Radoye Posted Saturday at 22:16 Posted Saturday at 22:16 Ne vode oni drzavu kao biznis, u biznis se (teoretski - ako si iole kompetentan i ako nisi prevarant) ulaze i gleda se da se uzdigne i odrzava a ne samo na brzinu iscedi i likvidira. Ovi drzavu tretiraju kao najobicniji resurs, recimo rudnik, i to lociran negde u nekoj trecesvetskoj pizdimaterini par kontinenata udaljenoj gde ih nije briga za lokalno stanovnistvo ni za stetu koju ce usput da naprave. 5
bios Posted Saturday at 22:26 Posted Saturday at 22:26 Žulja ga ružičasti deo neviđeno. Samo trošak, ne može da se okoristi nekim kontraktom, nema trgovine uticajem. To ukine i eto ga na obećanih, koliko beše, 2.5 trillions. Ja ne znam da li je ovakav konflikt interesa postojao ikad, igde.
bags Posted yesterday at 07:58 Posted yesterday at 07:58 Ovo za UN nije nikakva tajna. U Becu je spremno oko 1000 ljudi UNODC za otkaz tj receno im je da svakog 1 u mesecu moguce da nece biti produzeno. Najvise ovih za kontrolu lekova i droga, pranje novca ali i gomila manjih stvari kao recimo software za zatvore koj se koristi sirom Afrike. OSCE je u petak srezan za trecinu.
Engineer Posted yesterday at 10:00 Posted yesterday at 10:00 Borba protiv ilegalnih migranata daje rezultate German tourist held indefinitely in San Diego area immigrant detention facility Vladavina prava i efikasno trošenje novca građana se podrazumevaju Quote They found that of the 447 migrants detained in all four stations, 42% of them exceeded the 72-hour standard, with some being there for more than 20 days. The average cost of detaining a noncitizen adult is $164 per day, according to an ICE memo. Based on that average, a month of detention costs taxpayers $4,900.
Gojko & Stojko Posted 13 hours ago Posted 13 hours ago Šta danas kaže štampa u čestitom srpskom gradu Šikagou, riđokoso mizogino rasističko homofobično narcisoidno lažljivo lopovsko govedotm (uz pomoć rasističkog i mizoginog unukatm (čiji se omiljeni deda iz Am'r'ke svojevremeno iselio u Južnu Afriku kad je uvela aparthejd)) nastavlja punom parom da Am'r'ku ponovo napravi vel'kom i nenadjebivom, - ko to tamo u Ilinoji da stane na put soji: Illinois hit by President Donald Trump’s cancellation of foreign aid contracts SaE
Gojko & Stojko Posted 12 hours ago Posted 12 hours ago Riđokoso mizogino rasističko homofobično narcisoidno lažljivo lopovsko govedotm je potpisao uredbu kojom je vaspostavio engleski kao zvanični jezik Sjedinjenih Država (prevedeno na srpski: одбранио ћирилицу). Punom parom nastavlja da Am'r'ku ponovo napravi vel'kom i nenadjebivom, šta sad tu taj Klinton i njegove pare za pomoć ljudima koji ne govore engleski. “Establishing English as the official language will not only streamline communication but also reinforce shared national values, and create a more cohesive and efficient society,” according to the order. “In welcoming new Americans, a policy of encouraging the learning and adoption of our national language will make the United States a shared home and empower new citizens to achieve the American dream,” the order also states. “Speaking English not only opens doors economically, but it helps newcomers engage in their communities, participate in national traditions, and give back to our society.” Share & Enjoy
Radoye Posted 11 hours ago Posted 11 hours ago Ovde u Kanadistanu federalni Konzervativci udarili u medijsku ofanzivu, optuzuju Liberale da su izdali interese Kanade i da su se prodali Trampu i Amerikancima koji zele da nas uniste. Znaci potpuni zaokret u odnosu na pre Trampove inauguracije kad su svirali u "nas i Trampa 200 miliona" tikvu, potpuno saltovanje na recept kojim je Dag Ford uzeo reizbor u Ontariju vodeci kampanju na platformi nacionalizma i antiamerikanizma. S tim sto je Ford pozivao na jedinstvo svih nivoa vlasti bez obzira na ideoloske razlike dok Polivje poceo da deli na patriJote i izdajnike. Ne znam kako ce mu ovo proci u Alberti gde mu je ustvari glavna baza ali gde je i najmanje raspolozenje za turbo nacionalizam i anti-Trampizam i gde tamosnji politicari pozivaju na uzdrzanost i diplomaticnost. Tamo svakako mrze Trudoa i Liberale, nema neke velike potrebe da ih dodatno satanizuju.
