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Kakav crni četvrti serijal The IT Crowd-a??? Postoje 3 sezone.edit: e da, The Big Bang je krš neopevani. Nikad se toliko nisam nesmejao kao u prvih 5 epizoda.

Edited by Filipenko
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E jebi ga, barometri su mi zbunjeni sad. From the producer of Two and a half men mi garantuje krsh, dok mi Filipenkova anti preporuka govori potpuno suprotno. I shta sad? :D

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Nema na čemu. Doduše, kasnije su malo oslabili, ali i dalje ima jako dobrih momenata. Legendarno je kada Džen "donese internet", a videćeš već o čemu se radi :D

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TBB je prilicno los sitkom. Mislim, ulazi Lenard (ili kako vec) u stan - pada na trosed i smeh!! :blink:I serijala se i ne secam najbolje (gledao sam ga kada se i emitovao) i znam da nisam zavrsio serijal.Sad gledam II serijal - bas bledo;

Edited by 8-walker
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Sad odgledah pilot, pa ovo je od-li-čno !!!Tim Roth :heart:Lie To Melarge_lietome.jpg
blago tebi - imas celu sezonu pred sobom :Dja napunio ajpod sa 'uvek je suncano u filadelfiji' - nije lose, ali nije za padanje na teme. mislim da je duzina od 20' odgovarajuca za takvu vrstu humora.samo mi nije jasno, ako je charlie onoliko glup, kako je preziveo do sada? :lol:
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Danas kreće još jedna sy-fy serija izrazito modernističkih tendencija - Warehouse 13. Da li liči na išta, videćemo...warehouse13_exclusiveimage-thumb-550x309.jpgwarehouse13.jpg

After saving the life of the President, two Secret Service agents find themselves abruptly transferred to Warehouse 13 -- a massive, top-secret storage facility in windswept South Dakota which houses every strange artifact, mysterious relic, fantastical object and supernatural souvenir ever collected by the U.S. government. The Warehouse's caretaker Artie (Rubinek) charges Pete (McClintock) and Myka (Kelly) with chasing down reports of supernatural and paranormal activity in search of new objects to cache at the Warehouse, as well as helping him to control the warehouse itself.
Premiered on Network:SciFi in USGenres: Drama / Mystery / Sci-Fi
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Kako sam mogao da propustim da okačim info? Krenula je sedma sezona najboljeg, najneverovatnijeg, najedukativnijeg i najklimaktičnijeg šoua na planeti - Pen & Teller: Bullshit :)Penn-and-teller-bullshit.jpgZa one koji ne znaju, radi se o seriji koja demonstrira da je nešto bullshit, bez obzira da li se radi o nekoj sitnoj temi, ili o krupnim stvarima. Već su emitovane dve epizode sedme sezone, o orgazmu i o astrologiji. Već su najavljene teme kojima će se baviti do kraja, a finale sezone će biti - Vatikan :Hail: Jedva čekam! Totalni kraljevi!

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Kako sam mogao da propustim da okačim info? Krenula je sedma sezona najboljeg, najneverovatnijeg, najedukativnijeg i najklimaktičnijeg šoua na planeti - Pen & Teller: Bullshit :)Penn-and-teller-bullshit.jpgZa one koji ne znaju, radi se o seriji koja demonstrira da je nešto bullshit, bez obzira da li se radi o nekoj sitnoj temi, ili o krupnim stvarima. Već su emitovane dve epizode sedme sezone, o orgazmu i o astrologiji. Već su najavljene teme kojima će se baviti do kraja, a finale sezone će biti - Vatikan :Hail: Jedva čekam! Totalni kraljevi!
Totalni kraljevi, vaistinu. Bravo, Filipenko!Ostale epizode biće:1. Orgasms (June 25, 2009) - In the seventh season premiere, the myth-busting magicians meet with the inventor of a remote-control orgasm machine, take a lesson from a sex coach, and observe a demonstration of how to unleash one's "inner erotic rock star."2. Astrology (July 2, 2009) - Millions of people believe their destinies are determined by the positions of the sun, moon, and planets, so Penn and Teller follow two astrologers as they dole out advice - for a price.3. Violent Video Games (July 9, 2009) - The duo debunks the theory of politicians and other alarmists that playing violent video games leads to teen violence by handing over a real semiautomatic weapon to a nine-year-old video game player to see if he becomes a human killing machine.4. The Apocalypse (July 16, 2009) - Penn and Teller follow investigators to Mexico where they probe the mysterious, doomsday "Mayan Prophecy" that the world will end on exactly December 21, 2012.5. Lie Detectors (July 23, 2009) - Polygraphs are used in thousands of investigations and job screenings, but can a machine really detect whether someone is lying? Penn and Teller meet people whose lives were ruined by faulty lie-detector results.6. Organic Food (July 30, 2009) - Penn and Teller examine the organic food industry to determine if it is, as many claim, more nutritious, and better for the environment.7. Taxes (August 6, 2009) - According to Penn & Teller, the US's tax system is complex and unfair. See what happens when they hit the halls of Congress in search of a legislator willing to talk about taxes.8. Lawns (August 13, 2009) - Penn & Teller take on the lawn industry and visit a neighborhood where growing a certain type of grass is mandatory. They even meet a guy whose brown lawn landed him in jail!9. Stress (August 20, 2009) - Stress used to be a normal part of life but lately, it's a "condition" and curing it has become a major moneymaking industry. Watch as they hunt down various remedies ranging from aromatherapy to needless nutritional supplements to mystical spa treatments.10. The Vatican (August 27, 2009) - In the final episode of the season, Penn & Teller take on the secretive world of The Vatican.
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^^^ sam gledao na OBNu i nije bilo loseNastavio sa gledanjem IT crowd - 2 sezona, prve tri epizode sjajne a onda su malo zastali. Kako god ceka me nastavak

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