (Anonymous Content), and Amy Poehler's management shop 3 Arts is a producer on her star NBC vehicle, Parks and Recreation, along with Fox's Brooklyn Nine-Nine and The Mindy Project. 
If ultimately ordered to series, Spies would join a growing slate of scripted originals, including freshman entry Salem, from Brannon Braga, and forthcoming drama Manhattan, from Masters' Sam Shaw and The West Wing's Tommy Schlamme.
Yost is repped by CAA, while Berloff, who is also writing a new King Arthur tale for Disney, is repped by CAA and Management 360. Kershaw, whose book will be published by Crown next year, is repped by RWSG and Hornfischer Literary Management.



Ovo zvuci interesting. 

Edited by Sludge Factory
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Takođe. Manje je konfuzno nego do sada.


Meni više, zbunilo me ono sa vukovima u zoo vrtu skroz, i dalje mi nije jasno šta se tu koji krasni desilo :unsure: Pošto samo vukodlak u Londonu nedostaje od horor klišea, dajem Hartnettu 2% šanse da se ne pretvori u jednog do kraja sezone.


Takođe, sranje mi je što nisu bolje našminkali Frankenštajnovog Prvorođenog. "Jao, jao, monstruozan sam, svi me se gade..." A u stvari ima diskretni ožiljak preko desne strane lica <_<


Also, tuberkolozna kurva uličarka u odličnoj fizičkoj spremi i savršenih zuba :isuse:


Sve ostalo je odlično :)

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Meni više, zbunilo me ono sa vukovima u zoo vrtu skroz, i dalje mi nije jasno šta se tu koji krasni desilo :unsure:


Ni meni. Zato sam napisao i "manje konfuzno". Pomirio sam se sa tim da će uvek biti nešto meni neshvatljivo, pa eto. :D

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E da, još jedan detalj, izgleda da ono sa prošloepizodne seanse oko Mine nije bilo tačno, nije umrla u detinjstvu na afričkoj ekspediciji sa tatom, nego ipak kao u Drakuli? Šta je onda Eva kanalisala uopšte...? Malo me razočaralo to, ona priča me se više dojmila.


Mogao bi topić da se otvori, da ne gnjavimo ljude ovde...

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Mogao bi topić da se otvori, da ne gnjavimo ljude ovde...


Pa 'ajde. Nisi nikad, a red je. Mogao bi ujedno da bude i za ostale horor serije, kojih nije da nema.

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Da li je moguće da nikad nisam započep topik na ovom forumu? :unsure: Sad mi je frka, skroz sam 13,000-post virgin. Ajde bolje ti.

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Da li je moguće da nikad nisam započep topik na ovom forumu? :unsure: Sad mi je frka, skroz sam 13,000-post virgin. Ajde bolje ti.


Hajde, hajde. Možeš ti to. I lepo ilustruješ nekom fotkicom. Nema šta da ti bude frka, dovoljno si čekao. 

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Sa Minom su nas zavarali, jer se uvek prikazuje kao mala devojcica. Stvarno je red da ova serija ima svoj topic. Ajde, Lrde, vidis da Vini nece ;)


Послато са U8815 користећи Тапаток 2

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Cekam je vec par meseci, ali nije lako uci u cipele Shielda i Southlanda. Smorih se sad jbg, a vidim i na imdb uopste nije neko odusevljenje :(

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