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A drama that blends science and spirituality to explore the hidden connections which bind together all of humanity.
Odlično. Kada Touch bude bio drama that blends quality and depth to explore the exposed superbness which binds together modern world of all of humanity, nature and machines, možemo da pričamo... <_<
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Odlično. Kada Touch bude bio drama that blends quality and depth to explore the exposed superbness which binds together modern world of all of humanity, nature and machines, možemo da pričamo... <_<
Ma nemoj. Ovamo hejtaš Galaktiku, a u stvari plačeš za njom. <_<
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Na Fox Life uskoro krece Once Upon A Time. Ne rekose tacan datum, ali uskoro :)
Ko još gleda televiziju zbog serija? :blink: Nego, esi počeo da gledaš Once...? Kako te se dojmi?
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A sta znam, ima cudnih ljudi koji vole na TVu gledat. Elem, gledam OUAT od pocetka, mada sad nisam imao vremena da odgledam ovih par epizoda sto su izasle u januaru. Meni je simpaticna, nikakav spektakl, ali skroz zabavno. Plus, ima dosta neki Lost veza [Apollo chokoladice!]

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Meni je simpaticna, nikakav spektakl, ali skroz zabavno.
Isto takođe. Još mi je pride Kameronova prijatna za oko, a i strašno mi se sviđa izvedba Crvenkape u PG 13 seriji. :D
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Odgledah Touch. Sta znam, previse mi ima jeftinih pojedinosti tu. Koliko je dosadna ta glupost sa demontiranjem bombe u zadnjoj sekundi, hoce li se ikad osloboditi filmovi i serije toga. Ne znam jel iko uopste smatra to uzbudljivim?

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Sa jednog foruma, na temu Touch:

Hi, I'm Martin Bohm. Not Jack Bauer. Heh, I get that a lot. I guess I can see the resemblance, but no. Not him. My name is Martin. I'm meek and totally not at all a badass of any kind. Just a shipping clerk over here. Seriously, not messing with you. Meet my son, Kim. Wait, no, not Kim. NOT Kim. See, he's a boy. And as far as I know, he's never been stalked by a cougar. I don't even know if he even knows what a cougar is. Not that I haven't asked about a thousand fucking times, but he refuses to answer. Yeah, he's a bit of a pain in the ass in that way. If only Kim had been mute, amirite? Anyway, look, I can't stress this enough... NOT JACK BAUER, okay? The kid's the one with the magical powers, not me. There's not gonna be any perimeters, moles, bitchin' ringtones, urgent phone calls to and from the POTUS, and definitely no ass kicking. Plenty of hugs and crying and whatnot, though. Eh? Come on, HUGS! Who doesn't love hugs? Events take place in real... wait, no, scratch that, they totally don't.
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Rani favorit za promašaj godine. :fantom: Jeza me hvata čim zamislim američku verziju Mućki... nije toliko bitna kulturna razlika koliko vremenska. Kakvog smisla ima ona socijala atmosfera i hustler zapleti leta gospodnjeg 2012.?

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