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Peter Fan

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Zasto bi Turska uooste htela u blok sa Evropom? Njima je Rusija po mnogocemu bliza...

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3 hours ago, Amos said:

Znajući Erdogana prvo će da traži ulazak Turske u EU. 

OK ljudi Turska je nekako riješena


  • Haha 6
8 minutes ago, radisa said:

Zasto bi Turska uooste htela u blok sa Evropom? Njima je Rusija po mnogocemu bliza...

Pa citaj clanak FT. Turska bez SAD ce biti bez nuklearne zastite.

Na duzi rok je Evropa mnogo vaznije i vece trziste za Tursku. Kratkororocno im treba energija od Rusije, ali, od negde 2030 ce region Evrope/Sev. Afrike imati verovatno i previse jeftine energije ako se sadasnji rast nastavi. Plus, sa mirom u Siriji su alternativni gasovodi samo pitanje vremena.
U vekovnoj su kompeticiji sa Rusijom i u regionu C. Mora i u turkofonoj srednjoj Aziji. Ruske izbeglice i turisti ce ionako dolaziti. 


Jos ce me se optuziti da kronicar Tramparinih "winnig bigly" uspjeha :-)


Novo Nordisk (NVO) is not concerned by the ongoing US trade war and the 25% tariff set to go into effect for pharmaceutical companies next week.

CEO Lars Jørgensen told reporters Thursday, "For Novo Nordisk, I do not worry a lot about tariffs."

He noted the company already has a globalized setup for manufacturing near the markets the products are being sold in, including for active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) — the base ingredients in drug formulas. APIs are largely produced in China, but Novo produces its API only in the US and Denmark, he said


Iz istog clanka:


Lilly recently built out a new manufacturing site in North Carolina, dedicated to producing GLP-1 injectable pens. Novo is also already in North Carolina, with a $2.5 billion API production site, and is building out the next step in the supply chain — a $4.1 billion fill-and-finish factory — nearby.

The process for APIs involves large tanks that continuously produce the ingredients, using yeast fermentation to help grow the biologic products, making it a cost-effective investment, Jørgensen said.

"It's a given that you cannot have small facilities spread around the world, because then you will not get to the same scale. So I'm very comfortable in that setup and being able to supply the US market also from that setup," he said.


'For Novo Nordisk, I do not worry a lot about tariffs:' CEO Lars Jørgensen



Ono sto ponavljano pokusavam reci je da je za velike igrace, bilo kineske ili evropske, nemoguce ingorisati SAD. Jednostavno, preveliki i prebogati su da bi ih se ingorisalo, a bio (ili ostao) velik.


Znaci, ili kiss the ring or else. A "else" nije mnogima nije opcija.



  • +1 1
7 minutes ago, Peter Fan said:

Jos ce me se optuziti da kronicar Tramparinih "winnig bigly" uspjeha :-)


Novo Nordisk (NVO) is not concerned by the ongoing US trade war and the 25% tariff set to go into effect for pharmaceutical companies next week.

CEO Lars Jørgensen told reporters Thursday, "For Novo Nordisk, I do not worry a lot about tariffs."

He noted the company already has a globalized setup for manufacturing near the markets the products are being sold in, including for active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) — the base ingredients in drug formulas. APIs are largely produced in China, but Novo produces its API only in the US and Denmark, he said


Iz istog clanka:


Lilly recently built out a new manufacturing site in North Carolina, dedicated to producing GLP-1 injectable pens. Novo is also already in North Carolina, with a $2.5 billion API production site, and is building out the next step in the supply chain — a $4.1 billion fill-and-finish factory — nearby.

The process for APIs involves large tanks that continuously produce the ingredients, using yeast fermentation to help grow the biologic products, making it a cost-effective investment, Jørgensen said.

"It's a given that you cannot have small facilities spread around the world, because then you will not get to the same scale. So I'm very comfortable in that setup and being able to supply the US market also from that setup," he said.


'For Novo Nordisk, I do not worry a lot about tariffs:' CEO Lars Jørgensen



Ono sto ponavljano pokusavam reci je da je za velike igrace, bilo kineske ili evropske, nemoguce ingorisati SAD. Jednostavno, preveliki i prebogati su da bi ih se ingorisalo, a bio (ili ostao) velik.


Znaci, ili kiss the ring or else. A "else" nije mnogima nije opcija.



To je produkcija. Ono sto je vazno je gde zavrsavaju profiti. 

21 minutes ago, Anduril said:

To je produkcija. Ono sto je vazno je gde zavrsavaju profiti. 

To jeste vazno, ali nije najvaznije. Upravo je mjesto produkcije, odnosno kapacitet da se nesto napravi jedan od ciljeva ove politike. MAGA nije moguca ako ovisi o tome gdje se pravi energija, dzebana, hrana i kljucna tehnologija, a populacija u globalu nema dobar zivotni standard.


