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Trump - drugi dio

Peter Fan

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Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston didn’t mince words Wednesday when he blasted U.S. President Donald Trump over his administration imposing 25 per cent tariffs on Canadian goods.

“Donald Trump is a shortsighted man who wields his power just for the sake of having it, not having any consideration for destructive impact of his decision on Canadians and also Americans,” said Houston during a news conference Wednesday.

“Canada did not ask for or initiate this. There is only one person that is driving this and that is President Trump. He and his inner circle of ‘yes’ people have declared war on our country and our province.”


Tim Hjuston je Konzervativac.

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Posted (edited)

President Donald Trump has granted an exemption on auto tariffs on Mexico and Canada for one month, White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt confirmed Wednesday.

“We spoke with the Big Three auto dealers. We are going to give a one-month exemption on any autos coming through USMCA,” Trump said in a statement Leavitt read in a White House briefing. Those dealers included Stellantis, Ford and General Motors, which requested the call, she said.

“Reciprocal tariffs will still go into effect on April 2. But at the request of the companies associated with USMCA, the president is giving them an exemption for one month so they’re not at an economic disadvantage.”

Leavitt said the companies should use that month to work toward the president’s goals.

“He told them they should get on it, start investing, start moving, shift production here to the United States of America, where they will pay no tariff. That’s the ultimate goal,” she added.


Edited by vememah
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Investitorska grupa predvođena kompanijom BlackRock, jednom od najvećih američkih kompanija za upravljanje imovinom, saopštila je da se dogovorila o kupovini dve luke u Panami koje su bile u vlasništvu hongkonške kompanije CK Hutchison, koja je bila u središtu tenzija između Paname i Trampa









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Doug Ford, American TV star? How our premier is beating Donald Trump at his own trade war

Toronto Star je prakticno partijsko glasilo Liberala, najlevlja dnevna novina u Kanadi. Dosla su zadnja vremena, Konzervativci tuku iz svih oruzja po Trampu, liberalni mediji hvale Konzervativca Forda, jos samo da slete vanzemaljci i sve smo videli...





...the CEO of Brown Forman, the manufacturer of Jack Daniel’s, said Wednesday that Canadian provinces removing American booze from its shelves is “worse than a tariff.”


Lawson Whiting said it was a “disproportionate response” to Trump’s tariffs.


"I mean, that's worse than a tariff, because it's literally taking your sales away, (and) completely removing our products from the shelves," said Whiting during a post-earnings call, according to Reuters.


Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, bios said:

Brat Janis je imal tekst vezan za tarife, a ima veze i sa ovim što @Peter Fan piše. Ideja je da će tarifama da se demotivišu zemlje izvoznici u USA da horduju USD i tako povećavaju vrednost istom. 



Ima i prevedeno na Peščaniku 


Naravno, pošto je u pitanju debil Tramp i ekipa debila oko njega to će slavno da propadne. 


Pisalo se o tome i ranije, Janis po običaju to koristi da oštri sekiru protiv centrista™ vođen ličnim pizmama.


Npr. Politico https://www.politico.com/newsletters/morning-money/2025/01/06/why-stephen-miran-thinks-tariffs-can-work-00196532


As the exporting country’s currency weakens, “its real wealth and purchasing power decline,” he adds. “Since the exporters’ citizens became poorer as a result of the currency move, the exporting nation ‘pays for’ or bears the burden of the tax, while the U.S. Treasury collects the revenue.”


However međutim, za sad im ne ide


Euro hits four-month peak; US dollar languishes on tariff-driven fears


edit: ima ovde drugi članak gde autor sam uviđa falinku u rezonovanju


If other countries retaliate, as China, the European Union, Mexico and Canada did in 2018, the tariff is no longer optimal: Both sides lose. “Retaliatory tariffs by other nations can nullify the welfare benefits of tariffs for the U.S.,” Miran acknowledged.



Edited by Venom
1 hour ago, Venom said:


Pisalo se o tome i ranije, Janis po običaju to koristi da oštri sekiru protiv centrista™ vođen ličnim pizmama.


