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jel gledao neko rusku seriju "sasina ekipa", isla je na b92? valja li?
Meni bila dobra, mislim da sam cak i dva puta odgledao sve posto se prikazivala na vise televizija istovremeno.Svakako bolja od PB-ova, FF-ova i ostalih mambo-dzambo koje sam skidao sa interneta. Edited by Feindouno
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Naravno, sastoji se od 30-minutnog pravolinijskog jurišanja više hiljada Japanaca na dobro utvrđenih nezaobilaznih 15 metara položaja naše hrabre čete, koja roštilja iz teških mitraljeza (sve to bez ambicija Japanaca da bace neku bombu ili naprave nekakav covering fire).

Edited by Filipenko
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Naravno, sastoji se od 30-minutnog pravolinijskog jurišanja više hiljada Japanaca na dobro utvrđenih nezaobilaznih 15 metara položaja naše hrabre čete, koja roštilja iz teških mitraljeza (sve to bez ambicija Japanaca da bace neku bombu ili naprave nekakav covering fire).
Pa poginuo je onaj jedan Amer, pogodjen zalutalim metkom u dzungli. I jednom su ogrebali sljem. Ovo, barem za sad, nije ni blizu Band of brothers. Jos samo cekam da onaj sa sumom na srcu dodje i najebe se Japancima mile majke.
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Bliži se polako... :thumbsup:00030065.jpg11.04.2010. godine je premijera "Treme" (HBO). Wikipedia

Treme is an upcoming American drama television series created by David Simon (The Wire, Generation Kill, The Corner) and Eric Overmyer (Homicide: Life on the Street, The Wire). The series takes place three months after Hurricane Katrina where the residents of New Orleans, including musicians, chefs, Mardi Gras Indians and ordinary New Orleanians try to rebuild their lives, their homes and their unique culture in the aftermath of the 2005 hurricane. The series is scheduled to premiere April 11, 2010, on HBO. The first season will consist of 10 episodes, including an 80-minute pilot episode.
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Naravno, sastoji se od 30-minutnog pravolinijskog jurišanja više hiljada Japanaca na dobro utvrđenih nezaobilaznih 15 metara položaja naše hrabre čete, koja roštilja iz teških mitraljeza (sve to bez ambicija Japanaca da bace neku bombu ili naprave nekakav covering fire).
Bio si blizu sa nekoliko hiljada.
Finally, late on October 24 Maruyama's forces reached the U.S. Lunga perimeter. Over two consecutive nights Maruyama's forces conducted numerous, unsuccessful frontal assaults on positions defended by troops of the 1st Battalion, 7th Marines under Lieutenant Colonel Chesty Puller and the 3rd Battalion, 164th Infantry Regiment, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Robert Hall. U.S. Marine and Army rifle, machine gun, mortar, artillery, and direct canister fire from 37 mm anti-tank guns "wrought terrible carnage" on the Japanese.[93] A few small groups of Japanese broke through the American defenses, but were all hunted down and killed over the next several days. More than 1,500 of Maruyama's troops were killed in the attacks while the Americans lost about 60 killed. Over the same two days American aircraft from Henderson Field defended against attacks by Japanese aircraft and ships, destroying 14 aircraft and sinking a light cruiser.
Izvor, u nedostatku boljeg, Wikipedia Epizoda 2 odlična, i dalje BoB rulz.
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odgledao sam sopranose

bas me razocarao kraj, odnosno poslednja epizoda i poslednja scena. wtf?

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otamo http://forum.b92.net/index.php?s=&showtopic=33555&view=findpost&p=1735631+ plus sto ima ta stvarcica da se sve vreme divimo psihpati koji ide kod psihijatra da izbrusi svoj manijakalni skill za ubijanje i okrutnost, a on na kraju prodje nekaznjeno. meni odlican kraj, jer kao sto sam vec rekao, samo daje akcenat na ono sto smo gledali to tada. a krajevi su najcesce jedna bezvezna farsa, tako da je zapravo velicina sto su se uzdrzali od toga, pa su cak iskoristili prostora za zajebanciju (suspens da li ce toni biti roknut u restoranu) i sprdali se sa time. veliki su ljudi pravili soprane

Edited by Hustler
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