Uostalom, kljuc kineskoh uspjeha je bio u tome da dozvole strancima do odnesu profit, ali pod uslovom da se on ostvari u Kinu i da se odradi tehnoloski transfer.


1 hour ago, Peter Fan said:



No, problem za Kineza™ je to sto je Walmart najveci trgovacki lanac na svijetu, i ako je njegov proizvodni kapacitet bio napravljen sa WM-om u planu, Kinez™ nema dobar izbor.

Kupovace Kanadjani po 5 kapa svaki ako treba. Tama da reanimiramo pokojni Zellers kome je Wall-Mart dosao glave.


  • Haha 2

Ipak mosa, ostaju nam tarife:






U.S. President Donald Trump said Thursday he will temporarily waive tariffs on products from Mexico that fall under the North American free trade agreement, two days after launching a continental trade war.


The announcement did not mention Canada, which is also facing sweeping tariffs, despite Trump’s commerce secretary saying earlier that both countries would “likely” see a reprieve. It came shortly after Trump levelled new attacks against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau following a heated exchange Wednesday.


“After speaking with President Claudia Sheinbaum of Mexico, I have agreed that Mexico will not be required to pay Tariffs on anything that falls under the USMCA Agreement,” Trump wrote on Truth Social following a scheduled call between the two leaders.


“This Agreement is until April 2nd. I did this as an accommodation, and out of respect for, President Sheinbaum.”


The post cited the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) that Trump negotiated with the two countries during his first term in 2018, which is referred to as CUSMA in Canada.










Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Thursday that his phone call with U.S. President Donald Trump was "colourful" with moments of tension as the two hashed out how to bring the American-led trade war to an end.


Trudeau said negotiations are underway to secure some form of tariff relief for certain sectors, but warned there's no sign that Trump is willing to drop his levies entirely and it's likely a trade dispute will continue "for the foreseeable future."


2 hours ago, Peter Fan said:

I tu je convicted evil genius (eto da i ja malo oponasam Gojka) Bannon u pravu: ili ce Trump izabrati populizam i zrtvovati bogatase ili ga nece biti.

Kad se već spominjao Varufakis na temi. Navodno je Benon, a ovo sam čuo od Varufakisa lično u nekom podkastu, pročitao njegovu Tehnofeudalizam knjigu i dojmila mu se. Matori nacista baš ima pik na Maska, a izgleda i na ostatak tehno bros ekipe. 

@Venom da ne tražim sada kvot, a i odgovorili su ti drugi. U oba ona članka, Janisov i Politico, se provlači teza da su tarife rizičan potez koji bi mogao da uspe. Daleko od toga da su stvari crno bele. To što je Bajden ostavio tarife koje je Tramp uveo više govori od analitičkih članaka. 

I mislim da je pogrešno potceniti ovu ekipu oko Trampa u smislu da su gomila morona koji ne znaju gde biju. Samo im ne ide im na ruku to što Tramp jeste moron koji uvodi i skida tarife kao da je to igračka. 

6 hours ago, 3opge said:

Trump preparing to sign order to dismantle Education Department


slusao previse Pink Floyd




Predivno. Ovo će da da vetar u leđa majmunu radikalskom Abotu da ukine finansiranje škola od property taxes. Što on pokušava da progura godinama u nazad i što su protiv toga većinski glasali i gop i dems. 


Radi se o Teksasu naravno. 

Posted (edited)

Idemo, next level:




Ontario will charge 25 per cent more for electricity shipped to 1.5 million Americans starting Monday in response to U.S. President Donald Trump's tariffs, Premier Doug Ford said Thursday.


The premier has also threatened to shut off power completely to the three U.S. states by early April if the tariffs remain.


Edited by Radoye
  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, Peter Fan said:

Uostalom, kljuc kineskoh uspjeha je bio u tome da dozvole strancima do odnesu profit, ali pod uslovom da se on ostvari u Kinu i da se odradi tehnoloski transfer.

To su dozvolili mnogi, ali samo su Kinezi uspeli da to iskoriste za sopstveni razvoj i prešišaju sve redom. Ima i USA potencijal za to, videćemo hoće li i uspeti u nameri

  • +1 2
59 minutes ago, bios said:

Predivno. Ovo će da da vetar u leđa majmunu radikalskom Abotu da ukine finansiranje škola od property taxes. Što on pokušava da progura godinama u nazad i što su protiv toga većinski glasali i gop i dems. 


Radi se o Teksasu naravno. 

Isti "movement" je i u Floridi.  


Frontalni napad na javno obrazovanje.

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