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sjajna vest :)ja nisam imao pojma da uopste planiraju drugu sezonu, koliko sam ranije razumeo, prva je trebala biti i poslednja...

Edited by mr@ki
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posle odgledane 3. epizode generation kill, samo da kazem da cu gledati i ako simon & burns rese da snime 50 epizoda o tome kako radi vodokotlic.surovo i savrseno.
:lol: Ali, slazem se.
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posle odgledane 3. epizode generation kill, samo da kazem da cu gledati i ako simon & burns rese da snime 50 epizoda o tome kako radi vodokotlic.surovo i savrseno.
:lol: true that.a onda predji na the corner [ako vec nisi gledala]. po simonovoj knjizi, on je i egzekutivni prodjuser, a rezirao je charles s. dutton. pominjao sam na the wire topicu - pricha o ulicama baltimore-a. dosta glumaca iz wirea.
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www.podnapisi.netAli ne kucaš samo Homicide u pretragu jer tada izbacuje titlove za pojedinačne epizode i ne izbaci ništa preko 3. sezone. Nego klikneš prvo na TV Series subtitles, pa ukucaš Homicide i obavezno štikliraš polje Season pack. Nakon toga ti izbaci pet paketa engleskih titlova, po jedan za prvih pet sezona.Samo treba paziti na to da redosled nije baš isti, kako sam ja shvatio. Naime, izgleda da se redosled epizoda na DVDovima malo razlikuje od redosleda davanja na TVu pa tu i tamo bude neke zabune. Tako da treba gledati po imenu epizode (3x13 The City That Bleeds) pre nego po redosledu po broju (3x13), jer su imena dobra, ali redosled je malo drugačiji.edit: dabome, titlovi za 6. i 7. sezonu su i dalje poželjni. Nisu obavezni, ali me nervira što ih imam za prvih 5 sezona, a za ostatak ne :)

Edited by Filipenko
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a onda predji na the corner [ako vec nisi gledala]. po simonovoj knjizi, on je i egzekutivni prodjuser, a rezirao je charles s. dutton. pominjao sam na the wire topicu - pricha o ulicama baltimore-a. dosta glumaca iz wirea.
e, hvala, svakako potrazim.btw, nikako mi ne idu mad men, sve je nekako previse sporo i oprezno, svaka situacija se elaborira do u detalje. ima inteligentnih dijaloga, ni tema nije neprivlacna, ali serija nikako da mi legne.
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Dear Frederick! Thank you for your nice letter. But I am actually a U.S. Marine who was born to kill, whereas clearly you have mistaken me for some sort of wine-sipping communist dick-suck. And although peace probably appeals to tree-loving bisexuals like you and your parents, I happen to be a death-dealing, blood-crazed warrior who wakes up every day just hoping for the chance to dismember my enemies and defile their civilizations. Peace sucks a hairy asshole, Freddie. War is the motherfucking answer. But thanks for writing anyway. Your pal, Ray.Generation Kill obećava :lol:

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Dear Frederick! Thank you for your nice letter. But I am actually a U.S. Marine who was born to kill, whereas clearly you have mistaken me for some sort of wine-sipping communist dick-suck. And although peace probably appeals to tree-loving bisexuals like you and your parents, I happen to be a death-dealing, blood-crazed warrior who wakes up every day just hoping for the chance to dismember my enemies and defile their civilizations. Peace sucks a hairy asshole, Freddie. War is the motherfucking answer. But thanks for writing anyway. Your pal, Ray.Generation Kill obećava :lol:
Uh, na kraju 6. epizode ide odjavna spica sa razgovorom sa novinarem o njihovom nacinu zajebancije. Objasnjava

- I don't give a fuckwhat you write.It's gonna come out all liberalmedia bullshit spin on it anyway.- Seriously, what am I supposed to dowith all this bullshityou guys constantly talk?- You think I'm some sortof racist psycho redneck?- What, you ain't?- And you ain't some fuckingmilitant taco-bender revolutionary?- See, reporter? No outsidercan understand how we really are.We're all fucking brothers.- And we're all fucking alpha males{, too}.- We{'ve} gotta constantly test each other.- All we do is fight for positionin the pack, dawg.- All that training we do,the martial arts, to grappling...is for practice,but it's also for real,to achieve dominanceover a motherfucker.- We do the same thing mentally.It's prison rules, dawg.We probe for any fucking weaknesswe can find...family, race, brains, looks...anything you have on a motherfucker,you wear it the fuck out.-Being a Marineisn't about words, anyways.It's about your fucking actions.- {Back home }In the civilian world, a fool slaps a"protect the planet" sticker on his car,suddenly he's all aboutthe environment and shit.Don't matter that he {still }drivesthat fucking car,fires up his computer and video gamesand cell phone every nightwith electricity madefrom nuclear power, coal andfucking melted baby seal oil.- "nuh-uh, I got a dolphin stickeron my shit,"so I'm all about savingthe fucking planet. "- In our fucking Marine corps civilizationit don't matterwhat a motherfucker says.Only thing that matters is, dawg,when you chargethat motherfucking machinegunwhen the motherfucker tells youto charge the motherfucking machinegun.Shit, everybody in this platoonis a hard charger.Marines bitch about everything, man...chow, fucking moron officers,no time for a combat jack...- {But }You {will }never hear a Marine in this platoonbitch that we could die at any second.- Hell no.- That's what we signed up for.- Hoorah that, motherfucker.- Fucking care if some latte-sippingbisexual college studentreading about Justin Timberlakein "Rolling Stone"thinks I'm a psycho racist cracker?Fuck no.I'd give my lifefor any brother in here.I know any one of themwould do the same for me.You think it mattersif I call fucking T a nigger?Fucking love that big dark green marineand his big old beautiful nigger dick.Love all my dirty spic brothers here.- And I love this fucking cracker-assinbred racist peckerwood fuck.I don't know why I do, dawg, but I do.- 'cause I'm pretty and I shave my balls.- Want to touch 'em, reporter?- No. Thanks.- Look, man, I joined the Marine corps10 days after I graduated high school.- I went to school with all theserich kids at St. Tammany's parish,but I was an apartment kid.My mom worked. I worked summersdigging footings on the weekends.I was a dishwasherat D'Angelo's pizzeria.I busted my ass.Became a recon Marine since I was 19.My shit is tight as fuck.I know that, my brothersin this platoon know that,so fuck all of you.Damn, war scribe, you just spiton my fucking rack, dawg.- Where?- There.You see that pileof dried camel dung?That's my fucking pillow, dawg.You fucking spit on it, fool.- You're a heinous-asswhite boy.- I'm sorry.

Edited by Hustler
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