mraki Posted 10 hours ago Posted 10 hours ago (edited) Quote U.S. President Donald Trump on social media announced the names of five digital assets he expects to include in a new U.S. strategic reserve of cryptocurrencies on Sunday, spiking the market value of each. Edited 10 hours ago by mraki 2
vememah Posted 10 hours ago Posted 10 hours ago https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/114096104536926329 4
vememah Posted 10 hours ago Posted 10 hours ago (edited) Quote Amid Trump crackdown, illegal border crossings plunge to levels not seen in decades Washington, D.C. — The number of migrants crossing the U.S. southern border illegally in President Trump's first full month in office plunged to a level not seen in at least 25 years, according to preliminary government data obtained by CBS News. Last month, Border Patrol recorded about 8,450 apprehensions of migrants who crossed into the country unlawfully between official entry points along the U.S.-Mexico border, the statistics show. On some days during a record spike in illegal crossings under the Biden administration, Border Patrol recorded more than 8,000 apprehensions in a single day. February's total, which could be adjusted when the government officially publishes the statistics, would be the lowest monthly apprehensions tally recorded by Border Patrol since at least fiscal year 2000, the last period with public monthly data. The final tallies usually don't deviate much from the preliminary figures. Over the past 25 years, the only time monthly apprehensions came close to the level recorded in February was in April 2017, when Border Patrol apprehended 11,000 migrants at the southwest border, agency data show. While monthly data before fiscal year 2000 is not publicly available, the last time Border Patrol averaged roughly 8,000 apprehensions per month over a year was in fiscal year 1968, according to historical statistics. Illegal crossings along the U.S. southern border have been trending downward over the past year, including under the Biden administration, after spiking to an all-time high in late 2023. They first dropped in early 2024 after Mexican officials expanded efforts to stop migrants from reaching the U.S. border and then fell further in the summer following former President Biden's move to sharply restrict access to the asylum system. But the reduction in illegal immigration has been precipitous since Mr. Trump's inauguration. In January, Border Patrol agents at the Mexican border recorded 29,000 apprehensions, down 38% from 47,000 in December. The drop from January to February was even more pronounced, amounting to a roughly 70% decrease. Trump administration officials have credited their sweeping, government-wide immigration crackdown for the dramatic decrease in unlawful crossings. At the U.S.-Mexico border, the Trump administration has empowered federal officials to swiftly deport migrants without hearing their asylum claims, under the premise that the country is facing an "invasion." U.S. law says migrants on American soil generally have the right to claim asylum to delay or halt their deportation. Trump administration officials have argued the system has been systematically abused by smugglers and economic migrants, who don't qualify for asylum. Mr. Trump has also directed the American military to help with immigration enforcement, deploying thousands of additional troops to the southern border and tasking military planes with deporting migrants. While Biden also moved to curtail asylum during his last year in office, Mr. Trump's unprecedented actions are far more restrictive. Unlike the Biden administration, for example, the Trump administration is not processing, in any significant capacity, asylum-seekers at official border entry points. In fact, a Biden-era system that facilitated that processing through a government app was quickly terminated. The Trump administration is also considering adding another layer to its restrictions at the border, making plans to invoke a public health law known as Title 42 to summarily expel migrants on the grounds that they could spread diseases like tuberculosis. Whether migrant flows continue dropping, plateau or increase in the coming weeks and months remains unclear. Historically, migrant arrivals at the southern border have increased in the springtime. While its border strategy has yielded quick results, the Trump administration's efforts in the U.S. interior, where the president has promised to conduct the largest deportation operation in American history, have encountered significant obstacles. Top Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have been reassigned in recent weeks amid frustrations that the agency is not carrying out sufficient arrests and deportations. ICE's detention capacity has also been stretched thin. As of Friday, ICE detention centers were at 117% capacity, with the agency detaining more than 45,000 migrants, 20,000 of whom were first apprehended at the southern border, according to internal government data. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/illegal-crossings-plunge-to-levels-not-seen-in-decades-amid-trump-crackdown/ Edited 10 hours ago by vememah
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