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USA izbori 2024 - prognoze & play by play

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Trump Rages... 🍿



And this week, FWIW publisher Kyle Tharp highlighted the fact that year-to-date the Biden and Harris campaigns have outspent Trump on digital, $142.7 million to $25.7 million, on Facebook/Instagram and Google/Youtube ads.


Top posts: Kamala Harris
According to social analytics platform Zelf, there were 32,900 posts mentioning Harris on TikTok last week, receiving a collective 434.2 million views.

24% of the top-performing TikTok posts last week mentioning Harris were negative and 74% were positive.

Top posts: Donald Trump
According to social analytics platform Zelf, there were 41,600 posts mentioning Trump on TikTok last week, receiving a collective 703.9 million views.

63% of the top-performing TikTok posts last week mentioning Trump were negative and 36% were positive.


Da li kamala deli moždane gliste sa RFK Juniorom



Ono što je, nadam se, citat, opisuje nešto mrrrvicu manje umobolno



include someone "who was a Republican" in her presidential cabinet


3 hours ago, Indy said:

Da li kamala deli moždane gliste sa RFK Juniorom



Nije to bez presedana i zavisno od doticne osobe nije losa ideja.. Robert Gates je bio ministar odbrane kod W i Obama ga je zadrzao u kabinetu. 

Ako je neko sumnjao:


Donors Quietly Push Harris to Drop Tax on Ultrawealthy

Vice President Kamala Harris’s fund-raising has benefited from a surge of interest from Silicon Valley and Wall Street.



In her speech at the Democratic National Convention last week, Vice President Harris said she would create an “opportunity economy” and provide support to entrepreneurs and “founders.”


Aug. 29, 2024Updated 7:24 p.m. ET


Donors to Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign are pushing her to reconsider supporting a proposed tax on the wealthiest Americans, as some Wall Street and Silicon Valley executives try to reshape the Democratic nominee’s governing agenda.

Ms. Harris’s campaign last week said she supported the tax increases included in President Biden’s latest White House budget proposal. One of those plans would require Americans worth at least $100 million to pay taxes on investment gains even if they have not sold the stocks, bonds or other assets that have appreciated.

Under the plan, those Americans would owe a 25 percent tax on a combination of their regular income, like wages, and so-called unrealized gains. The so-called billionaire minimum income tax could create hefty tax bills for wealthy individuals who derive much of their wealth from the stocks and other assets they own.

The proposal has hit a nerve with some of the donors who have flocked to supporting Ms. Harris after Mr. Biden dropped out of the presidential race, according to seven people familiar with the conversations.

Some have directed their complaints to the campaign’s advisers and top allies in the business community who are perceived to be in her inner circle. At least one top donor close to Ms. Harris has raised the issue with her in a private conversation, encouraging her to instead tax the ability of the ultrawealthy to borrow against their wealth.

Allies and staff of Ms. Harris have defended the plan to business leaders in private conversations, explaining that the tax would apply to only a small slice of wealthy Americans and could be delayed for investments that are not easily sold, according to the people familiar with the conversations.

Still, some donors close to Ms. Harris do not believe she is that committed to the idea. “In my interactions with them, the key is she focuses on her values and is not an ideologue about any particular program,” Mark Cuban, a billionaire and the former principal owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team, said in an interview. “From what I’ve been told, everything is on the table, nothing’s been decided yet.”


A ima i "car je go" momenat:


Joy’ Is a Euphemism for a Word No One Wants to Say Out Loud



And I don’t mean only the joy among Black people. I mean the instant and torrential elation across the Democratic board — memes, thumbs up from celebrities, “White Women for Kamala” and such. Before she had even laid out a program of any kind. Beyond a few sound bites, she still has barely spoken to the public without a teleprompter.


I’m hopeful about what she will show us, but let’s face it, nothing about Harris just now justifies her being treated as some kind of once-in-a-generation phenom or savior. This is not about substance, but optics. Harris is being received on the basis of a category she fits into rather than who she is as an individual. The thing sweeping so many people up is the idea that her being Black — and a Black woman at that — would in some resonant way shape her presidency. That it would be somehow significant that the president “looks like America.” That Harris’ Blackness would be a meaningful part of “not going back.”


2 hours ago, Peter Fan said:

Nije to bez presedana i zavisno od doticne osobe nije losa ideja.. Robert Gates je bio ministar odbrane kod W i Obama ga je zadrzao u kabinetu. 

Ma, kud ćeš bolje od dabjinog ministra odbrane (of all things) 👌Uostalom. bombardovanje tamnoputih ljudi je centralni projekt imperije.

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6 hours ago, Indy said:

Da li kamala deli moždane gliste sa RFK Juniorom



U čemu je problem, Indy ?  


Prvo, to će biti republikanac koji hoće da radi sa njom, sigurno ne neki MAGA hardkor manijak. Pada mi Kinzinger na pamet, govorio je i na njenom DNC. 

Drugo, s obzirom na raspolućeno stanje u Americi, mozda i nije loše da se pruži ruka drugoj strani i polako vrati u normalnije stanje od ivice gradjanskog rata…


Fuck this forum, really.... buržujska žabokrečina, all the way.

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E nek si nam reko, revolucionaru…

odlican intervju za cnn, kamala rocks..


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5 hours ago, Indy said:

Fuck this forum, really.... buržujska žabokrečina, all the way.

Da je barem bruzujska, vec je jos gore: srednjo-klasna.


A srednja klasa, to nas je Marx , te iskustvo Oktobarske revolucie naucilo - je prvi i najveci neprijatelj revoulucionara na njihovom putu da ostvare svjetsku revoluciju. Tako da da - evo ja omogucujem opstanak kapitalizma.


Docim Kamala uzela $1/4B od najvechih kapitalista danasnje Amerike (nadji na topiku napracio sam detaljno procesljavanja finansijskog bilansa kampanje) koji je sad pritiscu da povuce i onako blag stav o oporezovanju super bogatih (bukvalno link na postu iznad) i sad je najveci problem "burzujska zaborecima" i razmatranje postavljanje nekog umjernog republikanca u kabinet.




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