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Message added by Valk,

Topik je tribute dragom forumašu Warpu. RIP.

Pravila Pikčnarija su na prvim stranama, ko hoće da se igra a mrzi ga da čita pravila - neka pita najpre redovne učesnike kako bismo izbegli nemile scene (možda i nasilne, ne znam još).


Ko pogodi sliku - u obavezi je da crta zadatak.

Čija slika je pogođena - u obavezi je da pošalje zadatak pogađaču.

Ko je u gužvi i nema vremena duže od 24h da pristupi izradi zadatka - prenosi pravo crtanja nekom dobrovoljcu

Crtanje može rukom, u paintu, digitalnim penom, kako god - samo da je autentičan rad učesnika a ne downloadovana slika s neta npr.



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Pesma je bila megahit 80ih, a često se i dalje čuje po klubovima i radiju. 

Edit: osim te pesme i možda još par u to vreme, nisu nešto značajno ostavili iza sebe. 

Edited by dragance
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Poslednji hint:

On 11 January 1984, BBC Radio 1 disc jockey Mike Read was playing the record on his show when he noticed the front cover design. Read apparently became outraged by the "overtly sexual" nature of both the record sleeve and the printed lyrics, which prompted him to remove the disc from the turntable live on air, branding it "obscene".

Two days later — almost three months after the single's initial release, and just eight days after the group's Top of the Pops appearance — the BBC banned the record from all its TV and radio outlets. It immediately shot to number one in the UK charts and stayed there for five weeks, during which time the BBC could not show the nation's best-selling single on Top of the Pops.

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