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Hvala, za to nisam cuo. Jel 1. sezona bas toliko negledljiva i jel se mnogo propusta preskakanjem iste, posto to inace ne volim da radim?
Dobra je i prva sezona, ali tek od druge se likovi dovoljno razvijaju i "dobijaju dusu"...
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Hvala, za to nisam cuo. Jel 1. sezona bas toliko negledljiva i jel se mnogo propusta preskakanjem iste, posto to inace ne volim da radim?
Prva sezona je suvi prosek, a neces propustiti gotovo nista. Slobodno kreni od druge.
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Playtone Setting Neil Gaiman's 'American Gods' For HBO SeriesEXCLUSIVE: As HBO prepares to unveil its epic-sized series adaptation of George RR Martin's Game of Thrones this Sunday, the payweb has begun talks to acquire the Neil Gaiman novel American Gods to be developed into another fantasy series. The project was brought to HBO by Playtone partners Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman, and it was brought to them by Robert Richardson. The plan is for Richardson and Gaiman to write the pilot together.Richardson is the renowned cinematographer who just completed Hugo Cabret and whose recent credits include Shutter Island, Inglourious Basterds and Kill Bill. He is a regular collaborator with directors that include Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino and Oliver Stone and has won Oscars for The Aviator and JFK. It is his first significant scripting effort. He'll do it in collaboration with Gaiman, a fanboy god for works like The Sandman, whose script work includes Beowulf. His novels Stardust and Coraline have been turned into films, and Neil Jordan is directing an adaption of Gaiman's The Graveyard Book.American Gods, the 2002 book that won both the Stoker and Hugo Award among other prizes, lays out a battle between two sets of gods. One consists of the traditional gods and mythological creatures who got their power because people throughout history believed in them. They are losing steam as people's beliefs wane and are in danger of being supplanted by a new set of gods who reflect America's preoccupation with technological advancements and obsessions with media, celebrity, technology and drugs. The protagonist is an ex-con who becomes the traveling partner of a conman who turns out to be one of the older gods trying to recruit troops to battle the upstart deities.Playtone just completed its run of the HBO series Big Love, and generated the miniseries The Pacific, John Adams, Band of Brothers and From The Earth To The Moon for the network.
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Awesome sauce. Nadam se da će proći, baš bi bilo zanimljivo da vidimo da li će ostaviti cameo appearances likova iz Sandmana :)Ja kad sam čitao Bogove, protagonistu sam iz nekog razloga svo vreme zamišljao kao Nicolas Cagea :unsure:

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davno mi je palo na pamet da bi mogla biti odlicna serija po toj knjizi. awesome. josh neka amanda palmer radi muziku i bice spektakl :)s obzirom da odavno nisam pomenuo, iskoristicu sad priliku - justified dominira. a i nova epizoda community je dobra.

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Tvoja mama moze da gleda "mladjeg rodjaka" C.I. Barnabyja koji ce nastaviti da uspesno resava neverovatno veliki broj ubistava u tom idilicnom i neverovatno mirnom engleskom selu. :D Sto se mene tice, ovo je kraj...
o, da samo znas koliko gresis. daj mu sansu. kazn barnabi je mnogo dobar. i cinican. mozda mi se cak vise dopada od starog :unsure:
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Zahvaljujći kablovskoj, na jednoj susjednoj televiziji, gledao sam DOBRU ŽENU s Džulijanom Margulis i "Zverkom" iz Keksa i Palanke, Krisom Notom. Vrlo dobra serija. Konačno neki advokati koji nisu za povraćanje.

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Zahvaljujći kablovskoj, na jednoj susjednoj televiziji, gledao sam DOBRU ŽENU s Džulijanom Margulis i "Zverkom" iz Keksa i Palanke, Krisom Notom. Vrlo dobra serija. Konačno neki advokati koji nisu za povraćanje.
Verovatno na HRT-u?Pisao sam vec meni ipak to zanimljivo uprkos opstem misljenju...Ponedeljkom imas S02 epizode mislim da je u 21.00...
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