Tuesday at 12:233 days 3 hours ago, Lezilebovich said:Mozda nema veze sa ovim slucajem, ali dobro je znati da The Atlantic vodi bivsi IDF prison guardBarem je priznao i otkrio zlocine, ako nista drugo.
Tuesday at 13:093 days Tako su smeared i novinarku Carole Cadwalladr sto je otkrila nepocinstva Cambridge Analitica oko Brexita, a slicno ili gore prodju i drugi whistleblowers koji otkriju i izbace informaciju poput ove.
Tuesday at 15:093 days Uh-oh, lider kanadistanskih konzervativaca potencijalno strani agent?Ceo cirkus je izbacio Liberale na 8% prednosti u odnosu na Konzervativce i priblizilo ih vecinskoj vladi a pre inauguracije Trampa delovalo je da ce biti tek treca ako ne i cetvrta partija u parlamentu.https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-security-clearance-india-1.7492527Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre's refusal to get his security clearance is back in the spotlight on the campaign trail following reports the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) learned that India helped organize support for his leadership bid.The Globe and Mail reported Tuesday that CSIS learned that Indian proxies were involved in raising money and organizing within the South Asian community for Poilievre during the leadership race, which he went on to win in 2022.Sources confirmed the story to Radio-Canada. They were not authorized to speak publicly about the classified information.Socijaldemokratski NDP koji je u dosadasnjem mandatu parlamenta podupirao manjinsku vlast Liberala po svemu sudeci bice najveci gubitnik ovih izbora na kojima je glavna tema turbopatriotizam - izgleda da nacionalisticki napaljenim Kanadjanima smeta lider partije koji ima dugacku bradu i nosi turban...https://nationalpost.com/opinion/ndp-says-it-has-momentum-as-it-stares-down-electoral-collapseNDP poll numbers have been in steep collapse ever since Jan. 7, when then prime minister Justin Trudeau announced his plans to resign, setting the stage for his replacement by Mark Carney.Before Trudeau’s resignation, the NDP had spent years hovering between 15 and 20 per cent of the popular vote. This is roughly in line with how they performed in the 2021 federal election, when the NDP captured 17.8 per cent of total ballots cast.But particularly in recent weeks, multiple pollsters have charted the NDP in single digits. A March 17 Angus Reid Institute poll had them at nine per cent, while a March 24 Pallas Data poll had them dropping as low as eight per cent.If these kinds of figures hold out until election day, the NDP could end up facing the near-total annihilation of their caucus, which stood at 24 MPs as of Sunday’s election call.Meanwhile, novi lider Liberala Mark Karni vodi kampanju prakticno kao Konzervativac, obecava smanjenje poreza, reviziju socijalnih davanja i povecanje budzeta za vojsku:https://www.ctvnews.ca/federal-election-2025/article/carney-promising-raises-for-canadian-armed-forces-to-tackle-recruiting-shortfall/HALIFAX — Liberal Leader Mark Carney is promising to modernize the recruitment process for the Canadian Armed Forces and make up for a shortfall of CAF members.He says he will do that by raising salaries an unspecified amount, building more on-base housing and improving health and child care services.Carney says he will accelerate defence spending to get to the two per cent NATO target “by or before” 2030, two years ahead of the schedule set by former prime minister Justin Trudeau, which Carney pledged during his leadership run.
Tuesday at 17:143 days "Michael Waltz has learned a lesson, and he’s a good man," Trump said Tuesday in a phone interview with NBC News. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/trump-stands-national-security-adviser-leaked-military-plans-saying-mi-rcna197944 Sprdanje je masivno:
Tuesday at 18:523 days Trampovci se ničeg ne sećaju, tvrde da ništa tajno nije slato na grupu, nije im poznato da tajne ne smeju da se šalju nezaštićenim uređajima i naravno odbijaju da objave celu prepisku.Ovo stoji u Atlantikovom članku:At 11:44 a.m., the account labeled “Pete Hegseth” posted in Signal a “TEAM UPDATE.” I will not quote from this update, or from certain other subsequent texts. The information contained in them, if they had been read by an adversary of the United States, could conceivably have been used to harm American military and intelligence personnel, particularly in the broader Middle East, Central Command’s area of responsibility. What I will say, in order to illustrate the shocking recklessness of this Signal conversation, is that the Hegseth post contained operational details of forthcoming strikes on Yemen, including information about targets, weapons the U.S. would be deploying, and attack sequencing.The only person to reply to the update from Hegseth was the person identified as the vice president. “I will say a prayer for victory,” Vance wrote. (Two other users subsequently added prayer emoji.)According to the lengthy Hegseth text, the first detonations in Yemen would be felt two hours hence, at 1:45 p.m. eastern time. So I waited in my car in a supermarket parking lot. If this Signal chat was real, I reasoned, Houthi targets would soon be bombed. At about 1:55, I checked X and searched Yemen. Explosions were then being heard across Sanaa, the capital city.https://archive.is/u5txN#selection-933.0-945.66https://x.com/atrupar/status/1904547480215175544If that's the case, please release that whole text stream." Edited Tuesday at 19:053 days by vememah
Tuesday at 20:373 days Drugi aksiom moderne politike - nije problem sta se radi vec ko radi; ako su "njini" onda je smrtni greh za spaliti ih na lomaci, ako su "nasi" onda igrala se deca ko radi taj i gresi. Iliti lose je kad susedno pleme dodje opljacka nam selo, popali nam kuce i siluje nam zene, dobro je kad mi to uradimo njima.Da li je stvarno bilo ko ocekivao drugaciju reakciju Trampa na ovakve gafove njegovih? Ta gomila glupandera dupeuvlakaca i neznalica opsteg smera ce naravno praviti gluposti, ali nece snositi za to nikakve posledice jer su "nasi" i jer ispunjavaju glavni kriterijum - lojalni su Velikom Vodji.
Tuesday at 21:083 days OK danas smo saznali da je lider kanadskih Konzervativaca na tu poziciju poguran od strane Indije, i da ga Liberali optuzuju da vraca uslugu radeci kao agent indijske vlade. Evo sada on optuzuje lidera Liberala da je korumpiran od strane Kineza i da rasi za njihove interese:https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/pierre-poilievre-mark-carney-china-tiesBice ovo jedna predivna predizborna kampanja uz merenje patriotske cune i istragu poturica. What could go wrong?
Wednesday at 09:272 days BBC javlja da su Evropljani zgadjeni da ih u Signal prepisci ucesnici nazivaju "free-loading": https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c204vl27n2qo
Wednesday at 09:392 days Navodno postoji razlog zašto koriste Signal, ne žele nikakve tragove sopstvenih svinjarija u državnoj dokumentaciji koji bi kasnije mogli da budu iskorišćeni protiv njih.
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