Budja Posted February 2 Posted February 2 Udarilo u srce americke soft power, ovde u Juznoj Americi je panika medju primaocima pomoci.
Budja Posted February 2 Posted February 2 Au, procitajte ovaj link intervjua Rubia sa Megan Kelly. Od Rubia, heeej. Quote SECRETARY RUBIO: Well, and that’s the way the world has always worked. The way the world has always worked is that the Chinese will do what’s in the best interests of China, the Russians will do what’s in the best interest of Russia, the Chileans are going to do what’s in the best interest of Chile, and the United States needs to do what’s in the best interest of the United States. Where our interests align, that’s where you have partnerships and alliances; where our differences are not aligned, that is where the job of diplomacy is to prevent conflict while still furthering our national interests and understanding they’re going to further theirs. And that’s been lost. And I think that was lost at the end of the Cold War, because we were the only power in the world, and so we assumed this responsibility of sort of becoming the global government in many cases, trying to solve every problem. And there are terrible things happening in the world. There are. And then there are things that are terrible that impact our national interest directly, and we need to prioritize those again. So it’s not normal for the world to simply have a unipolar power. That was not – that was an anomaly. It was a product of the end of the Cold War, but eventually you were going to reach back to a point where you had a multipolar world, multi-great powers in different parts of the planet. We face that now with China and to some extent Russia, and then you have rogue states like Iran and North Korea you have to deal with. So now more than ever we need to remember that foreign policy should always be about furthering the national interest of the United States and doing so, to the extent possible, avoiding war and armed conflict, which we have seen two times in the last century be very costly. They’re celebrating the 80th anniversary this year of the end of the Second World War. That – I think if you look at the scale and scope of destruction and loss of life that occurred, it would be far worse if we had a global conflict now. It may end life on the planet. And it sounds like hyperbole, but that’s – you have multiple countries now who have the capability to end life on Earth. And so we need to really work hard to avoid armed conflict as much as possible, but never at the expense of our national interest. So that’s the tricky balance. So I think returning us to that, now you can have a framework by which you analyze not just diplomacy but foreign aid and who we would line up with and the return of pragmatism. And that’s not an abandonment of our principles. I’m not a fan or a giddy supporter of some horrifying human rights violator somewhere in the world. By the same token, diplomacy has always required us and foreign policy has always required us to work in the national interest, sometimes in cooperation with people who we wouldn’t invite over for dinner or people who we wouldn’t necessarily ever want to be led by. And so that’s a balance, but it’s the sort of pragmatic and mature balance we have to have in foreign policy. https://www.state.gov/secretary-marco-rubio-with-megyn-kelly-of-the-megyn-kelly-show/
Budja Posted February 2 Posted February 2 Jos ovo od Rubia: Quote Here’s the broader point. And I don’t know the – I’m rounding numbers here. But on USAID, about 11, less than 12 percent – let’s be fair, let’s say 12.5 percent of every dollar – so 12 cents of every dollar ultimately reached the end recipient. That means the rest of the money was going to fund some NGO somewhere, some organization. Maybe there’s a justification for it. But before I stand before a congressional committee or the American people and say we sent a dollar to help this cause but only 12 cents of it really got to the people we’re trying to help; the rest of it went into the hands of an organization – how do we justify that? I can’t justify that. I need to know answers to that. And so these are the kinds of things that we have to go through.
Engineer Posted February 2 Posted February 2 36 minutes ago, Budja said: so 12 cents of every dollar ultimately reached the end recipient Kako inače funkcionišu organizacije i budžeti za takve stvari, to je još i dobar procenat 3
Roger Sanchez Posted February 2 Posted February 2 Nadam se da mali Rubio upravo sada baja iste new age budalaštine i platitudes kojima pokušava sistematizirati Trampovu praznoglavost panamskom predsjedniku, da ga isti brže i lakše pošalje u kurac zajedno sa šefom.
garcia Posted February 2 Posted February 2 kakvi su ovo bezmudi tarifs wars?! gde su nuklearke, gde su kopnene invazije? iskreno sam razočaran. 1
radisa Posted February 2 Posted February 2 Ja sam, iskreno, razočaran što USA nema neku agenciju za zaštitu ustavnog poretka, nad kojom predsednik nema nikakvu nadležnost i što ovi prevaranti što su zajahali USA i uništavaju kakav-takav poredak u svetu, nisu po zatvorima... 2
radisa Posted February 2 Posted February 2 3 minutes ago, 3opge said: neko ce ovde ispusiti zestoko karu i to veoma skoro. Evropa :( 2 1 1
3opge Posted February 2 Posted February 2 11 minutes ago, radisa said: Ja sam, iskreno, razočaran što USA nema neku agenciju za zaštitu ustavnog poretka, nad kojom predsednik nema nikakvu nadležnost i što ovi prevaranti što su zajahali USA i uništavaju kakav-takav poredak u svetu, nisu po zatvorima... naravno da ima, to je SCOTUS, na celu sa onom gorilom koju podmazuju legalno sa svih strana. mora se priznati taj americki izum je genijalan, dozvolis da sudije primaju poklone e da im se ne omakne nesto na stranu onih koji nisu u mogucnosti da poklanjaju.
Anduril Posted February 2 Posted February 2 1 hour ago, Budja said: Udarilo u srce americke soft power, ovde u Juznoj Americi je panika medju primaocima pomoci. Prava moc Amerike je Big Tech. Ako krene po citavom Zapadu kampanja protiv Meta, Amazona, Google i X/Tesle jer direktno podrzavaju ovog majmuna sa kompleksima dominacije, moze veoma brzo da krene naopako. Apple Mikrosoft se za sada drze podalje, ali ovi su sada direktno povezani sa njim i sa svakim sranjem koje napravi. A tek je pocelo. 1
radisa Posted February 2 Posted February 2 1 minute ago, 3opge said: naravno da ima, to je SCOTUS, Nezavisan do mojega...
mlatko Posted February 2 Posted February 2 (edited) 6 minutes ago, Anduril said: Prava moc Amerike je Big Tech. Ako krene po citavom Zapadu kampanja protiv Meta, Amazona, Google i X/Tesle jer direktno podrzavaju ovog majmuna sa kompleksima dominacije, moze veoma brzo da krene naopako. Apple Mikrosoft se za sada drze podalje, ali ovi su sada direktno povezani sa njim i sa svakim sranjem koje napravi. A tek je pocelo. Sad će se dobro pokazati koliko je Internet 1 nezavisna mreža mwwwa da se (ne) ljubimo Edited February 2 by mlatko
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