Npr. Politico https://www.politico.com/newsletters/morning-money/2025/01/06/why-stephen-miran-thinks-tariffs-can-work-00196532


As the exporting country’s currency weakens, “its real wealth and purchasing power decline,” he adds. “Since the exporters’ citizens became poorer as a result of the currency move, the exporting nation ‘pays for’ or bears the burden of the tax, while the U.S. Treasury collects the revenue.”


However međutim, za sad im ne ide


Euro hits four-month peak; US dollar languishes on tariff-driven fears


edit: ima ovde drugi članak gde autor sam uviđa falinku u rezonovanju


If other countries retaliate, as China, the European Union, Mexico and Canada did in 2018, the tariff is no longer optimal: Both sides lose. “Retaliatory tariffs by other nations can nullify the welfare benefits of tariffs for the U.S.,” Miran acknowledged.



MIran je neiskren je ne zali reci da je cilj ovoga slabiji dolar. Docim je to Trump zapravo puno puta otvoreno rekao.


Ne moze doci do trgovinskog balansa sa jakim dolarom.

2 minutes ago, Peter Fan said:

MIran je neiskren je ne zali reci da je cilj ovoga slabiji dolar.

"cilj" je pogresno odabrana rijec. Nuspojava bi bilo tacnije.


Ma, naravno.


No, ja ipak mislim da je rec o ideji tariff-jumping FDI (izvo: o1):



1 hour ago, Budja said:

Ma, naravno.


No, ja ipak mislim da je rec o ideji tariff-jumping FDI (izvo: o1):



Da, s time sto su SAD ipak tu imaju kompartivne prednosti koje sam vec pominjao: bogato  i razvijeno drustvo, najeftnija energija, rastuca populacija, itd.

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11 hours ago, Peter Fan said:

Odgovoricu u nadi da ovo nije nesto na moj bosanski racun, posto nisam primjetio da to koristis u komunikaciji sa drugima na forumu.


Trgovacki disbalans je stvar koju su obje politicke partije odavno pokusavale da rijese, a oko samih carina postoji dosta sirok konzensus (ukljucujici i dobar dio poslovnog svijeta Jamie Dimon on tariffs: ‘Get over it’ | CNN Business).


Konkretno, originalne Trumpove carine (na kineski uvoz) iz 2018 je Biden ne samo ostavio, vec ih je i produbio, kao sto sam vec o tome pisao:




To naravno ne znaci da je u redu ovako bezobrazno nastupati prema CAN i MX. Ali carine zlouptrebljavaju svi, ukjucujuci i vec spominjane, te EU, Japan i J. Koreju. 

Nema veze s tobom, tako ja pričam, da sam hteo da imitiram ono kako ja shvatam bosanski (recimo Josip Pejaković "Oj živote" tipa) napisao bih "'Mer'ka" a ne "Am'r'ka". 


Debeli guverner Pricker ima veze sa tobom, kao i čestiti srpski (pridev nije zbog tebe, nadam se da ti je jasno zašto ga tako zovem) grad Šikagou u kome Tribun piše o nadolazećem zagađenju skoro svake nedelje. Subvencije poljoprivrednicima kao pomoć usled smanjenja prihoda usled kontratarifa imaju veze sa čitavim Midwest-om, velikom većinom su išle glasačima riđokosog mizoginog rasističkog narcisoidnog lažljivog lopovskog govedatm. A i sada će države koje uvode kontratarife da gađaju upravo njegove glasače. Trgovački disbalans nije nešto što političke partije treba da rešavaju, kada dođe do toga da se rešava tarifama obično bude igračka plačka (kao u slučaju GWBa pred reizbor 2004.), u najboljem slučaju se tiho povuku kao gomila tarifa koje je Kina uvela Australiji u vreme pandemije. 


Uopšte, bilo kakav tretman poteza nove administracije riđokosog mizoginog rasističkog narcisoidnog lažljivog lopovskog govedatm kao da se u njemu krije neki dotad nepoznati biser ekonomije koji će da pomogne radnicima je nešto meni potpuno nerazumljivo.



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