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1 minute ago, Arigato said:

Morent je izveo najveće zakucavanje ikada


Morantov karijerni trejdmark je ona blokadetina sa dve ruke na 3.60 visine.


NBA commissioner Adam Silver vows to fix 3-point shooting issue: 'We are on it'


NBA commissioner Adam Silver appeared on Wednesday's edition of "The Herd," explaining the league's position on potentially moving the 3-point line.

"I recognize that to the extent that offenses start to look very similar, we lose [distinct team identities]," Silver told host Colin Cowherd. "At the same time, the league is going through a transformation. Players like Victor Wembanyama, players like [Nikola] Jokic are doing things big men never did historically. It wasn't that long ago that the conversations you had with [former commissioner] David Stern, we would bemoan the lack of skill among some players, that there was a sense there was too much physicality around the game.

"I don't want to sort of knee-jerk move the 3-point line. We're sort of going through a process now, seeing how these players are adapting to the new rules and figuring out whatever changes we should make."

7 hours ago, Amos said:

Gordon se opet povredio?

Rekoše sinoć injury management, šta god to značilo. 

  • Hvala 1

Pa poštedeli su ga druge večeri b2b jer izlazi iz povrede


Osetili Nagetsi da bi moglo biti tvrdo protiv uvek augodnih Roketsa pa kao ajde da odmaramo Jokica i Gordona i imamo opravdanje za poraz a onda se vracaju protiv raspalog Majamija. Iskusno :fantom:


Veceras opet derbi Oklahoma - Klivlend, moglo bi se i gledati. 


Ok, to je mnogo bolje nego da je obnovio povredu. Obe utakmice od povratka je igrao 18 minuta. 

12 hours ago, *edited by mod said:

Jović baš dobar u 4/4 ali LJ ne dopušta.

Bio je dobar ceo mec ali dzaba kada ih je ona bitanga urnisla, glumila je heroja. Neverovatno koliko su severno americki igraci nedisciplinovani i siledzijski nastrojeni, njih 90% u ligi.

1 minute ago, Zli Gli said:

Osetili Nagetsi da bi moglo biti tvrdo protiv uvek augodnih Roketsa pa kao ajde da odmaramo Jokica i Gordona i imamo opravdanje za poraz a onda se vracaju protiv raspalog Majamija. Iskusno :fantom:


Veceras opet derbi Oklahoma - Klivlend, moglo bi se i gledati. 

Mislis osetio debeli" tvrdi" pa preskocio utakmicu:fantom:

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Peter Fan said:

NBA commissioner Adam Silver vows to fix 3-point shooting issue: 'We are on it'


NBA commissioner Adam Silver appeared on Wednesday's edition of "The Herd," explaining the league's position on potentially moving the 3-point line.

"I recognize that to the extent that offenses start to look very similar, we lose [distinct team identities]," Silver told host Colin Cowherd. "At the same time, the league is going through a transformation. Players like Victor Wembanyama, players like [Nikola] Jokic are doing things big men never did historically. It wasn't that long ago that the conversations you had with [former commissioner] David Stern, we would bemoan the lack of skill among some players, that there was a sense there was too much physicality around the game.

"I don't want to sort of knee-jerk move the 3-point line. We're sort of going through a process now, seeing how these players are adapting to the new rules and figuring out whatever changes we should make."

A sta ce da uradi, da zabrani igracima da sutiraju za tri poena ili da ukine trojke:fantom: Inace ljubitelji kosarke zude za onim krljanjem sa pocetka 2000- ih i rukometnim rezultatima. Dajte nam 200 Ben Wallaca, koji ne mogu da pogode obruc sa linije slobodnog bacanja:fantom:

Edited by Micko8
3 minutes ago, Micko8 said:

A sta ce da uradi, da zabrani igracima da sutiraju za tri poena ili da ukine trojke:fantom: Inace ljubitelji kosarke zude za onim krljanjem sa pocetka 2000- ih i rukometnim rezultatima. Dajte nam 200 Ben Wallaca, koji ne mogu da pogode obruc sa linije slobodnog bacanja:fantom:

mogu da "isprave" liniju za 3 tako da nestanu one 3 iz ugla i da ovi sto "coskare" pridju blize reketu. A mogli bi da ukinu "landing zone" pravilo i da se lakse brane sutevi za 3.

  • +1 2
9 minutes ago, Peter Fan said:

mogu da "isprave" liniju za 3 tako da nestanu one 3 iz ugla i da ovi sto "coskare" pridju blize reketu. A mogli bi da ukinu "landing zone" pravilo i da se lakse brane sutevi za 3.

Ne znam baš za ukidanje landing zone, ali neka modifikacija bi mogla da se uradi. 

Neko veče gledam utakmicu Denvera i sudije gledaju snimak kod faula na, čini mi se Watsonu prilikom kucanja. Odbrambeni igrač je prvo jedva zakačio loptu, da bi ga zatim odalamio po ruci. Na osnovu toga što je prvo bio kontakt po lopti su poništili faul. 

U istoj utakmici nako toga, dakle iste sudije, gledaju snimak faula Brauna kod šuta za 3 i menjaju običan faul u nesportski jer je kontakt u doskoku navodno bio reckless.  Budalaština sve u svemu. 

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Arena prenosi OKC-Cle...sta je to najbolje sto NBA trenutno ima da ponudi...rematch

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